Bubble Teams

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There are 698 who can clinch the playoffs on Record next week!
Rank Team W L PF AVG PA
1 Steve Johnson (@StevieJ604)
11 11 2188.68 198.97 2007.78
2 Kevin Gill (@K_Gill11)
Indiana Jones
12 10 2175.00 197.73 1963.73
3 Colin Ake (@colinake)
Star Lord
12 10 2156.51 196.05 2064.06
4 Advance Local Media - Howard Kamen (@HowardKamen)
Swedish Chef
12 10 2146.73 195.16 2040.61
5 The Fantasy Football Universe - Jeremy Shulman (@ff_rebel)
Globo Gym Cobras
12 10 2137.64 194.33 2063.15
6 Ryan Swenson (@raswenson on Bluesky)
Riggs & Murtaugh
12 10 2130.11 193.65 2002.43
7 Tim Howd (@thowd223)
11 11 2127.20 193.38 2171.29
8 Matthew Robertson (@_bam_19)
James Dalton
12 10 2126.09 193.28 2110.68
9 Scott Frankel (@scottfrankel13)
Snake Plissken
12 10 2124.56 193.14 1974.37
10 Stephen Sear (@stephen0128)
12 10 2118.97 192.63 2088.70
11 Jessie Link (@Mad_typist)
Leia Organa
12 10 2116.88 192.44 2047.99
12 Christopher Meader (@PeeRiver17)
12 10 2116.72 192.43 2055.21
13 Fantasy Life - Nando DiFino (@nandodifino)
Cheshire Cat
12 10 2114.37 192.22 2012.34
14 David Strack (@TheDraughtKing)
Elwood Blues
12 10 2111.46 191.95 2029.16
15 Footballguys - Daniel Harms (@InHarmsWay19)
12 10 2111.33 191.94 2090.24
16 Steven Leandres (@sleandres)
Mrs. Doubtfire
11 11 2109.19 191.74 1988.70
17 Fantasy Football Universe - Jesse Moeller (@JMoeller05)
Dread Pirate Roberts
11 11 2104.98 191.36 1987.41
18 Ryan Pottinger (@rapottinger)
Tugg Speedman
12 10 2104.53 191.32 1941.49
19 Legit Footabll, Coffee Shop Sports - Kevin Fox (@TheBuffaloTrill )
She's All That
12 10 2104.21 191.29 2073.62
20 Dylan Annese (@Dylan1191)
Bruce Nolan
12 10 2104.03 191.28 2031.72
21 Meghan Hall (@ItsMeghanLHall)
Forrest Gump
11 11 2103.14 191.19 1986.53
22 CBSSports - Joel cox (@CoxBytes)
Frank Castillo
12 10 2102.88 191.17 2019.69
23 Bennett Karoll (@thebennettk)
Nigel Gruff
12 10 2100.90 190.99 1995.92
24 David Strunk (@wolfman_DCS)
12 10 2099.75 190.89 1966.34
25 Fantasy Football Unlimited - John Lansangan (@JLShowtime22)
Harry & Lloyd
12 10 2095.48 190.50 1991.01
26 WOFF/ClubFantasyFFL - Rowan and Maisy Stewart (@TheSneakyFlex)
12 10 2094.82 190.44 1993.33
27 Kapil Mohan (@kapmohan)
Rey & Kylo Ren
11 11 2094.70 190.43 2062.55
28 FantasyGameday.app - Gurmeet Sahni (@Gurmeet_Sahni)
Harry Potter
12 10 2091.70 190.15 1970.23
29 Beth Johnson (@)
12 10 2091.07 190.10 1982.96
30 The Godfather League - Jordan Pelt (@godfatherleague)
Jonathan Moxon
12 10 2089.44 189.95 1957.34
31 Ric Avery (@Ravery92)
Frank Castillo
11 11 2088.22 189.84 2047.32
32 PlayerProfiler - Emerson Beery (@@Dynasty_Analyst)
Champ Kind
12 10 2085.31 189.57 1920.01
33 David Jacobs (@)
Lightning McQueen
12 10 2081.46 189.22 2047.77
34 Cody Armstrong (@CodyArmstrong_1)
David Wooderson
12 10 2080.31 189.12 1947.80
35 Matthew Tanhauser (@mjtanhauser)
Coach Klein
12 10 2078.11 188.92 1943.46
36 Area51 Podcast - MARCIO BARBOSA (@area51Ff)
11 11 2077.97 188.91 1888.58
37 Casey Galvin (@Shiftyx21)
Ethan Hunt
11 11 2076.83 188.80 2029.01
38 Knuts Fans Fantasy League, Argyle Charity Bowl, NFC West Podcast via Letstalksport, Hurdle the Line - Sam Andrews (@SamRam47)
Mary Poppins
12 10 2076.28 188.75 1967.50
39 Wess Daniels (@gogogadgetplay)
Crash Davis
12 10 2075.76 188.71 2104.23
40 Writer/Ranker | Guillotine Leagues - Steven Toroni (@FFprofessorST3)
Michael Myers
12 10 2074.81 188.62 2071.06
41 Alex Sears (@KnightOfNi222)
12 10 2073.84 188.53 2081.11
42 The Fantasy Football Guys - James Moore (@20jamesmoore)
Mickey Goldmill
11 11 2073.20 188.47 2053.66
43 FantasyHolics - Patrick Jacques (@Mroviedo)
Jay & Silent Bob
12 10 2072.76 188.43 1959.85
44 Benjamin DiGrazia (@)
Aldus Snow
12 10 2072.55 188.41 1848.94
45 Nic Sulsky (@Nicsulsky )
Mr. Miagi
11 11 2069.70 188.15 2010.31
46 David Ognan (@Oggie212)
Frank Castillo
11 11 2069.20 188.11 2236.98
47 Devin Kann (@DevinKann)
11 11 2067.96 188.00 2011.37
48 Josh McDonough (@Josh_FF)
Brennan Huff
12 10 2067.77 187.98 2068.40
49 Swilly Wilson (@Swillysports)
Black Widow
12 10 2067.50 187.95 2060.01
50 Austin Saye (@FantasyAddict21)
Coach Gennero
12 10 2066.33 187.85 2051.35
51 Algirdas Ivanavicius (@dalgosius)
Captain Jack Sparrow
12 10 2065.13 187.74 1884.99
52 Shawn Gudlin (@shawn_gudlin)
Drax the Destroyer
12 10 2064.61 187.69 1950.36
53 Matthew Kellogg (@kellogg_matt)
Boba Fett
12 10 2064.05 187.64 1871.81
54 Mike Nissen (@TheDiamondMike)
Gordon Bombay
11 11 2063.09 187.55 2048.53
55 Josh Alvarez (@Joshalvarez)
Jonathan Moxon
12 10 2062.23 187.48 2134.41
56 Esh InPennsyltucky (@LilPlastyCasuls)
12 10 2061.89 187.44 1963.80
57 James McCormick (@DynastyTeaParty )
Colin Sullivan
12 10 2061.74 187.43 2014.68
58 IDP+ - Richard Rodrigue (@rickyrod66)
RP McMurphy
11 11 2061.39 187.40 2016.82
59 Max Herrmannsfeldt (@mamaxmax)
12 10 2061.12 187.37 2014.30
60 RTL NFL Radio, First timer in SFB 14 - Martin von Rötel (@M_VonRoe)
12 10 2061.08 187.37 1952.41
61 Kyle Flaherty (@MNFlaherty)
Bash Brothers
12 10 2060.82 187.35 2150.80
62 Bernard Austin (@@redman0570)
Ace Ventura
12 10 2059.26 187.21 1988.26
63 Susan Eisenberg (@sberg82)
11 11 2058.66 187.15 2000.42
64 Roberto Pelcastre (@beto210989)
11 11 2058.61 187.15 1954.45
65 Maria Vicenzi (@FYFmaria)
12 10 2058.23 187.11 2015.89
66 Best Ball Night School Podcast Destination Devy and Player Profiler News - Jeremiah Retzlaff (@coachretzlaff1)
Sonny Corleone
12 10 2057.12 187.01 1972.84
67 Taylor Bourque (@Finleysmomm )
12 10 2056.84 186.99 1887.83
68 Dan Green (@Dan_Green_UK)
12 10 2056.57 186.96 1809.45
69 Jason Lee (@jlee_300)
Champ Kind
12 10 2056.41 186.95 2093.80
70 Big Blue View/SBNation, The Pigskin Papers, The ATB Fantasy Show - David Hartman (@PigskinPapers)
Cheech & Chong
11 11 2055.46 186.86 2060.51
71 Brandon Solemsaas (@Bsaas25)
11 11 2055.20 186.84 2017.16
72 Ardel McKenna (@AppleManver)
Ray Finkle
11 11 2052.26 186.57 2013.52
73 Andrew Kallio (@Afkallio)
Andy Dufresne
12 10 2051.97 186.54 1894.13
74 @Rotolounge - Brad Starks (@RotoLounge )
Mr. Pink
12 10 2051.34 186.49 2045.61
75 PPRFantasyTips - Jared S (@PPRFantasyTips)
Forrest Gump
11 11 2050.61 186.42 2107.83
76 QB List - Erik Smith (@ErikSmithQBL)
Walter & Donnie
11 11 2050.35 186.40 2047.64
77 Eric Buckendorf (@@ericb55)
Mr. Chow
12 10 2049.52 186.32 2060.20
78 Joe Cotton (@)
Brian Fantana
12 10 2049.23 186.29 2127.73
79 NBC Sports - Patrick Daugherty (@RotoPat)
11 11 2049.16 186.29 2029.38
80 Gene Gregory (@Genegregory68)
12 10 2048.34 186.21 2036.06
81 DynastyHappyHour - Jason Thomas (@DHH_Skinman)
12 10 2048.27 186.21 2103.56
82 FTN - Russ Prentice (@russ1prentice)
Benny the Jet
12 10 2046.97 186.09 1924.57
83 Gary Russell (@Russell_with2Ls)
Mr. Pink
12 10 2046.74 186.07 1904.79
84 Jim Kovac (@)
Cheech & Chong
12 10 2045.24 185.93 2045.21
85 Andy Salmon (@Salmondrums)
12 10 2044.43 185.86 1904.50
86 Jorge Velez (@Professor_Ape)
Cassian Andor
11 11 2043.99 185.82 2068.06
