Rank | Team | AVG | Week 15 | Score | Cutline |
1 | Dr.Roto.com -
Lou Landers (@LandersTalks) MFL - Kuzko & Pacha |
98.50 | 296.57 | 395.07 | +90.13 |
2 | No One Cares About - Podcast -
Christina Paez (@NOCA_pod) Sleeper - Derek Zoolander & Hansel |
97.04 | 296.48 | 393.52 | +88.58 |
3 | DynastyDataLab.com -
Edgar Fondevilla (@Adeiko_ff) Sleeper - Bane |
104.21 | 285.17 | 389.38 | +84.44 |
4 | Chris Charles (@Kavorka324) Sleeper - Walter & Donnie |
102.40 | 283.56 | 385.96 | +81.02 |
5 | Fantasy Wildcard, DLF, Fantasy Pancake YouTube -
Lewis Wood (@Ff_pancake) Sleeper - Harry Potter |
108.26 | 276.66 | 384.92 | +79.98 |
6 | Adam Zafiratos (@Adamzaff) Sleeper - Clubber Lang |
106.07 | 278.51 | 384.58 | +79.64 |
7 | Fantasy Football Today -
Thomas Shafer (@thomas_shaf3r) Sleeper - Icebox |
101.35 | 282.66 | 384.01 | +79.07 |
8 | Playerprofiler -
Joel Ybarra (@Metaffb ) Sleeper - Bill & Ted |
101.13 | 278.91 | 380.04 | +75.10 |
9 | Ryan Richard (@ryanrichard5453) Sleeper - Velociraptor |
96.78 | 280.96 | 377.74 | +72.80 |
10 | Mark Radwan (@Markradwan) MFL - Will Hunting |
99.00 | 277.54 | 376.54 | +71.60 |
11 | Carter Semb (@Cmsemb) Sleeper - Moana |
99.68 | 276.36 | 376.04 | +71.10 |
12 | Fred Ekberg (@Fastfreddy_21 ) MFL - Piglet |
97.73 | 276.85 | 374.58 | +69.64 |
13 | Jacob Bolden (@@bolden_jacob) Sleeper - Axel Foley |
100.38 | 273.45 | 373.83 | +68.89 |
14 | Mike Stencel (@@Munson1897) Sleeper - Slimer |
100.15 | 273.41 | 373.56 | +68.62 |
15 | The Fantasy Girl -
Rosalie Michaels (@RosalieMichaels) Sleeper - TS & Brodie |
97.61 | 274.25 | 371.86 | +66.92 |
16 | Nick M (@NMimi) Sleeper - Maui |
94.26 | 277.11 | 371.37 | +66.43 |
17 | Anthony Funkhouser (@Tonyfunk13) Sleeper - Harley Quinn |
105.33 | 262.00 | 367.33 | +62.39 |
18 | JWB Fantasy Football -
Schuyler Malak (@TheFFBuffalo) Sleeper - Phil |
96.26 | 270.99 | 367.25 | +62.31 |
19 | Luis Oyarzabal Navarro (@Pinger92 ) Sleeper - Cassian Andor |
98.40 | 268.79 | 367.19 | +62.25 |
20 | Dan Clipson (@DanClippo88) Sleeper - Ghostbusters |
100.25 | 266.58 | 366.83 | +61.89 |
21 | FTN -
Jeremy Popielarz (@Popesffh) Sleeper - Thor |
100.17 | 265.72 | 365.89 | +60.95 |
22 | Reid Raukar (@) MFL - Beast |
95.88 | 266.49 | 362.37 | +57.43 |
23 | Kyle Brockman (@) Sleeper - Emotions |
102.64 | 259.49 | 362.13 | +57.19 |
24 | Adam Rowan (@arowan_mn) MFL - Wyatt Earp |
97.68 | 263.95 | 361.63 | +56.69 |
25 | Dynasty Pros Football, 4th and Dynasty Podcast -
Cody Folden (@CodyFolden) MFL - Gandalf |
97.42 | 263.25 | 360.67 | +55.73 |
26 | Pat Joyce (@patjoyceFF) MFL - McManus Brothers |
99.25 | 259.80 | 359.05 | +54.11 |
27 | Andy Barrett (@Andy8arrett) Sleeper - James Bond |
95.96 | 262.53 | 358.49 | +53.55 |
28 | Gus Guerra (@guerragus) Sleeper - Serendipity |
98.12 | 260.27 | 358.39 | +53.45 |
29 | Andrew Faircloth (@Elite_IDP) Sleeper - Ted |
98.24 | 260.11 | 358.35 | +53.41 |
30 | Chris Kirby (@@Ghost_ClownFF) MFL - Luke Skywalker |
103.93 | 253.18 | 357.11 | +52.17 |
31 | Michael Chunn (@Michaelchunn12) Sleeper - Lone Star & Barf |
93.44 | 263.39 | 356.83 | +51.89 |
32 | Jesse Torgerson (@verbalrugby) Sleeper - Nigel Gruff |
100.11 | 256.39 | 356.5 | +51.56 |
33 | SuperFlex SuperShow, DynastyLeagueFootball.com -
John Hogue (@SuperFlexDude) Sleeper - The Dude |
96.86 | 258.80 | 355.66 | +50.72 |
34 | Oscar Rivera (@oski_wow_wow) Sleeper - Jack Burton |
101.39 | 252.77 | 354.16 | +49.22 |
35 | Josh McDonough (@Josh_FF) Sleeper - Brennan Huff |
96.07 | 257.48 | 353.55 | +48.61 |
36 | Tyler Martin (@tylermartin9) Sleeper - Donkey Kong |
102.74 | 250.65 | 353.39 | +48.45 |
37 | Area51 Podcast -
MARCIO BARBOSA (@area51Ff) Sleeper - Rafael |
96.19 | 257.01 | 353.2 | +48.26 |
38 | Andrew Bellini (@abellinigi) MFL - Gollum |
103.37 | 249.02 | 352.39 | +47.45 |
39 | HarrisFootball -
Christopher Harris (@HarrisFootball) MFL - Red |
103.42 | 248.83 | 352.25 | +47.31 |
40 | Jonathan Kaplan (@Jkaplanwinning) Sleeper - Michael Corleone |
105.08 | 246.63 | 351.71 | +46.77 |
41 | fightingchancefantasy.com -
GARY HADDOW (@haddow27) Sleeper - Sarah Marshall |
106.28 | 245.22 | 351.5 | +46.56 |
42 | Cheyanne Bailey (@Cheyannarach) Sleeper - Barbie |
95.48 | 255.70 | 351.18 | +46.24 |
43 | Neil Cohen (@Yeathisisneil) Sleeper - Goonies |
98.76 | 251.40 | 350.16 | +45.22 |
44 | Destination Devy & Dynasty Trades In 5 -
Scott Connor (@CharlesChillFFB) MFL - Hooper, Quint, Brody |
102.82 | 246.67 | 349.49 | +44.55 |
45 | Establish the Run -
Pat Thorman (@Pat_Thorman) MFL - Doc Holiday |
99.42 | 249.68 | 349.1 | +44.16 |
46 | Logan Brown (@Loganbrown0805) Sleeper - Beetlejuice |
96.09 | 253.00 | 349.09 | +44.15 |
47 | Adam Estes (@Acestes424) Sleeper - Hermione Granger |
102.33 | 246.74 | 349.07 | +44.13 |
48 | Ben Kohl (@BennyKool) Sleeper - Shooter McGavin |
101.61 | 247.25 | 348.86 | +43.92 |
49 | IDP+ -
Richard Latham (@engineerchange) MFL - Wolfman |
102.09 | 246.42 | 348.51 | +43.57 |
50 | Oliver Gulley (@olliejg3) Sleeper - Charlie Conway |
105.20 | 242.83 | 348.03 | +43.09 |
51 | Razzball -
Matthew Stiles (@stiles08) Sleeper - Sonny Corleone |
98.87 | 248.78 | 347.65 | +42.71 |
52 | Jake Postal (@Jakepostal218) Sleeper - Brennan Huff |
100.67 | 246.23 | 346.9 | +41.96 |
53 | Ryan Driscoll (@ryetookay) Sleeper - She's All That |
100.86 | 245.96 | 346.82 | +41.88 |
54 | Luiz Almeida (@) MFL - Tigger |
98.58 | 248.02 | 346.6 | +41.66 |
55 | RotoUnderworld -
Anand Nanduri (@NanduriNFL) Sleeper - Dominic Toretto |
104.50 | 241.65 | 346.15 | +41.21 |
56 | Billy and The Krav -
Eric Kravit (@bnkradio) Sleeper - Blade |
103.19 | 240.65 | 343.84 | +38.90 |
57 | Chad Irby (@Irbs_indomita) Sleeper - Neo |
97.65 | 246.07 | 343.72 | +38.78 |
58 | Orry Engebretsen (@ONEngebretsen) Sleeper - Happy Gilmore |
102.11 | 241.07 | 343.18 | +38.24 |
59 | RPO Football and FTN -
Leo McNeeley (@MasterIDP) Sleeper - Ricky Vaughn |
108.78 | 233.06 | 341.84 | +36.90 |
60 | Andrew Nordmeier (@Andrewnordmeier) Sleeper - Alan |
105.88 | 235.90 | 341.78 | +36.84 |
61 | Kieran Hill (@Kieran_Hill3) Sleeper - Loki |
104.37 | 237.34 | 341.71 | +36.77 |
62 | TERENCE HORENBURG (@mnfats127) Sleeper - Fezzik |
95.49 | 245.91 | 341.4 | +36.46 |
63 | Dynasty Dogs -
Michael Matarazzo (@Dynastydogmike) Sleeper - Genie |
98.46 | 242.83 | 341.29 | +36.35 |
