The #SFB14

  • The slow drafts start July 8th, 2024 at 10am EST
  • The live drafts will take place between June 29th and July 21th
    • Live drafts will draft 10 rounds live and do the remaining 12 rounds slow
  • The drafts will be played on Sleeper and some on MyFantasyLeague
  • 8 hour pick timer
  • Overnight shutoff: 2AM to 8am EST
  • The draft will be 22 rounds, snake style with 3rd round reversal
Basic Rules
  • TBD Teams
  • TBD leagues (divisions) of 12 teams
  • 22 round slow draft.
  • Start: 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, 1 TE, 0 K, 1 SF, 6 FLEX (on sleeper a flex is replaced by a required kicker and kickers can not be flexed)
  • Bench: 11 players
  • No Trading Allowed
  • Waivers: $100 Blind Bidding
  • No Stat Corrections counted in weekly leaderboard, season averages in playoffs, playoff weekly finals or the week before playoffs to determine the playoff teams.
  • A weekly game against the median


  • Scoring is fractional (meaning 4 yards rushing = .4 points, 1 yard passing = .04 points, etc)
1 point for 50 yards (.02/per),
6 point td, 2 point two pt conversion

1 point for 10 yards (.1/per),
6 point TD, 2 point two pt conversion
.5 per first down
.25 per rush attempt

1 point for 10 yards receiving (.1/per),
6 point TD, 2 point two pt conversion
.5 per 1st down

TE 1.5 PPR

TE extra 1 point per 1st down

3.3 point for a made extra point
Decimal scoring bonus for FG (37 yarder = 3.7 points, 24 yarder = 2.4 points)

Special Teams:

10 point for any punt/kickoff return TD
1 point for 5 yards kick or punt return (.2/per),
6 points if your player recovers a ball in the endzone for a TD (fumble recovery TD on Sleeper)


  • *We will not count TDs as first downs. The NFL does. However 6 total is cleaner and Sleeper does not count them already. MFL does count them so MFL rushing and recieving TDs will be adjusted to add the TD plus first down to equal 6.

  • * Sleeper and MFL appear to use different data providers as well which on very rare occasion (usually with 1st downs) could cause slightly different scoring. This won't be adjusted, just a quirk of the two different platforms.


Any contest run with a prize of an SFB spot is subject to SFB rules. People must be signed up. We can not invite someone who isn't signed up. People can not be on the ineligible list. Any person on the ineligible list for SFB will not be allowed entry into the SFB tournament regardless of winning a contest. This is supposed to be stated in the rules of all 3rd party contests as well. If you are currently on the ineligble to play in SFB list kept by SFB, or land on it at any point, you will not be allowed to play.

Timer Rules
  • Time limit. It is 8 hours and is shut off overnight from 2AM EST to 8AM EST.

    Despite the 8 hour clock, after 4 hours on the clock for a pick on Day 1: Commissioner may replace you after 4 hours assuming you didn't show. It's unofficial, we start trying to contact and potentially looking to replace after 4 hours.

  • If you let your clock expire, a player will be selected based on the league host ADP. We won't replace timeouts unless it's a completely unreasonable selection for the ADP.

  • If you are on the turn, please make both picks in a reasonable amount of time. Don't be the guy that makes one pick and comes back many hours later for the 2nd pick. There isn't trading allowed, so there is no reason to sit on the 2nd pick.

    The 8 hour timer is intended to be there to accomodate for people having lives and family, and work. It is not meant for someone to intentionally take their time to gain an advantage or out of spite to other drafters. If found to be doing so, that user may be removed. That is against the spirit of this tournament.

  • People have lives, after the first round, please contact us if there is a consistent timeout issue or people timing out multiple times in a row, not simply if someone is taking a long time where it isn't intentional as stated above.
  • If you miss setting your lineup or you don't login to the site for a prolonged period of time, the commissioner may replace you.
Accidental Drop / Lineup Move / Picks
  • Accidental Drop: you must contact commissioners within a reasonable amount of time to reverse it should someone else pick that player up. Obvious accidents will be fixed. You can't let a starting-caliber player get dropped and then added to a new team. It alters the integrity of the league.

  • Accidental Lineup move: you must contact commissioners within a reasonable amount of time to reverse it and the mistake must be somewhat obvious to me.

  • Accidental picks: you must contact commissioners immediately. Preferably no other picks made, if too many are made, commissioners won't be able to revert.
Player Rules
  • As an anti-collusion and anti-tanking measure, there may be players deemed “undroppable.” Start-worthy players and players ranked high enough they should be rostered are generally considered undroppable given the depth of rosters allowed. The commissioner will determine if a player is undroppable and correct if done. The commissioner will also decide whether a player was dropped in an attempt at collusion or tanking.