12 10 2043.95 185.81 1911.42
88 Gridiron Granny (@kelly_dickerman)
11 11 2043.94 185.81 2147.45
89 Darcy Romero (@DameOverboard)
11 11 2043.09 185.74 1851.37
90 Chris Martin (@Northtampaforty)
12 10 2041.75 185.61 2147.66
91 Club Fantasy FFL, Women of Fantasy Football - Joshua Hudson (@the1hudsonian)
12 10 2040.22 185.47 1944.88
92 Jeffrey Horton (@BS_GOS_FURTHER)
Black Widow
11 11 2040.18 185.47 2111.07
93 IDP+ (formerly IDPGuys) - Joe Wiggans (@OPJoee)
Dr Evil
12 10 2038.93 185.36 1946.29
94 Ray English (@FantasyFlog)
Captain Marvel
12 10 2038.53 185.32 1996.38
95 Anthony Buccelli (@Antbuccelli)
Colin Sullivan
12 10 2038.22 185.29 1850.44
96 Scott Tabachnick (@Scotttabachnick)
Lone Star & Barf
11 11 2037.78 185.25 1899.06
97 NBC Sports / Rotoworld - Aaron Solomon (@AaronS_EDGE)
11 11 2037.64 185.24 2149.89
98 Chris Pardue (@AGSDynasty)
David Wooderson
11 11 2037.17 185.20 2132.09
99 Michael Bosch (@)
Rain Man
12 10 2036.73 185.16 1978.92
100 WCCO Radio/Audacy Mpls. - Chris Tubbs (@CMTubbs)
Derek Zoolander & Hansel
12 10 2036.03 185.09 1907.89
101 The Fantasy Football Fellas - Lucas Wencl (@lucaswencl)
Charlie Conway
12 10 2034.98 185.00 2024.68
102 Nathan Torok (@Natetorok)
James Dalton
12 10 2033.19 184.84 1964.80
103 The Fantasy Swan Newsletter - Austin Thomas (@Fantasy_Swan)
12 10 2032.46 184.77 1920.56
104 Ezekiel McBrayer (@zeke_the_beast)
Marsellus Wallace
12 10 2032.16 184.74 1914.30
105 PFN - Kyle Soppe (@KyleSoppePFN)
Captain America
12 10 2032.12 184.74 1978.99
106 In Between Media | Green Screens Media | FantasyAlarm | FTN | DrRoto.com - Eric Romoff (@fantasynav)
Bo "The Bandit" Darville
11 11 2032.09 184.74 2072.80
107 www.RotoHeat.com - Dan Chung (@RotoHeatDMo)
John McClane
12 10 2031.26 184.66 2011.66
108 Second and Goal Fantasy Podcast - Calvin Kaplan (@Calvin_SGF)
Nigel Gruff
11 11 2030.97 184.63 1998.48
109 James Ross (@rosswjim)
12 10 2030.29 184.57 1917.32
110 Nick Josephson (@Nickjosephson)
11 11 2030.25 184.57 1911.26
111 The Fantasy Footballers - Kyle Borgognoni (@Kyle_borg)
Benny the Jet
11 11 2029.95 184.54 2052.51
112 Shawn McGranahan (@Therealmcg1)
The Oneders
12 10 2028.84 184.44 1877.08
113 Germán Campos (@gecave90)
12 10 2028.67 184.42 1961.04
114 Footballguys.com - Drew Davenport (@DrewDavenportFF)
12 10 2028.57 184.42 1980.34
115 GoingFor2,, The Cookout, bgmWriteNow - gladys-louise tyler (@gladysLtyler)
12 10 2028.51 184.41 2012.73
116 gridiron ratings (the next man up podcast) - Matthew Walters (@fantasyferret)
11 11 2027.75 184.34 2057.96
117 Andrew Stencavage (@PlurlRuralJuror)
Coach Klein
12 10 2027.38 184.31 1732.95
118 Kyle Smith (@dynastyffdad)
11 11 2027.18 184.29 2095.81
119 Fantasy Football Advice Network - Corey Dozier (@FFAdviceCorey)
Tugg Speedman
11 11 2026.99 184.27 2042.86
120 Underdog Fantasy - Andrew Mackens (@AndrewMackens)
12 10 2026.88 184.26 2078.33
121 Zach Appman (@)
Aladdin & Abu
12 10 2026.60 184.24 2058.68
122 Michael Salwan (@mraladdin23 )
11 11 2026.27 184.21 1907.79
123 DLF - Michael Moore (@DLF_Moore)
12 10 2026.11 184.19 1867.83
124 James Brennan (@jb7929)
Danny Bateman
11 11 2025.87 184.17 1853.31
125 Emily Trbovich (@)
12 10 2025.36 184.12 2039.54
126 ESPN - Meghan Burgoon (@meghbird)
Dread Pirate Roberts
11 11 2025.21 184.11 1885.06
127 Robert Swarowski (@RobertSwarowski)
Mr. Chow
12 10 2024.90 184.08 1971.23
128 Justin Trujillo (@WeaponFF )
Dirty Harry
12 10 2024.88 184.08 1982.83
129 Shane Foley (@foleoleo)
Black Panther
12 10 2024.75 184.07 1969.84
130 Trey Huguley (@TreyStation360)
Marty McFly
12 10 2024.55 184.05 1989.18
131 Blake Butkiewicz (@Balakay)
Princess Mononoke
11 11 2024.19 184.02 2011.73
132 Footballguys, Sharp Football Analysis - Adam Wilde (@APWilde)
11 11 2024.04 184.00 1787.52
133 Fantasy Six Pack, F6P Hour Pod - Joe Bond (@F6P_Joe)
Nigel Gruff
11 11 2023.68 183.97 2003.65
134 The Washington Post - Des Bieler (@DesBieler)
Mace Windu
12 10 2023.65 183.97 2025.78
135 4 For 4 Football / Jets Wire - Billy Riccette (@Billy_Riccette)
Happy Gilmore
12 10 2023.37 183.94 2083.20
136 Isaac Sebourn (@Isaacsebourn)
12 10 2023.31 183.94 1983.46
137 Charlie Winslow (@TweetCarp)
12 10 2023.26 183.93 1967.12
138 Tyler Lansdown (@tylerlansdown)
12 10 2023.21 183.93 2022.53
139 Dan Schandel (@DynastyDJ1)
Frank Castillo
11 11 2023.13 183.92 1913.11
140 Dynasty Nerds - Corey Easterday (@coreyeasterday)
11 11 2021.10 183.74 1960.05
141 Chris Palmer (@crispypalmer33)
12 10 2020.33 183.67 2055.87
142 Alissa Postal (@Missalissas)
Ian Malcolm
11 11 2020.04 183.64 1986.97
143 Kevin Williamson (@ssn670)
Ethan Hunt
12 10 2020.02 183.64 1955.52
144 Lester Worley II (@MuleMurphy )
Crash Davis
11 11 2019.68 183.61 2057.76
145 FFLeagueWinners - Evan Ritter (@Ev_ritt3)
Coach McGinty
12 10 2018.93 183.54 1827.97
146 www.thefantasyfootballauction.com - Shane Beckett (@Unclebucketts)
Wayne & Garth
11 11 2018.81 183.53 1867.51
147 Draftsharks - Alex Korff (@PeakedInHS_FF)
Elle Woods
11 11 2018.34 183.49 2006.76
148 Stephen Holton (@steve_holt_)
11 11 2017.86 183.44 1882.99
149 Fantasy Points - Thomas Brolley (@TomBrolley)
12 10 2017.63 183.42 1859.42
150 Jill Ryczek (@Jillbabe07)
Richard Kimble
11 11 2017.47 183.41 2038.79
151 Josh Lee (@jlee3485)
TS & Brodie
11 11 2015.97 183.27 1904.26
152 Charles Kangas (@KANGASMAN_FS)
12 10 2015.82 183.26 1697.44
153 Desi Franklin (@DezDeuce )
11 11 2015.22 183.20 2141.33
154 Karina Angel (@K_Marmota)
11 11 2014.98 183.18 2042.63
155 James Landrum (@Snokone86)
Richard Kimble
12 10 2014.77 183.16 1876.86
156 Ryan Garner (@garnther)
11 11 2014.42 183.13 2115.81
157 anthony wesley (@ffcwesleyffc)
12 10 2013.32 183.03 2070.60
158 Ari Zytcer (@)
11 11 2013.05 183.00 1937.61
159 Dynasty League Football/Sky Sports - James Simpson (@JS_Football)
12 10 2012.79 182.98 1928.26
160 ESPN - Tristan H. Cockcroft (@SultanofStat)
Drax the Destroyer
11 11 2012.33 182.94 2099.44
161 ESPN Asheville/ The Sportsocracy - Tank Spencer (@@SportsTankESPN )
Danny Torrance
11 11 2012.18 182.93 2049.67
162 Katie Babino (@katiebabs23)
Captain Marvel
11 11 2011.65 182.88 1754.73
163 NFL Fantasy & 4for4 - Matt Okada (@MattOkada)
Riggs & Murtaugh
11 11 2011.29 182.84 2040.77
164 Daniel Schlissel (@Missile429)
12 10 2010.95 182.81 2076.16
165 Joanne Lernowich (@Jlernowich)
Colin Sullivan
12 10 2010.18 182.74 1902.98
166 Ben Niemuth (@Beniemuth)
Tyler Durden
11 11 2010.17 182.74 1996.11
167 Spencer Croft (@FantasyZiip)
Star Lord
12 10 2010.05 182.73 2096.68
168 Goingfor2, Fantasy In Frames - courtney Burrows (@luvtractor3)
11 11 2009.84 182.71 2035.42
169 CBS Sports - Frank Stampfl (@Roto_Frank)
Freddy Krueger
12 10 2009.82 182.71 1974.21
170 Brian Dalton (@LagerSirIsRegal )
12 10 2009.77 182.71 1919.92
171 Jason Snifeld (@Jsnifeld)
Ace Ventura
12 10 2009.63 182.69 2114.40
172 Noah Winkles (@noah_winks)
11 11 2009.46 182.68 1850.86
173 Billy Kelly (@Wilkel39)
11 11 2009.35 182.67 1919.03
174 Razzball - Rudy Gamble (@rudygamble)