64 | Gilroy Lorenzo (@Gilgameshman) Sleeper - Jay & Silent Bob |
96.28 | 244.87 | 341.15 | +36.21 |
65 | Alex Pacelli (@Solegitap) Sleeper - Richard Kimble |
103.44 | 237.37 | 340.81 | +35.87 |
66 | Greg Dudek (@) Sleeper - TS & Brodie |
104.36 | 236.39 | 340.75 | +35.81 |
67 | Camille Gregory (@Camithedestroyr) Sleeper - Jules Winnfield |
104.55 | 235.66 | 340.21 | +35.27 |
68 | William Haan (@Willy_Haan) Sleeper - Goldberg |
100.85 | 239.29 | 340.14 | +35.20 |
69 | Fantasy Football Unlimited -
Kevin Murray (@DrKJMurray) Sleeper - Snake Plissken |
95.58 | 243.74 | 339.32 | +34.38 |
70 | Daniel Caliri (@FantasyManDan) Sleeper - Sarah Marshall |
103.43 | 235.56 | 338.99 | +34.05 |
71 | Fantasy Ballers France -
Marc Escoffier (@MajorMilouFB) Sleeper - McLovin |
97.16 | 241.65 | 338.81 | +33.87 |
72 | DLF, DestinationDevy -
Jeff Mueller (@jmthrivept) Sleeper - Trinity |
107.92 | 230.78 | 338.7 | +33.76 |
73 | Jonathan Swofford (@Jswofford007) Sleeper - King Arthur & Knights of Round Table |
103.47 | 234.71 | 338.18 | +33.24 |
74 | Ben Condeelis (@TheExtraPointFF) Sleeper - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man |
106.01 | 232.12 | 338.13 | +33.19 |
75 | Jeff Davison (@Je7f) MFL - Three Amigos |
100.78 | 237.27 | 338.05 | +33.11 |
76 | Tautvydas Cinelis (@cinelioo) Sleeper - Captain Jack Sparrow |
96.82 | 241.21 | 338.03 | +33.09 |
77 | Kevin Dressel (@CurchOfDressel) MFL - Piglet |
101.45 | 236.40 | 337.85 | +32.91 |
78 | RotoViz -
Blair Andrews (@AmItheRealBlair) MFL - Three Amigos |
105.79 | 231.53 | 337.32 | +32.38 |
79 | Lukas Mclean (@Lukasmclean90) Sleeper - James Dalton |
106.80 | 230.46 | 337.26 | +32.32 |
80 | Rick Magee (@) Sleeper - Aquaman |
106.97 | 230.15 | 337.12 | +32.18 |
81 | Beth Johnson (@) Sleeper - Ken |
97.51 | 239.36 | 336.87 | +31.93 |
82 | Joshua Hagen (@Jchagen24) Sleeper - Rocket Raccoon |
96.23 | 240.47 | 336.7 | +31.76 |
83 | Dynasty Dashboard -
Daniel Silvershein (@DanSilvershein) Sleeper - Jack Torrance |
105.72 | 230.93 | 336.65 | +31.71 |
84 | Brian Muehling (@_BMule) Sleeper - Average Joes |
99.34 | 237.12 | 336.46 | +31.52 |
85 | Byron Watkins (@Byron_Watkins) Sleeper - Uncle Rico |
100.47 | 235.67 | 336.14 | +31.20 |
86 | Footballguys -
Daniel Harms (@InHarmsWay19) Sleeper - Ripley |
97.84 | 238.14 | 335.98 | +31.04 |
87 | DLF -
Michael Moore (@DLF_Moore) MFL - Bowser |
96.74 | 239.00 | 335.74 | +30.80 |
88 | Logan Beck (@LoganBeck30) Sleeper - Jackie Moon |
95.77 | 239.95 | 335.72 | +30.78 |
89 | Taylor Firman (@tefirman51) Sleeper - Squints |
102.33 | 233.39 | 335.72 | +30.78 |
90 | Brian O'Connell (@Bpofsu) Sleeper - Russell & Dug |
104.32 | 231.27 | 335.59 | +30.65 |
91 | Alex Lanctot (@alancts) Sleeper - Forrest Gump |
104.16 | 231.42 | 335.58 | +30.64 |
92 | Jake Grossman (@jakegrossman0) Sleeper - Slimer |
105.07 | 230.10 | 335.17 | +30.23 |
93 | Around the 412 Fantasy Football Podcast -
Joe Frick (@Joefrk) Sleeper - Sonny Weaver |
99.10 | 235.95 | 335.05 | +30.11 |
94 | RotoWire; Framingham State University -
Alex Rikleen (@rikleen) MFL - Cinderella |
101.29 | 233.68 | 334.97 | +30.03 |
95 | ESPN -
Stephania Bell (@Stephania_ESPN) Sleeper - Veronica Corningstone |
103.92 | 230.86 | 334.78 | +29.84 |
96 | Average Joe's Fantasy Football -
Steven McCrory (@AvgJoes_ff) Sleeper - Woody |
99.11 | 235.55 | 334.66 | +29.72 |
97 | The Dynasty CPA -
Alex Fuller (@DynastyCPA) Sleeper - Gizmo |
104.55 | 229.51 | 334.06 | +29.12 |
98 | Fantasy Futebolista -
Guilherme Gianni (@f_futebolista) Sleeper - Acerola |
99.84 | 234.18 | 334.02 | +29.08 |
99 | Important Nonsense -
Michael Manning (@_Mike_Manning) Sleeper - Dt. James Carter & Insp. Lee |
100.16 | 233.83 | 333.99 | +29.05 |
100 | Matty Werner (@) Sleeper - Willie Mays Hayes |
106.09 | 227.87 | 333.96 | +29.02 |
101 | Brandon Napier (@BrandonNapier76) Sleeper - Dr. Frank-N-Furter |
97.55 | 236.29 | 333.84 | +28.90 |
102 | RateMyLeague -
Andy Goldstein (@RateMyLeague) MFL - Wall-E |
101.70 | 231.86 | 333.56 | +28.62 |
103 | Fantasy Life -
Matt Swing (@i_am_mattswing) Sleeper - Elwood Blues |
98.32 | 235.18 | 333.5 | +28.56 |
104 | Nacion Fantasy -
Guga Gekko (@GugaGekko) MFL - Remy |
101.10 | 232.22 | 333.32 | +28.38 |
105 | Jon Hearst (@jonhearst) MFL - Cheech & Chong |
95.59 | 237.51 | 333.1 | +28.16 |
106 | Late-Round Fantasy Football -
JJ Zachariason (@LateRoundQB) Sleeper - Michaelangelo |
98.59 | 234.47 | 333.06 | +28.12 |
107 | Diwakar Punjani (@) Sleeper - Truman Burbank |
100.94 | 232.07 | 333.01 | +28.07 |
108 | Malachi Hammerle (@Hammer_95) Sleeper - Alice |
97.39 | 235.03 | 332.42 | +27.48 |
109 | The Undroppables -
Wailele Sallas (@WaiSallas) Sleeper - Mia Wallace |
97.31 | 235.05 | 332.36 | +27.42 |
110 | Steven Christy (@StevieC013) Sleeper - Apollo Creed |
97.59 | 234.49 | 332.08 | +27.14 |
111 | Advance Local Media -
Howard Kamen (@HowardKamen) MFL - Swedish Chef |
101.64 | 230.40 | 332.04 | +27.10 |
112 | Chris Martin (@Northtampaforty) Sleeper - Buzz |
94.36 | 236.55 | 330.91 | +25.97 |
113 | Smash Accept, P2W Fantasy -
Steven Davis (@mcbreeze11 ) Sleeper - Goose |
100.29 | 230.29 | 330.58 | +25.64 |
114 | Greg Lewandowski (@Aintfancy1) Sleeper - Batman |
101.73 | 228.68 | 330.41 | +25.47 |
115 | Fresh Fantasy -
Alex Caruso (@AlexCaruso) Sleeper - Bumblebee |
102.51 | 227.62 | 330.13 | +25.19 |
116 | Daniel Gamboa (@OGyodaSports) Sleeper - Johnny Utah & Bodhi |
97.03 | 233.02 | 330.05 | +25.11 |
117 | Michael Young (@Nova1395168) Sleeper - Velociraptor |
100.68 | 229.29 | 329.97 | +25.03 |
118 | Brett Poliquin (@GMPGPod) Sleeper - Aldus Snow |
102.20 | 227.63 | 329.83 | +24.89 |
119 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Corey Pieper (@copieps) Sleeper - Harley Quinn |
110.32 | 218.88 | 329.2 | +24.26 |
120 | Jeremy Miller (@Miller88jeremy ) Sleeper - Batman |
98.21 | 230.74 | 328.95 | +24.01 |
121 | Footballguys.com -
James Brimacombe (@JamesBrimacombe) MFL - Hooper, Quint, Brody |
97.12 | 231.50 | 328.62 | +23.68 |
122 | Diego Dorantes (@diegodm_mx) Sleeper - Cassian Andor |
98.74 | 229.88 | 328.62 | +23.68 |
123 | Angle of Pursuit -
Kyle Robert (@notoriouskro) Sleeper - Godzilla |
94.92 | 233.54 | 328.46 | +23.52 |
124 | Mitch Frerichs (@unipanther7) MFL - Simba |
97.97 | 230.32 | 328.29 | +23.35 |
125 | Christian Messick (@MessyMessick) Sleeper - Hermione Granger |
