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Live Drafts

Denver Live Draft Event
Improper City
3201 Walnut St, Denver, CO 80205
7/6/24 11:00am MT

Each live draft event has registration for the event. With that registration and ticket purchase comes a goodie bag with a tshirt and other various items. Each event may also have different options of things you can select on that registration page. The link for registering will show on your account page once available and you may also be emailed it.

Based on demand, divisions may be added or removedfrom a live event. There is also a small chance of a name change on a division. If a division is removed, the people in that division will get placed into one of the other divisions if room.

Draft Slot is not guaranteed! Some live events will leave people in the draft slot they select. Some may do something fun to determine draft position.
You will be able to claim a team once invited.


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