Black Widow
12 10 2009.30 182.66 1884.32
175 Jason Shadley (@Shadrack40)
12 10 2008.75 182.61 1865.23
176 Afterglow Sports Analysis and Consultancy - Dan Glozier (@CoachGlozier)
Dt. James Carter & Insp. Lee
12 10 2008.51 182.59 1774.62
177 Zach Rein (@impressauve )
12 10 2007.98 182.54 1905.63
178 Jeffrey Kelsey (@JKman08)
Champ Kind
12 10 2007.69 182.52 2150.35
179 DynastyNerds - Andrew Scherber (@fakefootballs)
11 11 2007.06 182.46 1879.67
180 Philip Ciulla (@Ciullaphil)
12 10 2005.94 182.36 1927.16
181 Justin Lattierre (@jlattierre)
11 11 2005.90 182.35 1985.88
182 Niall Little (@nelittle)
11 11 2005.86 182.35 2003.59
183 Marc-Andrea Fiorina (@mafiorina)
Danny Bateman
12 10 2005.71 182.34 1945.99
184 Todd Werner (@TS_Werner)
Derek Zoolander & Hansel
11 11 2005.50 182.32 2047.10
185 South Harmon Fantasy Football - adam mcferran (@ATM4DChess)
Captain Marvel
11 11 2005.40 182.31 1967.50
186 Dustin Krugel (@DustinKrugel)
Marsellus Wallace
12 10 2005.37 182.31 1927.15
187 The UNdroppables - Ryan Loesch (@realRYNOS)
11 11 2005.00 182.27 2047.19
188 AJ Sturniolo (@Sturndago)
Bruce Nolan
12 10 2004.82 182.26 1990.93
189 FantasyGuru.com - Ryan Clifford (@RyanClifford)
12 10 2004.46 182.22 1925.63
190 COLBY SPRINGER (@KiloAlphaQuick)
Brennan Huff
11 11 2003.86 182.17 1878.33
191 Fantasy Six Pack - Mike Laplant (@@FFLaPlant)
Timon & Pumba
12 10 2003.79 182.16 1821.81
192 Rotoballer.com - Josh Hayes (@JoshHayesFS)
Black Widow
12 10 2003.24 182.11 1920.46
193 Mike Gurley (@foolofatook13)
John Rambo
12 10 2002.08 182.01 1952.37
194 RotoBaller - Dennis Clausen (@DennisMClausen)
Champ Kind
11 11 2001.54 181.96 1910.70
195 Chris Ferchen (@FantasyFabio)
11 11 2001.52 181.96 1890.90
196 Ryan Koechig (@DrachenFire82)
Black Knight
11 11 2001.34 181.94 2083.67
197 Joe Kelleher (@JWKelleher83)
Willie Mays Hayes
11 11 2001.33 181.94 2013.81
198 James Word (@)
Sarah Marshall
12 10 2000.84 181.89 2062.01
199 Mark Cain (@Ichabod_19)
Rain Man
12 10 2000.68 181.88 1840.47
200 Zach Haugen (@zhaugenfootball)
12 10 2000.32 181.85 1961.77
201 Tom Swanson (@tcswan)
Spinal Tap
12 10 1999.82 181.80 2002.64
202 Cecily Riddell (@cecilyonx )
12 10 1999.43 181.77 1970.42
203 Ben Junkin (@Bjunkin87)
Stanley Ipkiss
12 10 1999.33 181.76 1827.26
204 James Hart (@JamesMKE)
Swedish Chef
12 10 1999.29 181.75 2062.37
205 Daniel Smith (@dsmith444)
Austin Powers
11 11 1998.77 181.71 1993.25
206 GoingFor2 - Joshua Walker (@Rotonaut )
Danny Bateman
11 11 1998.46 181.68 1858.43
207 Triple Play Fantasy - Joey Bankert (@skycaptain25 )
Mickey Goldmill
12 10 1997.75 181.61 1927.58
208 Gary Zamarripa (@garyzamFF)
Brick Tamland
12 10 1997.69 181.61 1964.93
209 The Devy Royale - Jay Stein (@_JasonStein)
12 10 1997.59 181.60 1823.32
210 Jeremy Pritchett (@FFJockP)
Danny Torrance
11 11 1997.23 181.57 1981.49
211 Patscap - Miguel Benzan (@Patscap)
Lando Calrissian
12 10 1997.11 181.56 1917.00
212 Tommy Moening (@dynastyffworld)
The Incredibles
12 10 1996.58 181.51 2022.01
213 DynastyTradeCalculator.com - JP Hurley (@FFHurcules)
11 11 1996.24 181.48 2142.57
214 Ali Alkhalifa (@Aliikhalid82)
Mad Hatter
12 10 1995.98 181.45 1973.12
215 Máximo Avance / La Cueva del Fan (@Abuelo_NFL - Luis Alonso (@Abuelo_NFL )
12 10 1995.83 181.44 1943.50
216 Chris Clark (@Ccnice1)
Billy Heywood
11 11 1994.66 181.33 2070.27
217 Kevin Jackson (@K_Jackson78)
Ricky Vaughn
11 11 1994.54 181.32 2008.30
218 Connor Humpage (@connorahumpage)
Mary Poppins
11 11 1994.36 181.31 2199.07
219 Dustin Keith (@Omegaking1414)
Bobby Boucher
11 11 1994.17 181.29 2103.68
220 Hunter Van Beek (@HunterVanBeek)
Brian Fantana
11 11 1994.14 181.29 1968.32
221 ForFantasySake (RIP FFO!) - Aaron Herman (@DE_aaron)
Sonny Weaver
12 10 1994.08 181.28 2064.56
222 Ride or Dynasty/IDP+ - Jameson Hutchison (@Jamesonrulez)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter
12 10 1993.97 181.27 2026.90
223 Josh Kroll (@Jkroll77)
12 10 1993.52 181.23 1956.93
224 @pintotailgate famous Buffalo Bills tailgate. - Gregory Kowalczyk (@Gregobomb)
Wet Bandits
12 10 1993.46 181.22 1893.43
225 Jerry Janiga (@jerryj22)
12 10 1993.38 181.22 2102.45
226 Dynasty Nerds - David Zach (@DavidZach16)
12 10 1993.23 181.20 1919.93
227 Roger Marques (@Bigrog015)
Apollo Creed
12 10 1993.13 181.19 1819.40
228 Dustin Morrison (@Caribooloo1)
Cheech & Chong
11 11 1992.42 181.13 1869.00
229 Goodguy.ai / Fantasy Proceeds - Ronnie Evans (@ronnieaevans)
12 10 1992.31 181.12 1984.48
230 Kylee Redman (@Kyleeredman)
Elle Woods
12 10 1992.19 181.11 1995.37
231 Brian Kleinertz (@Briankleinertz)
Bobby Boucher
12 10 1991.73 181.07 2010.29
232 Grant Bodkin (@grantbodkin)
Donkey Kong
12 10 1991.21 181.02 2045.92
233 Logan Brown (@Loganbrown0805)
11 11 1990.86 180.99 1970.47
234 Woo Fantasy Podcast - Nick Hefley (@TheRealFFGoat)
Marsellus Wallace
11 11 1990.76 180.98 2083.10
235 Sean Stutzman (@sean_stutzman)
Roy Hobbs
12 10 1990.43 180.95 1908.36
236 Jon Hearst (@jonhearst)
Cheech & Chong
12 10 1990.28 180.93 1922.80
237 Scott Sinclair (@scs1977)
Cowardly Lion
12 10 1990.11 180.92 1994.03
238 Luke Costello (@Milehighstello)
Jack Torrance
12 10 1989.85 180.90 1961.28
239 Paul Potopenko (@Ppotopenko)
12 10 1989.75 180.89 1949.55
240 The Fantasy Doctors - Jesse Morse (@DrJesseMorse)
Ray Finkle
11 11 1989.61 180.87 2065.48
241 Fantasy Alarm/Bettor Sports Network/Lightning Round - Brittney Flinn (@Britt_Flinn)
Tugg Speedman
11 11 1989.52 180.87 1953.45
242 Joshua Pope (@TheRealJPope95)
12 10 1988.76 180.80 1934.90
243 Derek Caron (@dcaron28)
Gordon Bombay
11 11 1987.82 180.71 1872.75
244 Brian Covert (@@Briancovert7)
Johnny Utah & Bodhi
11 11 1987.68 180.70 2119.35
245 Michael Aspinall (@Mikeaspy)
12 10 1987.64 180.69 1957.18
246 Fantasy Points - Zach Swails (@bettinforall)
War Machine
12 10 1987.56 180.69 1972.05
247 Thedraftguy.com - Garett Levenhagen (@Thedraftguy_com)
11 11 1987.29 180.66 1960.72
248 Gavin Hillery (@ghills11)
Bruce Nolan
12 10 1987.12 180.65 2074.89
249 Michelle Faletti (@Texndc)
Nigel Gruff
11 11 1987.07 180.64 1998.19
250 Rumboyz Fantasy Network and Tyler the Fantasy Creator - Patrick Asdell (@Stpatrickff )
11 11 1987.07 180.64 2014.75
251 Corey Deaton (@Not on Twitter anymore )
Rocket Raccoon
12 10 1987.01 180.64 1960.03
252 Ron Brouillette (@lightning0012)
The Dude
11 11 1986.92 180.63 1864.06
253 Brett Zimmerman (@BroncoBrettZ)
Kevin McCallister
12 10 1985.92 180.54 2020.02
254 Lee Ellis (@Scubalee72)
James Bond
12 10 1985.74 180.52 2171.11
255 Josh Olmsted (@Michugana)
12 10 1985.34 180.49 2031.30
256 Establish The Run - Drew Dinkmeyer (@DrewDinkmeyer)
12 10 1985.22 180.47 1982.98
257 Elite Fantasy - Thaddeus Houston (@Rad_Thad1)
Fozzie Bear
12 10 1984.91 180.45 1824.67
258 Adam Yonker (@YonkerAdam)
Cousin Eddy
12 10 1984.50 180.41 1938.40
259 Gavin Mulligan (@d3r1v3d)
The Overlook Hotel
12 10 1984.32 180.39 2012.07
260 Fantasy Six Pack - Jordan Schultz (@Dynonfl)
Average Joes
12 10 1984.08 180.37 1893.05
261 Scott Frederick (@FredSDTW)