103.49 | 224.69 | 328.18 | +23.24 |
126 | Brian Frye (@5FryeMoments) MFL - Andy Dufresne |
107.34 | 220.52 | 327.86 | +22.92 |
127 | Last Word On Sports/sports Affiliation Thursday Checkdown /fantasy spaces with Bob Harrison -
Tipp Major (@@tippmajor) Sleeper - Leatherface |
97.97 | 229.00 | 326.97 | +22.03 |
128 | Webb Means (@WebbMeans) Sleeper - Regina George |
95.26 | 231.58 | 326.84 | +21.90 |
129 | Sara Vandenberg (@Sbvandenberg ) Sleeper - Veronica Corningstone |
94.93 | 231.86 | 326.79 | +21.85 |
130 | Collin Evers (@collin_evers) Sleeper - Redrum |
100.78 | 225.94 | 326.72 | +21.78 |
131 | FantasyPros -
Ryan Wormeli (@RyanWarmly) Sleeper - The Overlook Hotel |
98.81 | 227.91 | 326.72 | +21.78 |
132 | Bill Kim (@bill_kim_prime) Sleeper - Velociraptor |
102.20 | 224.51 | 326.71 | +21.77 |
133 | Timothy Isaac (@Timthekingisaac) Sleeper - Batman |
94.30 | 232.25 | 326.55 | +21.61 |
134 | John Knepfle (@Neffles) Sleeper - Fezzik |
100.11 | 226.38 | 326.49 | +21.55 |
135 | Corey Parrent (@Petey_FF) Sleeper - Goose |
96.72 | 229.13 | 325.85 | +20.91 |
136 | RotoViz -
Thomas Emerick (@ThomasEmerick) Sleeper - Coach McGinty |
99.72 | 226.09 | 325.81 | +20.87 |
137 | IDP+, ClubFantasyFFL -
Michael Sicoli (@Michael__Sicoli) Sleeper - Globo Gym Cobras |
101.72 | 223.35 | 325.07 | +20.13 |
138 | DLF/The Fantasy Forty Pod -
John Di Bari (@dibari22) Sleeper - Mr. Chow |
101.27 | 223.61 | 324.88 | +19.94 |
139 | Karson Trevillion (@) Sleeper - Tugg Speedman |
97.62 | 227.13 | 324.75 | +19.81 |
140 | Aaron Ayers (@AAyers42) Sleeper - Freddy Krueger |
101.57 | 222.95 | 324.52 | +19.58 |
141 | Jacob Dreyer (@Jacob9er) Sleeper - Julie the Cat Gaffney |
99.38 | 224.90 | 324.28 | +19.34 |
142 | Fantasy Football Universe -
Jesse Moeller (@JMoeller05) Sleeper - Dread Pirate Roberts |
97.67 | 226.37 | 324.04 | +19.10 |
143 | Dynasty Strategy Hub Podcast -
Andrew Ferraro (@EvoHammerDrew ) Sleeper - Cole Trickle |
95.60 | 228.42 | 324.02 | +19.08 |
144 | FTN -
Tyler Loechner (@LoechnerNFL) MFL - Frodo |
103.12 | 220.22 | 323.34 | +18.40 |
145 | Dynasty Dads Fantasy Football Podcast -
Garret Grev (@garretWATO) Sleeper - Billy Heywood |
96.77 | 226.50 | 323.27 | +18.33 |
146 | Kevin Gill (@K_Gill11) Sleeper - Indiana Jones |
99.81 | 223.39 | 323.2 | +18.26 |
147 | George Kritikos (@) MFL - Wall-E |
103.08 | 220.02 | 323.1 | +18.16 |
148 | Bobby Anderson (@Bobbyjallday) Sleeper - Jessie |
101.83 | 221.09 | 322.92 | +17.98 |
149 | Joseph Paeno (@paeno) Sleeper - Vito Corleone |
97.08 | 225.63 | 322.71 | +17.77 |
150 | NumberFire -
Eli Weiner (@EWeinerFantasy) Sleeper - Gamora |
98.15 | 224.47 | 322.62 | +17.68 |
151 | Brian Welsh (@briandwelsh34) MFL - Eeyore |
95.75 | 226.83 | 322.58 | +17.64 |
152 | Tyler Lansdown (@tylerlansdown) Sleeper - Hulk |
97.60 | 224.96 | 322.56 | +17.62 |
153 | Dusty Wilson (@dustycole17) Sleeper - Bash Brothers |
91.94 | 230.35 | 322.29 | +17.35 |
154 | Robert Dorlan (@RobDorlan) Sleeper - Coach Gennero |
101.45 | 220.84 | 322.29 | +17.35 |
155 | Nick Adams (@KingChirpFF) Sleeper - Aquaman |
98.84 | 223.17 | 322.01 | +17.07 |
156 | IDP+ & @SFB_AviMakers -
Nathan Cheatham (@NateCheat) Sleeper - Spiderman (Miles Morales) |
101.59 | 220.30 | 321.89 | +16.95 |
157 | Matt Prior (@PriorMatthew) Sleeper - James Bond |
107.29 | 214.52 | 321.81 | +16.87 |
158 | Jesse Reeves (@JesseReevesFF) Sleeper - Godzilla |
105.41 | 215.98 | 321.39 | +16.45 |
159 | ed wnorowski (@ffsteadyeddie) Sleeper - Danny Torrance |
109.42 | 211.80 | 321.22 | +16.28 |
160 | FTN -
Russ Prentice (@russ1prentice) Sleeper - Benny the Jet |
98.75 | 222.02 | 320.77 | +15.83 |
161 | Mark Gionta (@MoneycatOG) Sleeper - Mike/Sully |
104.01 | 216.72 | 320.73 | +15.79 |
162 | Jerod dunn (@@JerrodDunn3) Sleeper - Predator |
95.22 | 225.38 | 320.6 | +15.66 |
163 | Fantasymojo.com -
Darren Armani (@Fantasymojo ) MFL - Willy Wonka |
105.99 | 214.51 | 320.5 | +15.56 |
164 | David Eschmann (@XChainBangerx) Sleeper - Princess Mononoke |
98.25 | 221.93 | 320.18 | +15.24 |
165 | Christine Aschoff (@Christineee4646) Sleeper - Captain Barbosa |
93.85 | 225.77 | 319.62 | +14.68 |
166 | David Strack (@TheDraughtKing) Sleeper - Elwood Blues |
98.44 | 221.11 | 319.55 | +14.61 |
167 | Yago Bestard (@@nstavro2000) Sleeper - Inigo Montoya |
102.23 | 216.02 | 318.25 | +13.31 |
168 | Dave Henderson (@ONEDAVEHENDO) Sleeper - Austin Powers |
94.87 | 222.98 | 317.85 | +12.91 |
169 | Semi-Pro Soccer Player, Student Athlete -
Amelia Dovie (@Ameliadovie) Sleeper - Indiana Jones |
96.85 | 220.99 | 317.84 | +12.90 |
170 | The Devy Dose -
Erik Kortz (@Ekballer) Sleeper - Average Joes |
97.06 | 220.71 | 317.77 | +12.83 |
171 | Underdog Fantasy -
Justin Weaver (@WeavesFF) Sleeper - Joker |
99.94 | 217.71 | 317.65 | +12.71 |
172 | KC Sports Network -
Ben Heisler (@bennyheis) Sleeper - Iceman |
101.37 | 216.12 | 317.49 | +12.55 |
173 | Zack Henkle (@zackhenkle) MFL - Rick Deckard |
102.70 | 214.65 | 317.35 | +12.41 |
174 | Marc Hava (@MegatronFF) MFL - Mufasa |
99.79 | 217.36 | 317.15 | +12.21 |
175 | Brian Covert (@@Briancovert7) Sleeper - Johnny Utah & Bodhi |
94.22 | 222.52 | 316.74 | +11.80 |
176 | Sam Oliphant (@OliFantasy) Sleeper - Deadpool |
99.59 | 216.91 | 316.5 | +11.56 |
177 | Jeremy Krol (@Jkthegiant) Sleeper - Vontae Mack |
97.43 | 218.86 | 316.29 | +11.35 |
178 | Hunter Van Beek (@HunterVanBeek) Sleeper - Brian Fantana |
95.69 | 220.32 | 316.01 | +11.07 |
179 | Duane Lombard (@Lombard799 ) MFL - Wyatt Earp |
100.39 | 215.53 | 315.92 | +10.98 |
180 | Ben Bromberg (@Zuperfanhq) Sleeper - Spiderman (Miles Morales) |
97.80 | 218.09 | 315.89 | +10.95 |
181 | Ryan Snow (@Snowman7767) Sleeper - Tyrannosaurus |
101.63 | 214.08 | 315.71 | +10.77 |
182 | Footballguys -
Jeff Blaylock (@jeffblaylock) Sleeper - The Overlook Hotel |
101.46 | 214.06 | 315.52 | +10.58 |
183 | Nolan Mente (@Nolanmente) MFL - Gaston |
97.05 | 218.45 | 315.5 | +10.56 |
184 | Caitlin Riemersma (@Sportsbar_belle) Sleeper - Black Widow |
102.92 | 212.56 | 315.48 | +10.54 |
185 | Darin Hall (@hallway65) Sleeper - Captain America |
94.56 | 220.53 | 315.09 | +10.15 |
186 | Mark Somerset (@) Sleeper - Jack Burton |
98.68 | 216.08 | 314.76 | +9.82 |
187 | Ben Niemuth (@Beniemuth) Sleeper - Tyler Durden |
95.04 | 219.61 | 314.65 | +9.71 |
