The World's Largest and Toughest Fantasy FootBall League
A 480 team Pro-Am that includes over 360 experts from various fantasy footBall sites

I am a Fan! How can I play?

First thing first, signup!

Then comes the rough part. We always have WAY more fans sign up than we can bring into the fray. Sometime in May I send an email to all the "Fans" that have signed up. You must reply to that email confirming your interest in playing. In June I send a 2nd confirmation that you must reply to as well.

These 2 confirmation emails help weed out the people that aren't as committed.

After this I will assign the 120 fan spots based on an intricate lottery involving timestamp and randomness and send you an invite to the league site. You must log in to the league site within a week. If you do not, I will go to the next person on the list.

Make sure you check your spam folder every so often in May and June to make sure you don't miss my email!












Created by Scott Fish