The Incredibles
11 11 1984.05 180.37 2171.44
262 Analytics Are For The Nerds - Ryan Mura (@ryanmura)
Roy Hobbs
12 10 1983.93 180.36 2006.16
263 Around The 412 Fantasy Football Podcast - Andrew Hannis (@Drewhannis)
Danny Bateman
12 10 1983.88 180.35 1933.78
264 The IDP Show - David Kelly (@Djkelltown )
Scott Pilgrim
11 11 1983.85 180.35 1953.09
265 Shaun Dorsey (@Dorsey80)
Henry Rowengartner
12 10 1983.80 180.35 1986.69
266 Fantasy Six Pack, The Fantasy Six Pack Hour Podcast - A. J. Applegarth (@@AppleGarthAlgar)
Wayne & Garth
12 10 1983.62 180.33 1914.35
267 Fighting Chance Fantasy, Player Profiler, & Kings of Fantasy Football Podcast - Leonard Grandio Jr (@@smooth1074)
Ray Finkle
12 10 1983.24 180.29 1919.80
268 Andrew Heigl (@Mvp1824)
Ivan Drago
11 11 1982.50 180.23 1917.85
269 Tony Harrison (@)
Austin Powers
12 10 1982.47 180.22 1949.39
270 Ryan Scerra (@Ryan33784086)
12 10 1982.44 180.22 1994.31
271 Salvatore Leto (@sleto22)
Teddy KGB
12 10 1981.52 180.14 2072.28
272 NBC Sports Edge - Thor Nystrom (@Thorku)
Julie the Cat Gaffney
12 10 1980.68 180.06 1987.60
273 Footballguys - Matt Carey (@crazycowboy45)
Swedish Chef
11 11 1979.94 179.99 1923.05
274 Jeffrey Jacobs (@)
Rain Man
12 10 1979.76 179.98 1954.60
275 TSN / Nielson Media & Entertainment - Dustin Nielson (@nielsonTSN1260)
Wyatt Earp
12 10 1979.72 179.97 1792.84
276 David Williams (@@HuggyBerra22)
Patrick Bateman
12 10 1979.70 179.97 1995.60
277 Karla Ross (@boxingedgar )
Ron Burgandy
12 10 1979.65 179.97 1767.17
278 Gary Kilgore (@Gmanfridge)
Jackie Moon
12 10 1979.56 179.96 1793.33
279 Randall Rentfro (@Rentfroneous)
John Wick
11 11 1979.35 179.94 1885.78
280 Erich Miller (@DynastyDufranus)
Dante & Randall
11 11 1978.97 179.91 1954.61
281 Jerry Culver (@Aggie94V3)
11 11 1978.73 179.88 1867.00
282 Eric Brazis (@EricBrazis)
Veronica Corningstone
11 11 1978.54 179.87 1933.20
283 David Lynch (@DavidALynch)
Tyler Durden
11 11 1978.26 179.84 1969.65
284 PlayerProfiler - Jason Allwine (@JFootballwine)
Scott Pilgrim
12 10 1978.05 179.82 1902.39
285 Nick Adams (@Catsby1000)
Optimus Prime
11 11 1977.76 179.80 1926.09
286 Brian Harr (@BrianHarrFF)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
12 10 1977.60 179.78 1993.11
287 Matthew Geiger (@matthewgeiger)
11 11 1977.41 179.76 1825.03
288 Rob McCann (@@robmccann84)
Coach Klein
11 11 1977.20 179.75 1975.11
289 andrew Imber (@aimber27)
Oompa Loompas
11 11 1977.03 179.73 2107.38
290 JTT Cup - Aron Owen (@Azzowen)
Austin Powers
12 10 1976.97 179.72 1886.88
291 Undroppables / Sons of Dy - Jake Besong (@Chef_Jbeezy)
Sonny Corleone
11 11 1976.88 179.72 2033.38
292 Luke Wiesner (@Squadscoach)
Black Widow
11 11 1976.86 179.71 1905.57
293 Timothy Isaac (@Timthekingisaac)
12 10 1976.49 179.68 1706.23
294 Matt Kornberg (@mzkp54)
12 10 1976.33 179.67 2003.14
295 Heather Joyce (@Heth2512)
Rudy Ruttiger
12 10 1976.01 179.64 1849.89
296 Susan Curran (@Skacurran)
Captain Marvel
11 11 1976.00 179.64 1931.94
297 Mike Harper (@Harper20)
11 11 1976.00 179.64 1858.84
298 Michael Chunn (@Michaelchunn12)
Lone Star & Barf
11 11 1975.82 179.62 1913.27
299 The Dynasty Movement - Samantha Yim (@skyimmy)
11 11 1975.67 179.61 1847.64
300 Daniel Buck (@drbucknasty)
Hans Gruber
11 11 1975.63 179.60 1975.17
301 FanDuel Research/numberFire - Austan Kas (@AustanKas)
Cowardly Lion
11 11 1975.50 179.59 2027.89
302 James Wimmers (@yaj2112)
11 11 1975.40 179.58 1984.11
303 Anthony Skrip (@AnthonyFantasy2)
Russell & Dug
11 11 1975.34 179.58 1954.23
304 brffootball.com.br - Caio Ribeiro (@CaioBr_FF)
Daniel LaRusso
11 11 1975.25 179.57 1922.50
305 Sean Knurek (@Fluffdaddy_855)
Jackie Moon
11 11 1975.18 179.56 1973.13
306 Nikky Hill (@Hill_Nikky)
11 11 1974.91 179.54 1949.95
307 Anthony Arlich (@CountMcSnatch)
Stanley Ipkiss
12 10 1974.62 179.51 2072.70
308 Todd Foster (@ff_banterman)
Billy Costigan
12 10 1974.04 179.46 1936.63
309 Matt DeBlasio (@mdeblaz)
Teddy KGB
11 11 1973.79 179.44 1993.68
310 TBQ Sports - Craig Schmucker (@FF_Schmuck)
Coach Klein
12 10 1973.41 179.40 1903.38
311 Get Right Fantasy Network - Mike Herrick (@ClassicMikeGRFN)
12 10 1973.26 179.39 1803.21
312 Eric DeMers (@BonfireNW)
12 10 1972.84 179.35 1970.43
313 Kurtis Tucker (@Ktucker84)
11 11 1972.84 179.35 1926.78
314 Dynasty Nerds - Nick Piovano (@DynastyStump)
Average Joes
12 10 1972.64 179.33 2007.58
315 John Obradovich (@jobradovich)
Kevin McCallister
12 10 1972.36 179.31 2004.71
316 Ross Preston (@Prestonr88)
Ferris Bueller
11 11 1972.32 179.30 2045.67
317 Trevor Chong (@trevorchong)
James Dalton
11 11 1972.18 179.29 1961.25
318 - Tim Heaney (@TeamHeaney)
Marty McFly
12 10 1971.87 179.26 1905.32
319 Silas Jackson (@Silasjackson15)
11 11 1971.71 179.25 2082.54
320 Jim Steele (@J_Sizzle1020)
11 11 1971.67 179.24 1929.63
321 Christine Aschoff (@Christineee4646)
Captain Barbosa
11 11 1971.32 179.21 1990.40
322 Anthony Amato (@)
11 11 1970.68 179.15 1983.05
323 Allan Hepworth (@FF_Hep)
11 11 1970.58 179.14 2015.35
324 Sarah Mercer (@GirlFantasyFB)
Mr. Miagi
12 10 1970.42 179.13 2089.23
325 James Moock (@Ffmoock)
Jack Burton
12 10 1970.19 179.11 1951.70
326 Chris So (@Ossirhc)
Black Knight
12 10 1970.15 179.10 1961.81
327 Jason Aponte (@Jasonaponte2103)
12 10 1970.11 179.10 1984.85
328 justin hughes (@Justin_Hughes)
John Rambo
11 11 1969.99 179.09 1954.80
329 Raymond Kirk (@VIRAIDERSFF)
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
11 11 1969.31 179.03 2004.07
330 FFPC/The High Stakes Fantasy Football Hour/Bettor Sports Network/RotoViz High-Stakes Lowdown - Eric Balkman (@ericbalkman)
11 11 1968.44 178.95 1870.15
331 Ashley Swinney (@tenpiecenugget)
Speed Racer
12 10 1968.24 178.93 1944.47
332 Front Office Pros - Steve Falco (@Steve_FOP)
Bruce Nolan
11 11 1968.21 178.93 1901.37
333 Rotoviz - Neil Dutton (@Ndutton13)
Dante & Randall
12 10 1968.07 178.92 2072.41
334 The Fantasy Footballers - Matthew Betz (@TheFantasyPT)
Brennan Huff
11 11 1968.02 178.91 1850.61
335 Marc Paretchan (@JabenP33)
Dale Doback
11 11 1967.93 178.90 1956.37
336 Dynasty Junkies & DAP Network - Scott Sidlo (@scott_sidlo)
11 11 1967.83 178.89 1894.01
337 Kent Holiday (@KentKCAgs)
12 10 1967.82 178.89 1802.34
338 Garrett Mills (@Garrettmills23)
Speed Racer
12 10 1967.71 178.88 1811.97
339 RotoGrinders - David Kitchen (@socrdave)
12 10 1967.36 178.85 1875.64
340 FTN - Daniel Kelley (@danieltkelley)
11 11 1967.21 178.84 1821.64
341 Paul McCorkle (@channelfourband)
Globo Gym Cobras
11 11 1967.05 178.82 2083.52
342 4for4 / Fantasy Football Chat - Zachary Murdach (@SpaceGhostForce)
Happy Gilmore
11 11 1966.73 178.79 1916.98
343 Amanda Solis (@manda_ays)
12 10 1966.30 178.75 1805.10
344 Joseph Terrones (@joeyt5656)
Coach McGinty
12 10 1966.14 178.74 1963.24
345 Fantasy Life - Peter Overzet (@peteroverzet)
12 10 1965.84 178.71 1955.19
346 Victor Thompson (@)
11 11 1965.06 178.64 1930.51
347 Scott Larson (@Sdlarson13 )
Gordon Bombay
11 11 1964.87 178.62 2029.72