188 | Greg Delisle (@Sockmonkey ) Sleeper - Dominic Toretto |
101.99 | 212.40 | 314.39 | +9.45 |
189 | Jenny Schweigert (@Jenschweigert) Sleeper - Indiana Jones |
102.28 | 212.08 | 314.36 | +9.42 |
190 | Steve Johnson (@StevieJ604) Sleeper - Deadpool |
102.09 | 212.23 | 314.32 | +9.38 |
191 | Brandon Haynes (@ninerdynasty21) Sleeper - Ethan Hunt |
92.69 | 221.33 | 314.02 | +9.08 |
192 | numberFire -
Kenyatta Storin (@kenyattastorin) Sleeper - Princess Mononoke |
102.12 | 211.81 | 313.93 | +8.99 |
193 | Jack Larson (@jariuswrightfan) Sleeper - Gordon Bombay |
101.60 | 212.23 | 313.83 | +8.89 |
194 | Anthony North (@north_anthony) Sleeper - Marsellus Wallace |
94.27 | 219.49 | 313.76 | +8.82 |
195 | FantasyGuru -
Tyler Buecher (@TylerBuecher) Sleeper - Shane Falco |
101.80 | 211.84 | 313.64 | +8.70 |
196 | Justin Hutzler (@HutZlivin) Sleeper - Po |
99.30 | 213.97 | 313.27 | +8.33 |
197 | Jason Money (@ThaReal_Jmoney) Sleeper - Vincent Vega |
96.66 | 216.55 | 313.21 | +8.27 |
198 | Fantasy in Frames/Fantasy Six Pack -
Keith Flemming (@keithflemming) Sleeper - McLovin |
102.56 | 210.38 | 312.94 | +8.00 |
199 | Kiersten Ruff (@unnecruffness) MFL - Legolas |
106.69 | 205.94 | 312.63 | +7.69 |
200 | Rumboyz/ Toilets 2 Titles/ TFFG -
Anthony Dion (@ADion802) Sleeper - Michael Myers |
102.24 | 210.29 | 312.53 | +7.59 |
201 | -
Adam Jones (@BestballJonesy) Sleeper - Ian Malcolm |
97.66 | 214.82 | 312.48 | +7.54 |
202 | Jon Bishop (@BillZalatoris) Sleeper - Donkey |
103.94 | 208.22 | 312.16 | +7.22 |
203 | Blair Jacobs (@) MFL - Winnie the Pooh |
101.99 | 210.14 | 312.13 | +7.19 |
204 | Kenny Holland (@@kbob3200) Sleeper - Paul Blake |
95.30 | 216.83 | 312.13 | +7.19 |
205 | Jason Rogers (@Jayuhsun) Sleeper - Jonathan Moxon |
96.55 | 215.45 | 312 | +7.06 |
206 | Jacob Brandt (@Jakebrandt16) Sleeper - Dirty Harry |
96.91 | 214.86 | 311.77 | +6.83 |
207 | Jason Greene (@CLEGreene) Sleeper - Vincent Vega |
101.90 | 209.75 | 311.65 | +6.71 |
208 | Scott Silverberg (@scottiedo10) Sleeper - Dale Doback |
99.97 | 211.44 | 311.41 | +6.47 |
209 | FantasyUnleashd -
Rob Lowry (@SurplusOfCash) Sleeper - Voldemort |
92.92 | 218.09 | 311.01 | +6.07 |
210 | Anthony Buccelli (@Antbuccelli) Sleeper - Colin Sullivan |
95.62 | 215.37 | 310.99 | +6.05 |
211 | Brasil Fantasy Football -
Joao Souza (@joaomauriciofa) Sleeper - Acerola |
99.95 | 210.76 | 310.71 | +5.77 |
212 | Dynasty Football Factory Yards Per Fantasy -
Stephen Chalmers (@FFChalmers) Sleeper - Michael Myers |
103.37 | 207.27 | 310.64 | +5.70 |
213 | Celebrity -
James Roday Rodriguez (@N/A) Sleeper - Snake Plissken |
100.02 | 210.30 | 310.32 | +5.38 |
214 | Ben Albert (@) Sleeper - Predator |
99.95 | 210.31 | 310.26 | +5.32 |
215 | Yards Per Fantasy -
Andrew Debbink (@AuctionAndrewFF) Sleeper - Drax the Destroyer |
101.69 | 208.45 | 310.14 | +5.20 |
216 | Scott Calka (@Scalka74 ) Sleeper - Captain America |
101.16 | 208.94 | 310.1 | +5.16 |
217 | Algirdas Ivanavicius (@dalgosius) Sleeper - Captain Jack Sparrow |
95.20 | 214.81 | 310.01 | +5.07 |
218 | Scott Pierce (@Scott_Pierce) MFL - Tigger |
100.09 | 209.54 | 309.63 | +4.69 |
219 | David Burks (@Davidburks1) Sleeper - Moana |
106.50 | 202.92 | 309.42 | +4.48 |
220 | Gareth Shaw (@ShawGarethI) Sleeper - Mary Poppins |
95.06 | 214.26 | 309.32 | +4.38 |
221 | Colin Williams (@colin_williams1) Sleeper - Tommy Boy |
95.74 | 213.56 | 309.3 | +4.36 |
222 | Jakeb Avery (@@swankymars33) Sleeper - Coach Gennero |
104.36 | 204.91 | 309.27 | +4.33 |
223 | Nathan Pilmer (@Nathan_Pilmer) Sleeper - Bill & Ted |
103.52 | 205.47 | 308.99 | +4.05 |
224 | Craig Booker (@CraigBooker1) Sleeper - Phil |
104.09 | 204.87 | 308.96 | +4.02 |
225 | Cody Reutzel (@Codyreutzel) Sleeper - Buzz |
97.84 | 210.81 | 308.65 | +3.71 |
226 | Fantasy football for winners -
Chris Heil (@thegrizzlybeard) Sleeper - Ezekiel & Ms. Tasty |
97.13 | 211.01 | 308.14 | +3.20 |
227 | FullTime Fantasy -
Matthew Brandon (@MattFantasyFF) Sleeper - Blade |
102.81 | 205.09 | 307.9 | +2.96 |
228 | The Coach Approach Podcast on Yards Per -
Bobby Bruce (@CoachBruce122) Sleeper - Mr. Chow |
102.12 | 205.77 | 307.89 | +2.95 |
229 | Rocco Porco (@Rocco93Porco) Sleeper - Robocop |
92.94 | 214.80 | 307.74 | +2.80 |
230 | Jessie Link (@Mad_typist) MFL - Leia Organa |
98.35 | 209.34 | 307.69 | +2.75 |
231 | Rotoworld -
Matthew Berry (@MatthewBerryTMR) MFL - SHIELD Agent |
92.52 | 215.07 | 307.59 | +2.65 |
232 | Bob McKee (@BestBallBob) MFL - Luigi |
96.23 | 211.00 | 307.23 | +2.29 |
233 | Richard Jenkins (@rjenkins_FF) MFL - Mario |
92.72 | 214.37 | 307.09 | +2.15 |
234 | Destination Devy -
Jordan Backes (@JordanBackes33) Sleeper - Jack Skellington |
95.60 | 211.45 | 307.05 | +2.11 |
235 | Andrew Bartlett (@mr_bartlebee) Sleeper - McLovin |
102.37 | 204.67 | 307.04 | +2.10 |
236 | Gridiron Experts -
Zach Greubel (@ZachGreubel) Sleeper - Iron Man |
97.24 | 209.67 | 306.91 | +1.97 |
237 | Justin Lattierre (@jlattierre) Sleeper - DeLorean |
93.43 | 213.32 | 306.75 | +1.81 |
238 | Footballguys.com -
Drew Davenport (@DrewDavenportFF) Sleeper - Bluto |
94.84 | 211.71 | 306.55 | +1.61 |
239 | Ron Neal (@Footballr520) Sleeper - Candyman |
93.99 | 212.51 | 306.5 | +1.56 |
240 | FantasyGameday.App -
Ankit Vohra (@TheAnkitVohra) Sleeper - Veronica Corningstone |
105.67 | 200.76 | 306.43 | +1.49 |
241 | Chandler Pastorek (@cpastorekt) Sleeper - Bobby Boucher |
99.47 | 206.79 | 306.26 | +1.32 |
242 | Paul Hassman (@@PaulHassman) MFL - Mace Windu |
95.07 | 210.86 | 305.93 | +0.99 |
243 | Anthony Perry (@FFplatypus) Sleeper - Captain Barbosa |
101.31 | 204.61 | 305.92 | +0.98 |
244 | Wayne Lewis (@WeezyLivezy) Sleeper - Shooter McGavin |
96.43 | 209.41 | 305.84 | +0.90 |
245 | Joey Kelly (@Joeykelly89 ) Sleeper - Happy Gilmore |
107.53 | 198.08 | 305.61 | +0.67 |
246 | John Burton (@Jjhp121315 ) Sleeper - Ghostface |
107.96 | 197.58 | 305.54 | +0.60 |
247 | 4for4 -
Jennifer Eakins (@JenEakinsNFL) MFL - Spinal Tap |
99.35 | 206.09 | 305.44 | +0.50 |
248 | Andy Scroggins (@Scrogad) Sleeper - Nigel Gruff |
97.39 | 207.96 | 305.35 | +0.41 |
249 | Dennis Ohlenkamp (@DOhlenkamp) Sleeper - Billy Heywood |
104.52 | 200.56 | 305.08 | +0.14 |
250 | Jacob Blogg (@FAABlogg) Sleeper - Henry Rowengartner |
99.90 | 205.04 | 304.94 | +0.00 |
251 | Derek Swanson (@Derekswanson22) Sleeper - Sergeant Sean Dignam |