348 Dynasty Nerds - Mychal Warno (@Dynastydadmike)
Luke Hobbs
11 11 1964.32 178.57 1912.98
349 Alan Marks (@AlanInRaleigh)
11 11 1964.03 178.55 1934.63
350 Ashley Geniole (@packersgrl1)
12 10 1963.44 178.49 1988.91
351 Samantha Sledd (@10sks)
Captain Marvel
12 10 1963.41 178.49 1891.81
352 Michael Clark (@KappaAmerica)
11 11 1963.33 178.48 2051.60
353 Joe Iwanski (@joey_i_sports)
Cheshire Cat
12 10 1963.20 178.47 1961.43
354 Brent Burns (@Jbrentburns4)
Bobby Boucher
11 11 1963.19 178.47 1986.19
355 RotoWire - Mike Doria (@)
11 11 1963.03 178.46 1813.97
356 Keith Harlan (@NinjaTurtle_JFA)
11 11 1962.91 178.45 1933.96
357 Sean Gresham (@LUCKy_MANningFF)
11 11 1962.77 178.43 1970.20
358 Wahaj Mallick (@chefmykerowave)
12 10 1962.21 178.38 2011.51
359 Matt Strauss (@Bigmatt8181)
Dominic Toretto
11 11 1961.92 178.36 1786.67
360 Fantasy Life - Chris Allen (@ChrisAllenFFWX)
Ethan Hunt
12 10 1961.80 178.35 2026.75
361 Fantasy Cares, SFB - Scott Fish (@ScottFish24)
She's All That
12 10 1961.60 178.33 1968.31
362 Carly Manger (@Cincodemanger)
Danny Torrance
12 10 1961.51 178.32 1985.48
363 Kegan Daly (@kegdaly)
Crash Davis
12 10 1961.13 178.28 1994.59
364 Nick M (@NMimi)
12 10 1960.47 178.22 1939.94
365 Fantasy Football Astronauts - JetPack Galileo (@JetPackGalileo)
Truman Burbank
11 11 1960.34 178.21 1861.33
366 Justin Cox (@JustinAllenCox)
Rain Man
12 10 1960.29 178.21 1874.31
367 Pat Wright (@Patwrightqb)
Derek Zoolander & Hansel
11 11 1959.95 178.18 2109.89
368 Kyle Bishop (@Kybish21)
12 10 1959.63 178.15 1904.92
369 Sirius XM/DubClub - Adam Ronis (@adamronis)
Cheech & Chong
12 10 1959.58 178.14 2074.36
370 Malory Howard (@Malhow913)
Princess Peach
12 10 1959.34 178.12 1926.14
371 Jason Brixey (@JasonBrixey)
Luke Hobbs
12 10 1959.07 178.10 2080.42
372 Michael Usher (@29coachush)
11 11 1958.88 178.08 1948.47
373 Hall of Fantasy League - Melissa Jacobs (@thefootballgirl)
Loki & Bartleby
11 11 1958.36 178.03 1951.05
374 NFL on 365 Sports - Steven May (@centxcommish)
Zé Pequeno
12 10 1958.22 178.02 1696.43
375 John Ryan (@jbr1962)
Sonny Corleone
12 10 1957.53 177.96 1929.84
376 RotoBaller / The Operating Room Podcast - Kev Mahserejian (@RotoSurgeon)
John McClane
11 11 1956.94 177.90 2031.18
377 Trevor Hertel (@TrevorHertel9)
Rey & Kylo Ren
12 10 1956.54 177.87 1852.86
378 Scott Adams (@Punishersffb)
Billy Heywood
11 11 1955.97 177.82 1888.22
379 Zilla Fantasy Elite - Todd Hoffmann (@Toddzilla1337)
Julie the Cat Gaffney
12 10 1955.96 177.81 1802.20
380 - Gordon Baker-Bone (@BakerBone)
Beatrix Kiddo
11 11 1955.18 177.74 2024.35
381 Fantasy Impact Today - Pierre Wilson (@pwee31)
12 10 1954.90 177.72 1869.52
382 Jeff Green (@slojeff)
Vicky Vallencourt
11 11 1954.82 177.71 2073.88
383 Fabio Garcia (@fabiogarciatp)
Zé Pequeno
12 10 1954.66 177.70 1903.63
384 Jacob Norton (@Heisenberg3144)
Frank Castillo
12 10 1954.65 177.70 1952.27
385 The League Winners, Fantasy in Frames - Erika Brown (@Amerika108)
Jonathan Moxon
12 10 1954.26 177.66 1926.20
386 Stephen Signore (@Ssignore25)
11 11 1954.17 177.65 1975.85
387 Bill Copeland (@FlaminRehab)
Shooter McGavin
11 11 1953.41 177.58 2010.25
388 SB Nation - Nicholas Falato (@nickfalato)
12 10 1953.08 177.55 1858.04
389 Zach Harris (@MisterMayhem_86)
12 10 1952.44 177.49 1892.47
390 Big East Network - Peter Ferreri (@Peterferreri1)
Richard Kimble
11 11 1952.43 177.49 2045.28
391 Dean Evenson (@Deanevenson )
Boba Fett
12 10 1952.40 177.49 2088.20
392 30TwoBit - Madi Kroll (@madikroll)
12 10 1952.35 177.49 1892.06
393 Justin Johnson (@justinimii)
Lone Star & Barf
11 11 1952.31 177.48 1904.79
394 Steven Zavala (@SteveZavala)
Chubbs Peterson
12 10 1951.95 177.45 1989.59
395 Will Faiella (@)
11 11 1951.94 177.45 1989.72
396 Rotobahn Podcast - Peter Davidson (@rotobahn)
James T. Kirk
11 11 1951.57 177.42 2037.41
397 FantasyPros - Evan Tarracciano (@Roto_Wizard)
11 11 1951.10 177.37 1884.56
398 Jason Kile (@Jaykile)
11 11 1950.85 177.35 1903.52
399 Jeff Semple (@goodkingbuffalo )
Ethan Hunt
11 11 1950.72 177.34 1910.92
400 Aaron Moya (@Aaron_Maverick)
11 11 1950.62 177.33 1861.28
401 Brandon Shorey (@TFFDads)
Drax the Destroyer
12 10 1950.29 177.30 1950.30
402 Yards Per/DFF - Ryan Odell (@FFDelly)
11 11 1950.19 177.29 1859.80
403 Brett Schwartzkopf (@FFGeneral_)
12 10 1950.06 177.28 1897.59
404 Matt Borkowski (@mborkows)
11 11 1949.99 177.27 1865.96
405 Trust Your Board Podcast - William Munro (@wmunro02)
12 10 1949.44 177.22 1851.21
406 Fan/analyst/celeb/idk? Grapes of Draft - Tim Turner (@quantimturner)
Wet Bandits
11 11 1949.41 177.22 1975.03
407 Akim Smiley (@akim_smiley)
12 10 1949.37 177.22 1929.49
408 David Peagram (@)
Rocket Raccoon
12 10 1948.79 177.16 1945.95
409 Michael Seely (@MikeSeely2)
Dale Doback
12 10 1948.71 177.16 2090.26
410 CJ Lang (@Clubber_Lang83)
Patrick Bateman
12 10 1948.71 177.16 1867.15
411 FTN - Mike Talas (@ffTalas)
Ace Ventura
12 10 1948.51 177.14 1922.42
412 PlayerProfiler - Theo Gremminger (@TheOGFantasy)
Henry Hill
11 11 1948.48 177.13 2022.16
413 The Undroppables - Kyle Larson (@KL_Fantasy)
Nick Fury
11 11 1948.21 177.11 1711.94
414 RPO Football - Patrick Harrington (@tackleboxprops)
12 10 1948.19 177.11 2000.64
415 Tyler Nolan (@tr_nolan)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter
11 11 1948.15 177.10 1982.05
416 The Fantasy Football Joker - Jack Lucenay (@JackLucenay)
11 11 1947.42 177.04 1893.90
417 Stephen Wolf (@)
Spiderman (Miles Morales)
11 11 1946.76 176.98 1857.51
418 Fantasy Football Empire - Jeff Boggis (@jeffboggis)
Dr Evil
11 11 1946.57 176.96 1912.08
419 Jarred Pfeiffer (@Jarredpfeiffer)
Peter Bretter
12 10 1945.56 176.87 1852.76
420 DraftSharks.com - Matt Schauf (@SchaufDS)
Benny the Jet
11 11 1945.56 176.87 1903.34
421 Brad Walker (@Darby016)
Kirk Lazarus
11 11 1945.30 176.85 1966.02
422 Raul Trujillo (@rauluga)
Iron Man
11 11 1945.25 176.84 2144.22
423 AJ Foster (@Ajfoster)
12 10 1944.94 176.81 1735.23
424 Katie Mest (@km_betweenFF)
11 11 1944.89 176.81 1978.12
425 William Kyttle (@WillisIsAwesome)
John Rambo
11 11 1944.71 176.79 1818.12
426 Michael Barraza (@JMichaelBarraza)
12 10 1944.69 176.79 1900.91
427 Fantasy Life - Rob Waziak (@WazNFL)
Henry Rowengartner
12 10 1944.60 176.78 1820.66
428 Joe Fritzjunker (@Joefritz212)
Tugg Speedman
12 10 1944.55 176.78 1755.62
429 Steve Weiss (@scweiss)
Captain Barbosa
12 10 1944.36 176.76 1841.51
430 Katie Zucker (@K_Tee15)
Ray Jennings
12 10 1944.01 176.73 1838.12
431 Dynasty Nerds/Campus2Canton - Phillip Jacques (@mastapj)
12 10 1943.62 176.69 2020.81
432 Kyle Low (@montylow14)
Walter & Donnie
11 11 1942.69 176.61 2019.74
433 George regan (@Chucksdad22)
War Machine
12 10 1942.64 176.60 1955.69
434 Julio Castaneda (@Ff_jules_)
12 10 1942.05 176.55 1941.98
435 Benjamin Graham (@DocNeptunus)
11 11 1941.40 176.49 1894.19
436 Charting at FP - Mario Cardona (@hesjustMario)
12 10 1940.91 176.45 1856.56
437 Luis arturo Serrano franco (@luis_hanson)
11 11 1940.26 176.39 1923.07
438 Razzball - Brandon Myers (@Razzbdon)
Marsellus Wallace
12 10 1940.19 176.38 1869.91
439 Actor/Comedian/Author/Film writer - Greg Fleet (@Thegregfleet)
Globo Gym Cobras
12 10 1940.17 176.38 1923.61
440 John Brazill (@Johngbrazill)
11 11 1939.94 176.36 1956.25
441 Trey Justice (@treyjustice)
Princess Mononoke
12 10 1939.58 176.33 1981.48
442 Jordan Sullivan (@Jsullivansmd)
12 10 1938.84 176.26 1956.09
443 Chau Luu (@)
Brian O'Conner
12 10 1938.60 176.24 2023.76
444 Chad Chokel (@bakersdozen09)
Sergeant Sean Dignam
11 11 1938.54 176.23 1779.69
445 RotoWire - Dave McKay (@TalktotheBrain)
Crash Davis
11 11 1938.36 176.21 1837.66
446 CEO World Champion Fantasy - Michael Vela (@WCFMichaelVela)
Sergeant Sean Dignam
11 11 1938.34 176.21 1982.50
447 Jeff Sanders (@Usmcamputee0331)
Rocky Balboa
11 11 1938.07 176.19 1950.03
448 Friend’s with Fantasy Benefits/Fangraphs/Fantasy Pros - Justin Mason (@Justinmasonfwfb)
Dirty Harry
12 10 1937.93 176.18 1829.49
449 Fantasy Frontman Podcast - Matthew Breaker (@FantasyFrontman)
12 10 1937.87 176.17 1858.26
450 Eric Schneiderreit (@BigEPhilly4for4)
Dale Doback
11 11 1937.40 176.13 1998.74
451 Andy Price (@Planet_P)
11 11 1937.39 176.13 1755.79
452 Maynard Kirpalani (@Mkirp)
Cowardly Lion
12 10 1937.30 176.12 1840.96
453 Cole Grainger (@theColeGrainger)
Cole Trickle
12 10 1937.17 176.11 1811.74
454 Ryan Sayne (@Ryan_sayne)
Forrest Gump
11 11 1936.98 176.09 1997.82
455 Tchylo Vang (@TVang17)
Patrick Bateman
11 11 1936.65 176.06 2038.51
456 Fantasy Impact Today - Wes Easley (@loafinit)
Mr. Miagi
12 10 1936.20 176.02 1950.67
457 4for4 - Connor Allen (@ConnorAllenNFL)
11 11 1936.00 176.00 1938.78
458 Awful Announcing - Jesse Pantuosco (@JessePantuosco)
Hooper, Quint, Brody
11 11 1935.88 175.99 1953.33
459 NimblewNumbers.com - Scott Simpson (@NimblewNumbers)
Harry & Lloyd
11 11 1935.31 175.94 1953.51
460 Alfredo Medina (@elFreddy22_)
11 11 1935.15 175.92 1953.30
461 Jason Sargent (@SargentJason11)
Fozzie Bear
12 10 1935.05 175.91 1916.64
462 Co-host of Rookie Fever - Michael Fanaro (@AardvarkTV)
Rocky Balboa
11 11 1934.27 175.84 1986.25
463 John O’Brien (@OfficialJono)
Kermit the Frog
11 11 1933.95 175.81 1927.03
464 Locke Engel (@LockeEngel)
12 10 1933.84 175.80 1987.29
465 Darren Wolford (@DarrenWolford1)
12 10 1933.80 175.80 1915.39
466 Dynasty Happy Hour - Tyler Guenthner (@DHH_Tyler )
Globo Gym Cobras
11 11 1933.38 175.76 1948.07
467 Matthew Neidhart (@Matt_Neidhart)
Nick Fury
11 11 1932.97 175.72 2068.55
468 Amy Edberg (@_Amy_Fly)
Russell & Dug
11 11 1932.78 175.71 2045.95
469 RJ Murray (@rjmurray429)
Harley Quinn
11 11 1932.28 175.66 1924.85
470 Lindsay Warren (@barleyliterati)
Daniel LaRusso
12 10 1932.18 175.65 1942.90
471 Eric Gosselin (@EricGoss7)
Ian Malcolm
12 10 1932.10 175.65 1914.46
472 PlayerProfiler - Ryan Cummings (@FFDizzle)
11 11 1932.10 175.65 1974.72
473 @BrFFootball - Gabriel Mafra (@GabsMafra)
12 10 1931.83 175.62 1939.82
474 Will Smith (@@smittysrant)
12 10 1931.80 175.62 1794.78
475 Taylor Schultz (@TuViciouz)
Dominic Toretto
12 10 1931.66 175.61 1881.65
476 Derek Forster (@derekforster)
Danny Bateman
11 11 1931.57 175.60 1878.91
477 YardsPer Fantasy - Nate Dreslinski (@ffbigcat)
Nick Fury
11 11 1931.10 175.55 2065.76
478 Curt Beaudin (@OldBalls75)
12 10 1930.60 175.51 1865.96
479 FantasyNow+ - Jeffrey Crisp (@FFCommish_YIS)
Donkey Kong
11 11 1930.60 175.51 1891.68
480 Marc Cannon (@WestRyderP)
Kuzko & Pacha
12 10 1930.50 175.50 1923.78
481 Thomas Dewson III (@Tdewson)
Truman Burbank
11 11 1930.47 175.50 1870.49
482 TrophySmack - Kelly Singh (@KellyInPhoenix)
12 10 1930.20 175.47 1906.25
483 Andrew Lupole (@AndrewLupole )
12 10 1930.19 175.47 1851.62
484 Michael Quensel (@Fantasymeatball)
Coach Gennero
12 10 1929.62 175.42 2003.01
485 Martin Ozimek (@mozimek)
Optimus Prime
11 11 1929.60 175.42 1983.06
486 SportsGrid - Mike Blewitt (@Mikeblewitt)
Vincent Vega
11 11 1929.50 175.41 1904.40
487 Chris Gillman (@Chris_Gillman)
Spinal Tap
12 10 1929.16 175.38 1927.61
488 RotoBaller - Phil Clark (@_PhilClark)
Julie the Cat Gaffney
11 11 1928.97 175.36 1961.34
489 Brittany Harkins (@lucyspotato )
Mia Toretto
11 11 1928.73 175.34 1942.48
490 Sean Lamonda (@@Seanramsfan)
12 10 1928.30 175.30 1950.71
491 Karl Safchick (@KarlSafchick)
Nigel Gruff
11 11 1928.04 175.28 1869.54
492 Dawghouse Fantasy Football - Dennis Roy (@roydawg_13)
Ferris Bueller
11 11 1927.35 175.21 1852.89
493 Aaron MacKay (@AaronMacKay)
11 11 1926.76 175.16 1870.87
494 Josh Gaydosh (@Jmg_puck)
Regina George
11 11 1926.41 175.13 1976.90
495 Greg Eckert (@Gjeckert )
11 11 1926.39 175.13 2021.63
496 Lindsay Kennedy (@Lin6)
12 10 1926.38 175.13 1959.17
497 Neil Young (@neil5young)
Princess Peach
12 10 1926.10 175.10 1893.23
498 GoingFor2.com & GoingFor2 Live - Geoff Lambert (@geofflambert77)
Danny Bateman
11 11 1925.52 175.05 1961.43
499 JWB Fantasy Football - Jacob Parry (@Parry_FF)
11 11 1925.44 175.04 1930.82
500 Evan Fidler (@Fidwa634)
Loki & Bartleby
11 11 1925.24 175.02 2001.26
501 William Hendricks (@wlhconcertfan)
Tugg Speedman
11 11 1925.20 175.02 1954.28
502 Dynasty League Football - Jeff Smith (@FFJeffSmith)
Coach Klein
12 10 1925.01 175.00 2011.40
503 The Fantasy Football Fellas - Tyler Plath (@tyler_plath)
Charlie Conway
12 10 1923.54 174.87 1922.36
504 Sportsnet - Matt Marchese (@Mattymar89)
Scott Pilgrim
12 10 1923.27 174.84 1925.37
505 Desmond Dantzler (@LetsDantz)
Colin Sullivan
12 10 1922.93 174.81 1934.25
506 Discord Community Manager & Platform Safety @ Underdog Fantasy - Edward Beasley (@)
12 10 1922.78 174.80 2002.96
507 George Ansfield (@gansfield)
King Arthur & Knights of Round Table
12 10 1922.60 174.78 1768.62
508 Layton Cox (@Laytoncox)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
11 11 1922.07 174.73 1864.25
509 Luke McGarry (@IamNotLuke)
Jay & Silent Bob
12 10 1921.81 174.71 2003.73
510 idpguys.org (IDP+) Breast Cancer Class - Gary VanDyke (@TheiDPTipster)
11 11 1921.10 174.65 1839.33
511 Chase Hoffmann (@@Hoffshow1)
12 10 1920.45 174.59 1928.39
512 Ryan Cunningham (@BakeryOBread)
Rocky Balboa
11 11 1920.44 174.59 1950.69
513 Raymond Sowden (@Agbulit)
Frederick Von Frankenstein & Igor
12 10 1920.17 174.56 1864.61
514 TrueNorthFFB.com Undroppables.com - Jim Nastic (@GoldjacketQbs )
12 10 1919.65 174.51 1858.10
515 Don Kurjan (@Donkurjan)
11 11 1919.25 174.48 2151.83
516 Joe Williams (@TheFantasySweat)
Billy Costigan
11 11 1918.88 174.44 1977.86
517 Fantasy Football Advice Network - Daniel Mader (@DanMaderFF)
12 10 1918.59 174.42 1933.39
518 Twitter.com - Matthew Duncan (@CivilFoodFightz)
Tyler Durden
12 10 1917.84 174.35 1861.39
519 Casey Symons (@Caseymsymons)
12 10 1916.61 174.24 1984.31
520 PAMELA DOMINGUEZ (@pamedp)
11 11 1916.49 174.23 1859.80
521 network television writer/Garrett Lerner - David Foster (@davidfosterbigpartyjoe)
12 10 1915.85 174.17 1953.72
522 Erik Gunderson (@_BigEeezzy)
11 11 1915.28 174.12 1849.37