99.45 | 205.32 | 304.77 | -0.17 |
252 | Camille Lagimodiere (@cam_lag) Sleeper - Ripley |
100.34 | 204.23 | 304.57 | -0.37 |
253 | Footballguys -
Adam Hutchison (@TheRealAdam_H) Sleeper - Richard Kimble |
97.20 | 207.11 | 304.31 | -0.63 |
254 | Sara Thornburg (@) Sleeper - Regina George |
105.02 | 199.22 | 304.24 | -0.70 |
255 | Casey Symonds (@CommishCasey) MFL - Luke Skywalker |
95.39 | 208.76 | 304.15 | -0.79 |
256 | 4for4 -
Pranav Rajaram (@_pranavrajaram) Sleeper - Patrick Bateman |
102.20 | 201.86 | 304.06 | -0.88 |
257 | HonoluluBlues -
Adam Stark (@EverydayFFB ) Sleeper - Biff Tannen |
98.53 | 205.32 | 303.85 | -1.09 |
258 | Sean Ward (@MrGedot) Sleeper - Carl |
100.71 | 203.11 | 303.82 | -1.12 |
259 | Jessie Dombrowski (@jdombrowski44) Sleeper - Shrek |
100.37 | 203.44 | 303.81 | -1.13 |
260 | Griffin Smith (@Griffinmsmith34) Sleeper - War Machine |
93.05 | 210.67 | 303.72 | -1.22 |
261 | Derek Overby (@Derekff45) Sleeper - Mickey Goldmill |
105.11 | 198.60 | 303.71 | -1.23 |
262 | Carolina Panthers Radio Network -
John Halpin (@Jhalpin37) MFL - Cowardly Lion |
100.02 | 203.65 | 303.67 | -1.27 |
263 | Underdog Fantasy -
Mike Beers (@beerswater) MFL - Gaston |
98.88 | 204.38 | 303.26 | -1.68 |
264 | Sierra Mink (@HopscotchDaisy) Sleeper - Freddy Krueger |
100.03 | 203.22 | 303.25 | -1.69 |
265 | Mike Bland (@TheFFOffice) Sleeper - Austin Powers |
105.42 | 197.82 | 303.24 | -1.70 |
266 | Triple Play Fantasy -
Eric Mendelson (@TripPlayFantasy) Sleeper - Nigel Gruff |
99.85 | 203.25 | 303.1 | -1.84 |
267 | Robert Kane (@Rob_Kane3) Sleeper - Ricky Vaughn |
98.93 | 204.06 | 302.99 | -1.95 |
268 | Sergio Garcia (@@powersurge24) MFL - Doc Holiday |
99.56 | 203.27 | 302.83 | -2.11 |
269 | Yair Crespo (@yaircrespo ) Sleeper - Khan |
100.32 | 202.36 | 302.68 | -2.26 |
270 | Ron Brouillette (@lightning0012) Sleeper - The Dude |
93.95 | 208.51 | 302.46 | -2.48 |
271 | Ian Hamilton (@DynastyHambino1) MFL - Darth Vader |
100.41 | 201.95 | 302.36 | -2.58 |
272 | Dylan Tyler (@dstyle02) Sleeper - Jack Skellington |
109.27 | 193.07 | 302.34 | -2.60 |
273 | PFF & Rotoworld -
Nic Bodiford (@NicBodifordNFL) Sleeper - Jules Winnfield |
104.55 | 197.68 | 302.23 | -2.71 |
274 | BJ LEVIN (@BJLEVIN) Sleeper - Sunshine |
97.04 | 205.11 | 302.15 | -2.79 |
275 | Zealots -
Jason Wright (@jasonwright25) MFL - Ariel |
98.58 | 203.37 | 301.95 | -2.99 |
276 | Brian Wright (@UOfowllanguage) Sleeper - Knights of Ni |
102.61 | 198.89 | 301.5 | -3.44 |
277 | RotoWire.com -
Alan Seslowsky (@alanseslowsky) Sleeper - Napoleon |
95.83 | 205.56 | 301.39 | -3.55 |
278 | FantasySP, PlayerProfiler, FantasyPros -
Ted Chmyz (@tchmyz) Sleeper - John McClane |
106.66 | 194.33 | 300.99 | -3.95 |
279 | Nick Erwin (@Nick_Erwin_30) Sleeper - Totoro |
100.04 | 200.80 | 300.84 | -4.10 |
280 | Renee Golden (@mrsfantasydetes) Sleeper - Fezzik |
107.53 | 193.27 | 300.8 | -4.14 |
281 | RotoWire -
John McKechnie (@johns_tailgate) Sleeper - Coach McGinty |
96.77 | 204.01 | 300.78 | -4.16 |
282 | Shawn McGranahan (@Therealmcg1) Sleeper - The Oneders |
94.10 | 206.42 | 300.52 | -4.42 |
283 | Keyon Hedayati (@Chefkeyon ) Sleeper - Drax the Destroyer |
95.43 | 204.84 | 300.27 | -4.67 |
284 | RTL NFL Radio, First timer in SFB 14 -
Martin von Rötel (@M_VonRoe) Sleeper - Wolverine |
96.53 | 203.59 | 300.12 | -4.82 |
285 | RotoBaller -
Kyle Lindemann (@LuckIsMadeFF) Sleeper - Vontae Mack |
101.30 | 198.67 | 299.97 | -4.97 |
286 | Kevin Janzen (@Kevinjanzen ) Sleeper - Pennywise |
99.96 | 199.46 | 299.42 | -5.52 |
287 | Manatee Fantasy -
Joey Berry (@ManateeJoey) Sleeper - Ghostbusters |
100.70 | 198.65 | 299.35 | -5.59 |
288 | RotoWire -
Nick Whalen (@wha1en) Sleeper - Billy Costigan |
106.80 | 192.30 | 299.1 | -5.84 |
289 | Marcos Henriques (@mark_enhos) Sleeper - Laranjinha |
101.21 | 197.72 | 298.93 | -6.01 |
290 | FantasyReceips -
Fantasy Receipts (@@fantasyreceipts) Sleeper - Agent Smith |
94.45 | 204.45 | 298.9 | -6.04 |
291 | The Barker (www.thebarkermedia.com) -
Chris Ferera (@ChrisFerera) Sleeper - Vito Corleone |
97.61 | 200.92 | 298.53 | -6.41 |
292 | Dynasty Trade Calculator -
Izzy Elkaffas (@dtc_izzye) Sleeper - Gizmo |
105.21 | 193.08 | 298.29 | -6.65 |
293 | https://www.dynastygenie.com/dynasty/rl1-depth-chart.php -
Derek Blaguski (@derekblaguski) Sleeper - Wet Bandits |
102.28 | 195.96 | 298.24 | -6.70 |
294 | Erick Schroeder (@Morton_Salt_Boy) Sleeper - Ferris Bueller |
102.17 | 195.77 | 297.94 | -7.00 |
295 | jack Senzon (@Kismet618) Sleeper - Slimer |
98.87 | 198.92 | 297.79 | -7.15 |
296 | Ezekiel McBrayer (@zeke_the_beast) Sleeper - Marsellus Wallace |
95.58 | 202.18 | 297.76 | -7.18 |
297 | Joe Tittermary (@JoeTittermary) Sleeper - Mickey Goldmill |
96.89 | 200.78 | 297.67 | -7.27 |
298 | Jack Klemmer (@Jklemmer08) Sleeper - Leonardo |
94.03 | 203.36 | 297.39 | -7.55 |
299 | Fantasy Alarm -
Colby Conway (@colbyrconway) Sleeper - Crash Davis |
101.24 | 195.53 | 296.77 | -8.17 |
300 | Dimitar Stamatov (@dimitaaar) MFL - Leia Organa |
102.62 | 193.99 | 296.61 | -8.33 |
301 | Fantasy Football Fellas -
Cameron Lawrence (@CamLawfff) Sleeper - Charlie Conway |
108.10 | 188.05 | 296.15 | -8.79 |
302 | Dynasty Degens -
Dane Madoche (@FF_DaMaddog) Sleeper - Wayne & Garth |
97.07 | 199.07 | 296.14 | -8.80 |
303 | David Shin (@big41whiskey) Sleeper - Godzilla |
97.92 | 198.02 | 295.94 | -9.00 |
304 | Biplab Mandal (@_Bipcoin) Sleeper - Goldberg |
102.12 | 193.51 | 295.63 | -9.31 |
305 | DLF -
Addison Hayes (@amazehayes_) MFL - Aragorn |
100.00 | 195.57 | 295.57 | -9.37 |
306 | Elite Fantasy Nation -
Matt Denis (@MatthewDenis1) Sleeper - Richard Kimble |
100.79 | 194.66 | 295.45 | -9.49 |
307 | Daniel Kukla (@dankukla314) MFL - Leia Organa |
97.55 | 197.75 | 295.3 | -9.64 |
308 | James Glasper (@Real_PurpleHaze) Sleeper - Wolverine |
94.93 | 200.22 | 295.15 | -9.79 |
309 | Sarah Flynn (@SJFLYNN) Sleeper - Beatrix Kiddo |
99.53 | 195.11 | 294.64 | -10.30 |
310 | Mike Robinson (@Mr_Robinson15) Sleeper - Optimus Prime |
100.21 | 194.00 | 294.21 | -10.73 |
311 | TheUndroppables.com -
Joe Kuvetakis (@Dynasty_joeFF) Sleeper - Forrest Gump |
102.44 | 191.75 | 294.19 | -10.75 |
312 | Footballguys -
Ben Cummins (@BenCumminsFF) MFL - Andy Dufresne |
101.35 | 192.81 | 294.16 | -10.78 |
313 | Will Seader (@WillSeader) Sleeper - Luke Hobbs |
100.65 | 193.51 | 294.16 | -10.78 |
314 | Eric Sonnier (@eric07294) Sleeper - Voldemort |
108.03 | 185.50 | 293.53 | -11.41 |
315 | John Gowen (@jtgowen77) Sleeper - Robocop |
99.68 | 193.80 | 293.48 | -11.46 |
316 | Touchdown en Familia -
Estefania Tamez (@) Sleeper - Lightning McQueen |
93.79 | 199.57 | 293.36 | -11.58 |
317 | Andrew Friedhoff (@AndrewFriedh0ff) Sleeper - Brennan Huff |
98.25 | 194.95 | 293.2 | -11.74 |
318 | Matt Mumme (@matthew_mumme) MFL - Frankenstein |
100.08 | 192.94 | 293.02 | -11.92 |
319 | John Boodey (@Jaboodey ) MFL - Mongo |
102.39 | 190.62 | 293.01 | -11.93 |
320 | -
Nolan Short (@Smalls96) Sleeper - Envy Adams |
104.91 | 187.99 | 292.9 | -12.04 |
321 | La Cueva del Fan -
Jerry Mtz. Eden (@Jerry_NFL) Sleeper - Cassian Andor |
94.61 | 198.19 | 292.8 | -12.14 |
322 | Greg Berthiaume (@GREGGELS17) Sleeper - Stu |
98.36 | 194.00 | 292.36 | -12.58 |
323 | Jared HINES (@Ship_Chaser) MFL - Frederick Von Frankenstein & Igor |
99.59 | 192.54 | 292.13 | -12.81 |
324 | Kapil Mohan (@kapmohan) MFL - Rey & Kylo Ren |
98.48 | 193.59 | 292.07 | -12.87 |
325 | Richard Demkowitch (@demkojr1976) Sleeper - Mad Hatter |
97.70 | 194.32 | 292.02 | -12.92 |
326 | Jonathan Taylor (@Jonnytiz) Sleeper - Groot |
98.98 | 192.81 | 291.79 | -13.15 |
327 | Athlon Sports -
Sarah Lewis (@SarahLewis32) Sleeper - Milton |
92.93 | 198.67 | 291.6 | -13.34 |
328 | Luis Diaz (@Allmikeys) Sleeper - Ferris Bueller |
98.77 | 192.70 | 291.47 | -13.47 |
329 | CBSSports -
Joel cox (@CoxBytes) Sleeper - Frank Castillo |
99.23 | 192.07 | 291.3 | -13.64 |
330 | Fantasy Football Advice Nnetwork -
Brian Hartman (@@TooMuch_Brian) Sleeper - Dt. James Carter & Insp. Lee |
92.28 | 198.82 | 291.1 | -13.84 |
331 | Scott Timms (@@TimmsScott60727) Sleeper - King Kong |
98.29 | 192.75 | 291.04 | -13.90 |
332 | IDP+ (Offensive Points Podcast) -
Josh Hall (@JosHallSTL) Sleeper - Dread Pirate Roberts |
99.13 | 191.39 | 290.52 | -14.42 |
333 | The Fantasy Football Show -
Andrew Clark (@) Sleeper - Alan |
103.87 | 186.25 | 290.12 | -14.82 |
334 | Samantha Sledd (@10sks) Sleeper - Captain Marvel |
93.22 | 196.63 | 289.85 | -15.09 |
335 | FantasyPros -
Elvin Ryan (@ElvinRyan_FF) Sleeper - Bobby Boucher |
99.39 | 190.41 | 289.8 | -15.14 |
336 | -
Matthew Freedman (@MattFtheOracle) MFL - Beast |
103.08 | 186.54 | 289.62 | -15.32 |
337 | Daniel Brinley (@) MFL - Kuzko & Pacha |
98.53 | 191.07 | 289.6 | -15.34 |
338 | Jim Meier (@pgjpm) Sleeper - Tyrannosaurus |
93.92 | 195.42 | 289.34 | -15.60 |
339 | Bernard Austin (@@redman0570) Sleeper - Ace Ventura |
98.61 | 190.69 | 289.3 | -15.64 |
340 | Dan Withers (@danwithers_) Sleeper - Hans Gruber |
97.97 | 191.19 | 289.16 | -15.78 |
341 | Fantistics insider football -
James Adams (@Jamesadams94) Sleeper - Bluto |
97.50 | 191.45 | 288.95 | -15.99 |
342 | Fantasy Cares, SFB -
Scott Fish (@ScottFish24) Sleeper - She's All That |
91.64 | 197.11 | 288.75 | -16.19 |
343 | John McWilliams (@redjimmy) MFL - Rick Deckard |
101.12 | 187.61 | 288.73 | -16.21 |
344 | Grace Golden (@grace_detes) Sleeper - Elle Woods |
107.86 | 180.72 | 288.58 | -16.36 |
345 | Faceoff Sports Network -
Scott Crow (@CrowfootSports) Sleeper - Smalls |
93.92 | 194.49 | 288.41 | -16.53 |
346 | Fernando Villalobos (@Fernando_Vlobos) Sleeper - Nigel Gruff |
95.26 | 193.04 | 288.3 | -16.64 |
347 | Jamie Brown (@@crossfirebrown) MFL - Legolas |
101.92 | 186.18 | 288.1 | -16.84 |
348 | Danny Poutz (@Freefries22) Sleeper - Vontae Mack |
97.75 | 190.26 | 288.01 | -16.93 |
349 | aaron spires (@aaronspires) Sleeper - Robocop |
98.51 | 189.39 | 287.9 | -17.04 |
350 | MICHAEL HENLEY (@KSUMonkeyBoy) MFL - Mufasa |
95.05 | 192.77 | 287.82 | -17.12 |
351 | Rob Bridges (@RobBridgesII) Sleeper - Ham |
100.62 | 187.06 | 287.68 | -17.26 |
352 | RotoGrinders -
Christopher Prince (@beermakersfan) Sleeper - Rafael |
105.35 | 182.08 | 287.43 | -17.51 |
353 | Tyler Loesch (@FullyLoadedFF) Sleeper - Mrs. Doubtfire |
93.94 | 193.45 | 287.39 | -17.55 |
354 | Bennett Karoll (@thebennettk) Sleeper - Nigel Gruff |
96.56 | 190.62 | 287.18 | -17.76 |
355 | Cory Nagel (@TheAce18 ) Sleeper - Peter Bretter |
99.39 | 187.77 | 287.16 | -17.78 |
356 | Riley stevens (@ff_sleepy) MFL - R2-D2/C3PO |
103.68 | 183.13 | 286.81 | -18.13 |
357 | Adam Jackson (@) Sleeper - Beetlejuice |
107.10 | 179.64 | 286.74 | -18.20 |
358 | Eric Jackson (@Erock01082) Sleeper - Bash Brothers |
102.42 | 184.29 | 286.71 | -18.23 |
359 | Jim Hartman (@j_hartman54) Sleeper - Henry Hill |
98.98 | 187.62 | 286.6 | -18.34 |
360 | Ryan McKee (@ryanmckee) MFL - Eeyore |
99.23 | 186.93 | 286.16 | -18.78 |
361 | Bob Voytko (@btvoytko) Sleeper - Vito Corleone |
98.24 | 187.48 | 285.72 | -19.22 |
362 | Fantasy Points -
Thomas Brolley (@TomBrolley) MFL - Cinderella |
95.83 | 188.76 | 284.59 | -20.35 |
363 | Jack Lynch (@lynchjack78) Sleeper - Dr Evil |
105.05 | 179.44 | 284.49 | -20.45 |
364 | Kelli Frieler (@KelliFF92) Sleeper - Michaelangelo |
102.89 | 181.44 | 284.33 | -20.61 |
365 | Josh Green (@Jgreen4012) Sleeper - Gizmo |
99.84 | 184.46 | 284.3 | -20.64 |
366 | Michael Gonzalez (@Johnnyescarole) MFL - Piglet |
97.51 | 186.30 | 283.81 | -21.13 |
367 | David Moore (@Moezilla24) MFL - Swedish Chef |
94.20 | 189.45 | 283.65 | -21.29 |
368 | Carlos Valle (@CARL0SVALLE) Sleeper - Mickey Goldmill |
101.62 | 181.81 | 283.43 | -21.51 |
369 | Dynasty Vipers ViperCast -
Tera Roberts (@ItsTeraTime) Sleeper - Leatherface |
100.57 | 182.77 | 283.34 | -21.60 |
370 | @TheUndroppables @FFDynoDieHards -
Matthew Chester (@FFMadJester) Sleeper - Bobby Boucher |
103.68 | 179.51 | 283.19 | -21.75 |
371 | Jacob Rickrode (@Clutchfantasy ) MFL - Aurora |
101.93 | 181.08 | 283.01 | -21.93 |
372 | Jonathan Smith (@jlsmith84) Sleeper - Doctor Emmett Brown |
97.03 | 185.47 | 282.5 | -22.44 |
373 | SFB Avi Makers -
Clint Followell (@FantasyPastor) Sleeper - Leatherface |
105.02 | 177.42 | 282.44 | -22.50 |
374 | Ernest Barton (@Bubbapuck) Sleeper - Johnny Utah & Bodhi |
96.48 | 185.64 | 282.12 | -22.82 |
375 | Superflex Supershow and Dynasty Junkies -
Tommy Blair (@Fftommyb) MFL - Lando Calrissian |
97.43 | 184.56 | 281.99 | -22.95 |
376 | Razzball -
Bobby LaMarco (@Bobbylamarco) Sleeper - Clifford Franklin |
98.07 | 183.30 | 281.37 | -23.57 |