523 Jefferson My Drinks Podcast - Pete McManus (@PeteMcManus)
Austin Powers
12 10 1915.21 174.11 1916.10
524 Knights of degen - Chris Adamo (@Chrisadamo_)
Ray Finkle
11 11 1915.09 174.10 1992.84
525 Ernest Ceccon (@)
Captain America
12 10 1914.91 174.08 1911.52
526 Chad Cacchione (@JokerChad )
11 11 1914.31 174.03 2141.59
527 Chinua Olushegun (@DjPaulHoward )
Danny Torrance
12 10 1914.23 174.02 1871.52
528 Nishant Kaushik (@)
Oompa Loompas
11 11 1913.54 173.96 1856.86
529 Brian Wilkins (@BrianWi1971)
Bruce Nolan
12 10 1913.20 173.93 1934.80
530 FTN - Jeff Ratcliffe (@JeffRatcliffe)
12 10 1912.82 173.89 1904.93
531 Rick Cameron (@rcameron64)
Sonny Corleone
12 10 1912.16 173.83 1856.64
532 Carla Sloan (@crankycarla)
12 10 1912.08 173.83 1788.19
533 MELINDA KLIER-OGLE (@Melinda__K)
11 11 1912.08 173.83 1983.43
534 - Vincent Pettofrezzo (@v_pizzle)
Russell & Dug
11 11 1912.03 173.82 1898.83
535 Collin Sutrick (@CSutrickCFD)
12 10 1911.71 173.79 1821.96
536 FFPC Main Event Champ - Dom Baranyi (@FF_GoBills)
Loki & Bartleby
11 11 1911.66 173.79 2147.02
537 Fantasy Football Counselor - Joseph Robert (@ffcounselor1)
Daniel LaRusso
11 11 1910.80 173.71 1757.78
538 Casey Hallin (@Dr_casey)
12 10 1910.51 173.68 2017.83
539 Chuck Brock (@brockc99)
Crash Davis
11 11 1910.51 173.68 2018.14
540 Rhett Zych (@RhettZych)
Mr. Pink
12 10 1910.25 173.66 1955.60
541 Brian Click (@Bclick94)
Brick Tamland
11 11 1909.85 173.62 1995.56
542 Sean Robinson (@TheFFKoala)
Henry Hill
11 11 1909.80 173.62 2074.83
543 Evan Rens (@evan_rens)
Jack Torrance
12 10 1909.42 173.58 2148.31
544 Last Word on Sports - Robert Norton (@norton0723)
Ricky Vaughn
11 11 1909.34 173.58 1838.10
545 Dave Naylor (@dnails72)
Clubber Lang
12 10 1907.97 173.45 1898.64
546 Joe DeVito (@mrdevitojoe)
Daniel LaRusso
12 10 1907.53 173.41 1858.08
547 Dylan Strauss (@dylznick)
John Wick
11 11 1907.22 173.38 1826.09
548 Dynasty League Football - Tom Kislingbury (@TomKislingbury)
11 11 1907.07 173.37 1892.13
549 Kyle Kohles (@oldkingkohl_es)
Brennan Huff
11 11 1906.50 173.32 1740.06
550 @LeagueSamba - David Flannery (@wordonplays)
Indiana Jones
12 10 1905.67 173.24 2004.79
551 Mike Ash (@)
Bo "The Bandit" Darville
11 11 1904.95 173.18 1773.23
552 Reality Sports Online - Ryan Krauchick (@WhatGibbsFF)
11 11 1904.85 173.17 1865.19
553 JWB Fantasy Football, Dynasty League Football - Wyatt Bertolone (@WyattB_FF)
Rain Man
11 11 1904.83 173.17 2131.23
554 Elias Huerta Mojica (@1910leon)
Peter Bretter
11 11 1904.79 173.16 1951.51
555 Craig Evers (@craigevers)
12 10 1904.77 173.16 1868.38
556 Conner Loes (@)
Loki & Bartleby
11 11 1904.65 173.15 1791.40
557 Commissioner Evaluation Show - John McGlynn (@JohnMcGlynn75)
12 10 1903.04 173.00 1862.09
558 Roshun Pai (@Roshunpai)
Speed Racer
12 10 1902.69 172.97 1881.96
559 Mason Nichols (@Thegoose5000)
Brian Fantana
12 10 1902.58 172.96 1871.62
560 Mark Olson (@mywitzn)
Oompa Loompas
12 10 1902.09 172.92 1808.86
561 Jacob Blake (@Alias_Bouncer)
Captain America
12 10 1901.14 172.83 1900.59
562 Michael Schilter (@@schiltbomb23)
11 11 1900.82 172.80 1914.12
563 DrRoto.com - Alisha Hunt (@huntinmillions)
11 11 1900.53 172.78 1913.03
564 Steve Verba (@InquisitrGlokta)
Rocky Balboa
12 10 1900.29 172.75 1899.36
565 Blaine Hallor (@Blainemakeit)
12 10 1899.45 172.68 1810.72
566 Austin Fuglestad (@Podguyfuges)
11 11 1899.34 172.67 1957.44
567 Cassie Doucet (@BounceThatCass)
Mad Hatter
12 10 1899.00 172.64 1810.48
568 Yahoo/Reception Perception - Matt Harmon (@MattHarmon_BYB)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
12 10 1898.92 172.63 1942.39
569 Kris Thiel (@SpartanCards)
Andy Dufresne
12 10 1898.79 172.62 1806.82
570 Drew King (@Drewking0222)
War Machine
11 11 1898.74 172.61 1964.28
571 Karen Combs (@WildOneRosie)
11 11 1898.53 172.59 1982.31
572 Alex Hepworth (@)
Black Panther
12 10 1898.51 172.59 1878.97
573 Anthony Volanti (@A_Volanti4390)
Mr. Miagi
12 10 1898.01 172.55 1772.45
574 Kurt Vogel (@@TheRetroVGers)
Clifford Franklin
11 11 1896.11 172.37 1791.58
575 Reggie Collado (@)
Mace Windu
12 10 1895.75 172.34 1952.67
576 Steven Molina (@brucewayne0305)
David Wooderson
12 10 1895.29 172.30 1971.70
577 @TheUndroppables , https://www.theundroppables.com/ - Dan Whisner (@DanJWhisner)
Will Hunting
12 10 1894.26 172.21 2007.39
578 FFToday - Mike Krueger (@FF_Today)
Spinal Tap
12 10 1893.66 172.15 1862.05
579 Ryan Turner (@Ryan_Turner_9)
Rocket Raccoon
11 11 1893.38 172.13 1828.31
580 Tracey Weber (@Twebb42 )
Ezekiel & Ms. Tasty
12 10 1893.28 172.12 1856.99
581 Business Development @ Sleeper - Jordan Gropper (@JGropp731)
Vicky Vallencourt
11 11 1893.13 172.10 1819.14
582 Wesley Booth (@ImtheRedHerring)
Cheech & Chong
11 11 1892.64 172.06 1930.79
583 Ryan Miller (@RyGuyMills)
Average Joes
11 11 1892.47 172.04 1920.96
584 Paul Buck (@TreewardenBuck )
11 11 1892.34 172.03 2046.67
585 Nick Walden (@Thicccolas_)
12 10 1892.31 172.03 2006.86
586 Liam Humpage (@theFSAtweets)
11 11 1891.83 171.98 1900.54
587 Joseph Hanberry (@colbyhanberry)
12 10 1890.21 171.84 1940.13
588 Joshua Mueller (@)
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
12 10 1889.94 171.81 1802.68
589 FF Faceoff - Miguel Chapeton (@ProFootballPSI)
12 10 1889.29 171.75 1878.69
590 Self( https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4012855/ ) - Steven Campbell (@Steve12768)
Axel Foley
11 11 1886.97 171.54 1941.65
591 Andrew Estes (@@ky_bourbon_guy)
12 10 1885.75 171.43 1850.21
592 Jeff Vanevenhoven (@Trep_prof)
Rey & Kylo Ren
11 11 1885.63 171.42 1985.41
593 Jake Kuykendall (@jdk4177)
Timon & Pumba
11 11 1885.39 171.40 1987.11
594 Chelsea Robinson (@Chexmix618)
12 10 1884.77 171.34 1894.08
595 Matt Krull (@)
12 10 1883.99 171.27 1689.61
596 Fantasy Alarm - Ivar Anderson (@johnwhorfin)
11 11 1882.97 171.18 1773.87
597 CBS - Adam Aizer (@AdamAizer)
Three Amigos
11 11 1882.60 171.15 1877.27
598 Mike Ortiz (@WeapwnX20 )
Cole Trickle
11 11 1881.43 171.04 1950.56
599 Andrew Sieracki (@)
11 11 1880.98 171.00 1906.23
600 Brian Dodson (@DopplerDot)
Michael Myers
12 10 1880.78 170.98 1860.51
601 #FF7s, The Sports Affiliation - Iggy Gilbert (@IDP_Iggy)
12 10 1880.54 170.96 1880.20
602 Underdog Sports - Dean Yang (@)
11 11 1880.00 170.91 1893.93
603 ESPN - Field Yates (@FieldYates)
Coach Boone
12 10 1879.98 170.91 1990.32
604 Derek George (@DGeorge40)
12 10 1879.28 170.84 1920.74
605 Francisco Garcia (@Pacogv)
12 10 1879.08 170.83 1859.29
606 MARK LOVEJOY (@fintastixNFL)
Mary Poppins
11 11 1879.04 170.82 1861.43
607 Troy Rondeau (@Troylr)
Boba Fett
12 10 1878.97 170.82 1852.59
608 DJ Murray (@Laxativesmurray )
12 10 1878.69 170.79 1688.19
609 Led the DFS product for FanDuel - Jeffrey Barrett (@)
11 11 1878.52 170.77 1959.99
610 David Hill (@david_hill99)
Cheshire Cat
12 10 1877.58 170.69 1743.43
611 James O’shea (@Jimmyo2022)
Mary Poppins
12 10 1875.88 170.53 1820.25
612 Peter Phillips (@)
Cowardly Lion
11 11 1874.11 170.37 1817.23
613 Toilets To Titles - Nate Wallen (@nate_dirt19)