377 | The Sports Affiliation -
William Garlinge (@@WillFF_) Sleeper - Dominic Toretto |
97.56 | 183.81 | 281.37 | -23.57 |
378 | FantasyPros.com -
Andrew Swanson (@FFtoday_Andy) Sleeper - Dr Evil |
95.48 | 185.85 | 281.33 | -23.61 |
379 | SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio/FantasyGuru -
Ray Flowers (@TheRayFlowers) MFL - Boba Fett |
96.22 | 184.84 | 281.06 | -23.88 |
380 | Fantasy Football Unlimited -
John Lansangan (@JLShowtime22) Sleeper - Harry & Lloyd |
98.32 | 182.60 | 280.92 | -24.02 |
381 | Josh Katzer (@katzer_josh) Sleeper - Daniel LaRusso |
100.79 | 180.08 | 280.87 | -24.07 |
382 | Andrew Leehy (@DoOrDieNasty) Sleeper - TS & Brodie |
93.95 | 186.76 | 280.71 | -24.23 |
383 | Jeffrey Juelsgaard (@) Sleeper - Tyler Durden |
102.95 | 176.82 | 279.77 | -25.17 |
384 | Fantasy Football RPG / Last Word on Sports -
Mike Kashuba (@FFMikeKash) Sleeper - Captain America |
99.42 | 180.25 | 279.67 | -25.27 |
385 | John Goodman (@@mohacabulives) Sleeper - Walter & Donnie |
106.52 | 173.09 | 279.61 | -25.33 |
386 | Andrew Saladzius (@andysalads) MFL - Obi-Wan Kenobi |
93.20 | 186.38 | 279.58 | -25.36 |
387 | Aaron Hernandez (@A_J_Hernandez) Sleeper - Kevin McCallister |
105.18 | 174.38 | 279.56 | -25.38 |
388 | Matthew Berry's Fantasy Life -
Jorge Martin (@jorgemartin17) Sleeper - Riggs & Murtaugh |
95.43 | 183.91 | 279.34 | -25.60 |
389 | Steven Arzberger (@Stevearzberger ) Sleeper - Redrum |
102.77 | 176.43 | 279.2 | -25.74 |
390 | The Hateful 8 Fantasy Football Podcast -
Jon Stone (@JonTheStone) Sleeper - Elle Woods |
98.67 | 180.36 | 279.03 | -25.91 |
391 | Taylor Canevari (@TACanevari) MFL - Winnie the Pooh |
95.39 | 183.14 | 278.53 | -26.41 |
392 | Thom Nanthavong (@@thomnan) Sleeper - Stu |
98.06 | 180.33 | 278.39 | -26.55 |
393 | Brian Robinson (@BrianRobinsonNR) Sleeper - Aladdin & Abu |
99.68 | 178.20 | 277.88 | -27.06 |
394 | Andrew Kallio (@Afkallio) MFL - Andy Dufresne |
94.72 | 183.12 | 277.84 | -27.10 |
395 | Brandon Brown (@BrownNCSU) Sleeper - Ron Burgandy |
96.85 | 180.92 | 277.77 | -27.17 |
Matthew De Lima (@mattkdelima) Sleeper - Tyler Durden |
99.46 | 178.06 | 277.52 | -27.42 |
397 | Zach Appman (@) Sleeper - Aladdin & Abu |
94.37 | 182.68 | 277.05 | -27.89 |
398 | Fanball -
Sam Brimacomb (@Brima24) Sleeper - Shrek |
96.16 | 180.64 | 276.8 | -28.14 |
399 | David Lyons (@GAVikesFanatic) Sleeper - Goose |
102.12 | 174.58 | 276.7 | -28.24 |
400 | The Big Doug & Carmi Show -
Douglas McCray (@DougMcCrayNFL) Sleeper - Donatello |
100.53 | 176.07 | 276.6 | -28.34 |
401 | Brian Kellner (@bkellner) MFL - Frodo |
97.83 | 178.04 | 275.87 | -29.07 |
402 | Steven Miller (@MillerBadger) Sleeper - Tommy Boy |
98.92 | 176.59 | 275.51 | -29.43 |
403 | Matthew Tanhauser (@mjtanhauser) Sleeper - Coach Klein |
97.75 | 177.34 | 275.09 | -29.85 |
404 | FTN -
Vlad Sedler (@RotoGut) Sleeper - Snake Plissken |
95.32 | 179.49 | 274.81 | -30.13 |
405 | Claire Bouchard (@AZClaire) Sleeper - Ripley |
97.42 | 176.15 | 273.57 | -31.37 |
406 | Maria Vicenzi (@FYFmaria) Sleeper - Totoro |
94.90 | 178.27 | 273.17 | -31.77 |
407 | Mike Christensen (@fullmetalpelvis) Sleeper - Roy Hobbs |
95.95 | 177.07 | 273.02 | -31.92 |
408 | Gary Russell (@Russell_with2Ls) Sleeper - Mr. Pink |
99.99 | 172.77 | 272.76 | -32.18 |
409 | PlayerProfiler -
Billy Muzio (@FFMuzio) Sleeper - Aladdin & Abu |
97.61 | 174.99 | 272.6 | -32.34 |
410 | Mark Berdahl (@DakotaLTO) MFL - RP McMurphy |
93.81 | 178.50 | 272.31 | -32.63 |
411 | Mark Hollinger (@hollymark323) Sleeper - King Kong |
102.71 | 169.47 | 272.18 | -32.76 |
412 | Angie Hatfield (@GridironAngie) Sleeper - Mrs. Doubtfire |
100.36 | 171.70 | 272.06 | -32.88 |
413 | Bruno Costa (@) Sleeper - Acerola |
92.96 | 179.08 | 272.04 | -32.90 |
414 | Chris Martin (@Chrisamartin1) Sleeper - Barbie |
95.11 | 176.44 | 271.55 | -33.39 |
415 | ADAM WALLACE (@Awallaceff) Sleeper - Terminator |
92.82 | 178.55 | 271.37 | -33.57 |
416 | The Godfather League -
Jordan Pelt (@godfatherleague) Sleeper - Jonathan Moxon |
97.31 | 174.05 | 271.36 | -33.58 |
417 | FantasyPros -
Kent Weyrauch (@KentWeyrauch) Sleeper - Bash Brothers |
102.89 | 168.45 | 271.34 | -33.60 |
418 | Filosofantasy Podcast -
Javier Salinas (@JavsSA) Sleeper - Miguel |
95.47 | 175.82 | 271.29 | -33.65 |
419 | The Washington Post -
Des Bieler (@DesBieler) MFL - Mace Windu |
93.46 | 177.77 | 271.23 | -33.71 |
420 | Dynasty Daddy -
Jeremy Timperio (@DynastyDaddyFF) Sleeper - Cole Trickle |
100.28 | 170.94 | 271.22 | -33.72 |
421 | Matthew Johnson (@hulksmash0502) Sleeper - Pennywise |
102.00 | 168.97 | 270.97 | -33.97 |
422 | Fantasy Six Pack, F6P Hour Pod -
Joe Bond (@F6P_Joe) Sleeper - Nigel Gruff |
95.90 | 174.72 | 270.62 | -34.32 |
423 | Poppy Kimish (@poppygk) Sleeper - Beetlejuice |
96.89 | 173.47 | 270.36 | -34.58 |
424 | Mikel Erickson (@MErickson2512) Sleeper - Wolverine |
103.87 | 166.43 | 270.3 | -34.64 |
425 | ESPN -
Mike Clay (@MikeClayNFL) MFL - Remy |
99.63 | 170.32 | 269.95 | -34.99 |
426 | Dynasty Rewind -
Chevin Noone (@ChevBoiRD ) Sleeper - Mike/Sully |
102.50 | 167.24 | 269.74 | -35.20 |
427 | Jonathan Criswell (@Zirgrush) Sleeper - Catwoman |
102.72 | 166.90 | 269.62 | -35.32 |
428 | Marc-Andrea Fiorina (@mafiorina) Sleeper - Danny Bateman |
94.30 | 174.75 | 269.05 | -35.89 |
429 | Brandon Solemsaas (@Bsaas25) Sleeper - Smalls |
94.18 | 174.73 | 268.91 | -36.03 |
430 | Damien Lyon (@Dlyon191) Sleeper - Thor |
106.52 | 162.13 | 268.65 | -36.29 |
431 | Ross Preston (@Prestonr88) Sleeper - Ferris Bueller |
92.15 | 175.19 | 267.34 | -37.60 |
432 | Denise Naulin (@Gordinha651) Sleeper - Ezekiel & Ms. Tasty |
103.24 | 162.49 | 265.73 | -39.21 |
433 | Vincent Mapstone (@VinceMapstone) Sleeper - Wayne & Garth |
99.67 | 166.03 | 265.7 | -39.24 |
434 | The Dynasty Movement (TDM) Discord Moderator -
Adam Scheler (@Oldmanyeller) Sleeper - Julie the Cat Gaffney |
98.39 | 167.10 | 265.49 | -39.45 |
435 | Esh InPennsyltucky (@LilPlastyCasuls) MFL - Aragorn |
95.79 | 169.56 | 265.35 | -39.59 |
436 | Fantasy Cares -
Dave Wright (@ff_spaceman ) MFL - Will Hunting |
98.62 | 166.55 | 265.17 | -39.77 |
437 | Jake Suggs (@SportsBetSparty) Sleeper - Bo Callahan |
97.03 | 168.06 | 265.09 | -39.85 |
438 | Matthew (Matt) Walters (@@simplematt25) Sleeper - Ivan Drago |
94.84 | 169.97 | 264.81 | -40.13 |