Cousin Eddy
11 11 1873.75 170.34 1835.52
614 Bud Davies (@RaiderBud)
12 10 1872.70 170.25 1894.31
615 Drew Hamilton (@Samsnackwright)
12 10 1871.36 170.12 2071.90
616 Bougie Sports with Yvette @yvettemlaboy - Lysandra Fontanez (@LaVidaLysandra)
Mia Wallace
11 11 1871.17 170.11 1918.80
617 Evan Doebler (@DoeblerEvan)
Ivan Drago
11 11 1869.27 169.93 2021.53
618 Optimus Fantasy & Club Fantasy - Nicolas Hoover (@HoovTube)
Thornton Melon
11 11 1868.94 169.90 2010.21
619 Fantasy Cares. Dynasty Trade Calculator - John Bosch (@JohnBoschFF)
12 10 1867.68 169.79 1935.49
620 Andrew McCann (@AndyMac212)
Bash Brothers
12 10 1867.40 169.76 2122.79
621 Fantasy Six Pack - Chris DeBacker (@DetroitBeastie)
Michael Myers
11 11 1867.25 169.75 1841.50
622 Jordan Hansgen (@JRHansgen)
Roy Hobbs
11 11 1865.01 169.55 2008.03
623 Christopher St Martin (@)
Dante & Randall
11 11 1864.49 169.50 1949.80
624 Destination Devy - Ty Declare (@Tydeclare44 )
11 11 1864.44 169.49 1987.18
625 Daniel Stukey (@)
Lt. Dan
11 11 1863.69 169.43 2019.43
626 leslie miller (@leslielane27)
11 11 1863.00 169.36 1874.47
627 Vicente Bacchin (@vicentebacchin)
11 11 1862.81 169.35 1959.20
628 Kim Newman (@kjn333)
Leia Organa
12 10 1862.15 169.29 1800.82
629 Jonathan Meyer (@2345jonte)
Boba Fett
11 11 1861.01 169.18 1937.96
630 Sean Sims (@Sp_Sims)
12 10 1858.92 168.99 2010.81
631 Rene Lutfi (@lutfillive)
11 11 1857.47 168.86 1805.61
632 Rotoballer, FantasyPros - Matt Terelle (@supermt)
Mace Windu
11 11 1856.28 168.75 1825.98
633 Jazzlynn Olivas (@Jazzlynn626)
11 11 1854.57 168.60 1966.25
634 Alejandro Lulli (@ffuser1)
Wet Bandits
11 11 1854.49 168.59 2022.71
635 Julie Bissonnette (@JuliebReff4fun)
Swedish Chef
12 10 1854.47 168.59 1795.72
636 Footballguys, EstablishTheRun - Anthony Amico (@amicsta)
11 11 1853.81 168.53 1807.19
637 The Athletic - Dennis Esser (@coachesser)
Doc Holiday
11 11 1851.75 168.34 1884.34
638 Hope Golden (@[none])
11 11 1851.44 168.31 1880.48
639 Craig Bernes (@GregBurns182)
12 10 1851.35 168.30 1884.92
640 Ramon Gonzalez (@Fantasyrayg)
11 11 1851.28 168.30 1717.90
641 Eric Gervais (@Gerv26)
12 10 1850.91 168.26 1830.59
642 Staff Writer at Dynasty Football Factory (@DFF_Dynasty) - Darren Smith (@FFBirdGang)
Globo Gym Cobras
12 10 1850.67 168.24 1902.07
643 The people call me BBE - Tyler Samko (@BestBallEnjoyer)
11 11 1850.42 168.22 1829.66
644 Jamie O’Dell (@)
11 11 1849.96 168.18 1931.64
645 Thom Hasenpflug (@thasmin13)
Princess Peach
11 11 1847.52 167.96 1894.15
646 ESPN producer - Tom DeCorte (@TPD3)
Indiana Jones
11 11 1846.92 167.90 1882.67
647 BJ OROURKE (@bjoxyzpdq)
Bo "The Bandit" Darville
11 11 1846.11 167.83 1888.56
648 Elliott Anderson (@DarthPiChi )
Jack Burton
12 10 1845.50 167.77 1811.07
649 Jordan Fiegleman (@JordanFiegleman)
11 11 1844.99 167.73 1906.59
650 ESPN - Kevin Pulsifer (@imPULSEivity)
11 11 1844.90 167.72 1786.80
651 Rodolfo Lopez Mora (@18_rodo)
12 10 1844.51 167.68 1815.55
652 Bryan Oldham (@TheCheese1104)
12 10 1843.15 167.56 1882.94
653 Kerry Marcum (@3boys1girlmom)
Regina George
11 11 1842.63 167.51 2049.71
654 Tim Forester (@@Bttj33)
Loki & Bartleby
11 11 1842.55 167.50 1798.81
655 Roxie Charchian (@roxiecharchian)
Envy Adams
11 11 1842.26 167.48 1769.20
656 RotoGrinders - Joe Cistaro (@joecistaro)
The Oneders
12 10 1841.98 167.45 1714.06
657 Michael Padro (@Sfcitylegends )
12 10 1841.04 167.37 1681.35
658 Christopher Svoboda (@TheSvobodaFF)
11 11 1838.47 167.13 1984.39
659 Emily Kluge (@hills_have_pies)
11 11 1837.60 167.05 2035.44
660 #EFFC - Peter Gent (@the_ff_german)
11 11 1835.98 166.91 1942.85
661 Tom Howland (@ikemacnorman)
Forrest Gump
12 10 1835.56 166.87 1786.28
662 Sergi Biamonti (@whodatspain)
11 11 1835.44 166.86 1897.76
663 Retired NFL player - Kyle Clement (@kyle05256111)
Drax the Destroyer
11 11 1835.00 166.82 1741.26
664 Footballguys.com - Joe Bryant (@Football_Guys)
Ezekiel & Ms. Tasty
12 10 1833.84 166.71 1927.31
665 Badge Bros - AJ Nez (@NEZTakes)
Coach Gennero
12 10 1833.56 166.69 1801.34
666 NBC Sports - Lawrence Jackson Jr. (@LordDontLose)
Ezekiel & Ms. Tasty
12 10 1832.43 166.58 1996.72
667 Jon Odell (@jonodell)
12 10 1830.41 166.40 1896.88
668 TheLeagueWinners - Sheldon Hand (@DynastyHoser)
Coach Boone
11 11 1829.19 166.29 2048.41
669 Justas Prascevicius (@JustasPra)
Captain Jack Sparrow
11 11 1827.25 166.11 1855.45
11 11 1826.74 166.07 2021.35
671 Scott Thorburn (@scooterthorburn)
11 11 1825.28 165.93 1875.12
672 Angela Michaels (@FantasyGoblin99)
Thornton Melon
11 11 1823.26 165.75 1926.08
673 DLF, Dynasty Pros, and League Winners - brandon haye (@hayeb3)
11 11 1822.20 165.65 1852.08
674 Jake Binegar (@binnytron)
Dr. Frank-N-Furter
11 11 1821.82 165.62 1754.67
675 Kyler Speaker (@)
Jackie Moon
11 11 1818.81 165.35 1730.80
676 Brycen Roy (@roy_brycen)
Iron Man
11 11 1818.59 165.33 1880.99
677 Fantasy Couch - Huseyin Aksu (@fantasycouch)
Champ Kind
11 11 1818.55 165.32 1858.45
678 Establish the Run - Justin Herzig (@Justinherzig)
11 11 1817.80 165.25 1741.15
679 SportsGrid - Davis Mattek (@DavisMattek)
Mace Windu
11 11 1816.96 165.18 1916.21
680 Ben Zickel (@Bzickel)
Dante & Randall
11 11 1815.57 165.05 1865.65
681 Fantasy Life - Eliot Crist (@Eliotcrist)
11 11 1810.56 164.60 1865.64
682 PlayerProfiler and The IDP Show - Evan Ringler (@EvanRinglerFF)
Charlie Conway
12 10 1804.86 164.08 1833.15
683 Jonathan Blodgett (@Phogforce5)
12 10 1801.24 163.75 1887.25
684 James O'Toole (@JamesOToole7)
Mia Wallace
11 11 1799.50 163.59 1913.24
685 Anthony Knarr (@)
11 11 1797.23 163.38 1861.99
686 Etan Mozia (@Thisistherunn)
Mace Windu
11 11 1796.55 163.32 2137.46
687 Bernie Wolin (@WOLIN BERNIE )
Biff Tannen
11 11 1792.45 162.95 1811.99
688 Shawn Talbot (@)
Wyatt Earp
12 10 1783.29 162.12 1829.02
689 Charlie Cavallier (@Chuckcavallier)
Commissioner Gordon
12 10 1782.81 162.07 1733.28
690 Mark Hogan (@mrkhgn)
11 11 1781.06 161.91 1850.65
691 4for4 - Greg Smith (@gregsauce)
James T. Kirk
12 10 1774.41 161.31 1777.98
692 FTN - Eric Young (@TheEricYoung)
Champ Kind
11 11 1772.84 161.17 1833.78
693 @RaynesBowl @PFDShow - Jack Humphrey (@JH4DoughMedia)
Austin Powers
12 10 1759.83 159.98 1859.73
694 Dynasty TradeCast / RotoViz - Justin Peek (@JPeekFF)
Veronica Corningstone
11 11 1753.04 159.37 2031.82
695 John Pilios (@misterplios)
Henry Hill
11 11 1742.51 158.41 1800.09
696 Mike Zoltek (@MikeZoltek)
11 11 1736.42 157.86 1777.89
697 Jeff Milliner (@geek_mill)
Lando Calrissian
11 11 1725.55 156.87 1884.41
698 NFL Fantasy en Español - Alejandro Orellana (@MeDicenOre )
11 11 1717.30 156.12 1777.84

Why am I not showing? If you are in SFB and not showing, the sleeper handle either on Sleeper or the SFB site don't match. They all matched before the drafts. You won't be eligible for the playoffs if they don't match. Make sure to go back and fix that so the sleeper handle matches on both Sleeper and this SFB site.


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