439 | FlurrySports & Let’s Go Wisconsin -
Trevor Land (@TrevorLand2) Sleeper - Thanos |
99.83 | 164.73 | 264.56 | -40.38 |
440 | Bobby Iadanza (@Robert_Iadanza) MFL - Oompa Loompas |
108.97 | 154.96 | 263.93 | -41.01 |
441 | Ashley Wilhoit (@Ashley_DUBZ) Sleeper - Regina George |
103.45 | 159.74 | 263.19 | -41.75 |
442 | Luuk Gerritsen (@Luukscocktails) Sleeper - Dumbledore |
97.38 | 165.52 | 262.9 | -42.04 |
443 | Fantasy Life -
Jake Trowbridge (@JakeTrowbridge) Sleeper - The Oneders |
103.58 | 159.09 | 262.67 | -42.27 |
444 | Chris Fennell (@Coach_Fennell) Sleeper - Wet Bandits |
100.06 | 162.54 | 262.6 | -42.34 |
445 | Next Fan Up -
Jay Soderberg (@therealpodvader) MFL - Darth Vader |
94.57 | 167.49 | 262.06 | -42.88 |
446 | Timothy Kelly (@tkelly27) Sleeper - Groot |
95.20 | 166.85 | 262.05 | -42.89 |
447 | Jesse Unglaub (@Majorjpu) MFL - Dracula |
99.52 | 162.24 | 261.76 | -43.18 |
448 | Kory Holst (@holst_kory) Sleeper - Star Lord |
96.15 | 165.50 | 261.65 | -43.29 |
449 | IBT_Media/FantasyData/RotoBaller -
Scott Rinear (@MunderDifflinFF) Sleeper - Lone Star & Barf |
93.81 | 167.81 | 261.62 | -43.32 |
450 | Michelle Mayhew (@Sublimegirl74) Sleeper - James Dalton |
97.98 | 163.20 | 261.18 | -43.76 |
451 | Trim Wellbeloved (@MrCoolHandLuke) Sleeper - Dirty Harry |
99.78 | 161.17 | 260.95 | -43.99 |
452 | Lenita Karhunen (@GlamorousScum) Sleeper - Captain Marvel |
93.47 | 166.39 | 259.86 | -45.08 |
453 | Ernesto Uchimura (@ketchupleather) Sleeper - The Dude |
97.55 | 161.46 | 259.01 | -45.93 |
454 | Dynasty Nerds -
Jayson Snyder (@Spydes78) Sleeper - DeLorean |
104.13 | 154.70 | 258.83 | -46.11 |
455 | Justin zuckerman (@justinzuckerma1) Sleeper - Ghostface |
101.86 | 156.36 | 258.22 | -46.72 |
456 | David Beard (@) Sleeper - Brick Tamland |
99.56 | 158.47 | 258.03 | -46.91 |
457 | www.thefantasyfootballauction.com -
Shane Beckett (@Unclebucketts) Sleeper - Wayne & Garth |
96.25 | 161.47 | 257.72 | -47.22 |
458 | NBC Sports -
Patrick Daugherty (@RotoPat) MFL - Bruce |
94.79 | 162.62 | 257.41 | -47.53 |
459 | Benjamin Seigel (@FFRosterChurn) Sleeper - Mike/Sully |
100.92 | 156.05 | 256.97 | -47.97 |
460 | Gerard O'Callaghan (@gocall01) MFL - Han Solo & Chewbacca |
99.29 | 157.14 | 256.43 | -48.51 |
461 | Susan Eisenberg (@sberg82) Sleeper - Jessie |
96.52 | 159.42 | 255.94 | -49.00 |
462 | Footballinsideredge.com -
Nikolai Lazar (@MrGuruNick) Sleeper - Clifford Franklin |
100.42 | 154.96 | 255.38 | -49.56 |
463 | Pro Football Focus, USA Today Lions Wire, Reality Sports Online, Detroit Koolaid Cast -
Derek Okrie (@DerekOkrie) Sleeper - DeLorean |
97.97 | 156.74 | 254.71 | -50.23 |
464 | Max Ivler (@Mjivler) MFL - Stanley Ipkiss |
97.90 | 156.47 | 254.37 | -50.57 |
465 | Kenneth Durand (@@KD2ndST) MFL - Wolfman |
95.65 | 158.67 | 254.32 | -50.62 |
466 | Andrew Hofener (@Ahofener44) Sleeper - Sonny Weaver |
100.09 | 154.05 | 254.14 | -50.80 |
467 | Brad Duff (@BradDuff9) Sleeper - Willie Mays Hayes |
98.55 | 155.54 | 254.09 | -50.85 |
468 | Front Office Pros -
Joe Sheffield (@@Joe_FOP) Sleeper - Bruce Nolan |
100.54 | 153.28 | 253.82 | -51.12 |
469 | The Sports Affiliation -
Wendi Earley (@WendiEarley) Sleeper - Ferris Bueller |
99.02 | 154.49 | 253.51 | -51.43 |
470 | Wes Weishaar (@@Weishaar_88) MFL - Kuzko & Pacha |
98.61 | 154.35 | 252.96 | -51.98 |
471 | Dubie Dubendorfer (@ImagineDubie) Sleeper - Mad Hatter |
92.25 | 160.50 | 252.75 | -52.19 |
472 | Chris Abbott (@truechrisabbott) Sleeper - Elwood Blues |
101.93 | 150.30 | 252.23 | -52.71 |
473 | Dynasty Happy Hour -
Doug Eddy (@DaFantasyFather) Sleeper - Ted |
101.79 | 150.00 | 251.79 | -53.15 |
474 | FTN, College Sports Wire -
Jeff Hicks (@otherjeffhicks) Sleeper - Envy Adams |
99.47 | 152.20 | 251.67 | -53.27 |
475 | South Harmon Fantasy Football -
Eric Vanek (@EricVanekNFL) Sleeper - Dante & Randall |
102.14 | 149.27 | 251.41 | -53.53 |
476 | Anthony Arlich (@CountMcSnatch) MFL - Stanley Ipkiss |
94.13 | 155.73 | 249.86 | -55.08 |
477 | Brad Lucas (@brad_r_lucas) Sleeper - John Rambo |
102.37 | 147.47 | 249.84 | -55.10 |
478 | MARK CHARBONNEAU (@MCharbo99) MFL - Rey & Kylo Ren |
98.27 | 150.66 | 248.93 | -56.01 |
479 | Trey Huguley (@TreyStation360) Sleeper - Marty McFly |
96.03 | 152.89 | 248.92 | -56.02 |
480 | Mike Nissen (@TheDiamondMike) Sleeper - Gordon Bombay |
95.56 | 153.29 | 248.85 | -56.09 |
481 | FantasyOnDraft.com -
Nate Murray (@nateffb) Sleeper - Velociraptor |
99.88 | 147.49 | 247.37 | -57.57 |
482 | Fantasy Life -
Nando DiFino (@nandodifino) Sleeper - Cheshire Cat |
99.28 | 147.21 | 246.49 | -58.45 |
483 | Steve Chamaa (@Stevechamaa) Sleeper - Deadpool |
94.43 | 148.75 | 243.18 | -61.76 |
484 | Chad Schroeder (@Chadsch23) MFL - Luigi |
98.12 | 143.86 | 241.98 | -62.96 |
485 | PJ Tierno (@Mr_Arbitrage) Sleeper - Coach Boone |
95.68 | 146.18 | 241.86 | -63.08 |
486 | The 33rd Team -
Samantha Previte (@SamanthaNFL) Sleeper - Fezzik |
95.64 | 144.34 | 239.98 | -64.96 |
487 | April Balasquide (@aprilbalasquide) Sleeper - Alan |
95.41 | 143.59 | 239 | -65.94 |
488 | FantasyPts -
Bonnie Robinson (@FantasyQueenB) Sleeper - Katniss Everdeen |
94.68 | 144.00 | 238.68 | -66.26 |
489 | Fusion FFB -
Beryl Joffre (@FF_MedCabinet) Sleeper - Smalls |
102.98 | 135.54 | 238.52 | -66.42 |
490 | Fantasy In Frames -
Les Maynard (@SpectacularLes) Sleeper - Coach McGinty |
100.07 | 137.94 | 238.01 | -66.93 |
491 | Alan Ware (@AlanWare) Sleeper - Groot |
97.18 | 140.72 | 237.9 | -67.04 |
492 | Nicole Bauer (@ll_nicoolj) MFL - Lando Calrissian |
93.67 | 143.78 | 237.45 | -67.49 |
493 | Upper Hand Fantasy -
Faraz Siddiqi (@farazsiddiqi) Sleeper - Black Knight |
98.63 | 138.63 | 237.26 | -67.68 |
494 | Eric Stuff (@ELstuff1) Sleeper - Teddy KGB |
105.12 | 131.01 | 236.13 | -68.81 |
495 | John Zinza (@FFBPhoenix) Sleeper - Commissioner Gordon |
97.61 | 136.83 | 234.44 | -70.50 |
496 | Greg Matley (@) Sleeper - Bumblebee |
92.64 | 138.92 | 231.56 | -73.38 |
497 | PFF -
Nathan Jahnke (@PFF_NateJahnke) Sleeper - Donkey Kong |
102.81 | 119.94 | 222.75 | -82.19 |
498 | Rick Beechy (@Beechman300 ) Sleeper - Ricky Vaughn |
102.06 | 120.35 | 222.41 | -82.53 |
499 | Brett Zimmerman (@BroncoBrettZ) Sleeper - Kevin McCallister |
94.61 | 104.93 | 199.54 | -105.40 |
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