Player Designations are set by the league host. We don't change those. This includes but is not limited to injury deignations and player positions. We don't control when they are updated and we don't control how a player is able to be used (if dual position eligible on sleeper). That may also effect how they are scored. This is something to take into account when drafting, settings lineups, and choosing a platform.

  • Trading does not lock on Sleeper. Trading in SFB on Sleeper that goes unreported to a point it can't be corrected before a week's games will result in the league being disqualified and deleted among other things.
Waiver Moves
  • Waivers will run Wednesdays at 1PM EST.

  • After 1PM EST Wed. It will be First Come, Firse Serve until kickoff of each player's game.

  • The first waiver run is the Wednesday before week 1 at 1PM EST
Waiver Moves Once Eliminated
  • If your team has been eliminated from the playoffs, you are not allowed to make waiver moves. If it happens and we are notified we may do our best to revert or find a solution for the issue.
Setting Lineups
  • Each week, if you have not set a lineup by Thursday morning at 6AM EST, the Fantasy Sharks lineup setter on MFL will use their projections to set your lineup.
  • On Sleeper your lineup from the previous week will be used.
    Injured, Out, Inactive, Bye Week, and free agent players are not allowed in lineups.
Team Manager Rules
  • If you are invited and given a team in SFB, that team is yours. You may not give it away in a contest or sell it in any fashion. You may not transfer that team. You were personally invited. That team does not belong to the site you write for. If you are unable to participate you can not give it to a friend. They may be removed and the team given to someone on the waitlist if any of these has been found to have been done. You are only allowed one team in SFB, if found to be playing with two, you will be removed from both. Co-Managers are not allowed unless approved in rare cases. That could also lead to removal if found.



  • Half the field will make the playoffs: All teams with 13 or more wins and the remainder based on points. Exact Number of Teams finalized after week 11 for each round.
Regular Season:
  • The regular season will run 11 weeks.
  • Each team will play each other once on MFL. On Sleeper, your first 11 games are what count for the regular season.
Week 12 - Wild Card Week 1 (2000 teams):
  • Half the field will make the playoffs: All teams with 13 or more wins and the remainder based on points.
  • Each team will get their season avg (average of all previous weeks) plus their Week 12 score.
  • Bottom X% of starting field will be eliminated.
Week 13 - Wild Card Week 2 (1500 teams):
  • Each team will get their season avg (average of all previous weeks) plus their Week 13 score.
  • Bottom X% of starting field will be eliminated.
Week 14 - Wild Card Week 3 (1000 teams):
  • Each team will get their season (average of all previous weeks) avg plus their Week 14 score.
  • Bottom X% of starting field will be eliminated.
Week 15 - Wild Card Week 4 (500 teams):
  • Each team will get half their season (average of all previous weeks) avg plus their Week 15 Score.
  • Bottom X% of starting field will be eliminated.
Week 16 - Semi-Finals (250 teams):
  • Each team will get half their season avg (average of all previous weeks) plus their Week 16 Score
  • Bottom X% of starting field will be eliminated.
Week 17 - #SFB12 Finals (50 teams):
  • Each team will get half their season avg (average of all previous weeks) plus their Week 17 Score
  • Final X% play , Top Score Wins.


Any contest run with a prize of an SFB spot is subject to SFB rules. People must be signed up. We can not invite someone who isn't signed up. People can not be on the ineligible list. Any person on the ineligible list for SFB will not be allowed entry into the SFB tournament regardless of winning a contest. This is supposed to be stated in the rules of all 3rd party contests as well. If you are currently on the ineligble to play in SFB list kept by SFB, or land on it at any point, you will not be allowed to play.

  1. SFB Mirror Leagues will be held on Sleeper and MFL One entry per person.
  2. You must be signed up on the site AND eligible to win anything if there are prizes. This means if you are on currently on the SFB ineligible list or land on the ineligible list in the future, you can not win an entry prizes. You can not give away any SFB entry if you win one. You may not have 2 teams in the mirror leagues. Doing so would make you ineligible to win.
  3. You do not set lineups, it is simply a draft and best ball scoring.
  4. You can change your team name to whatever you want.
  5. Scoring is total points for your optimal lineup for weeks 1-17
  6. We do not fix accidental picks or ADP picks for satellites
  7. Multiple auto picks may make you ineligible for prizes.
  8. These are for anyone, even if you are in other satellites elsewhere or the main event this year.


Should circumstances, issues, or problems arise for which a remedy is not stated in the Rules, the Commissioner reserves the right to take whatever actions they deem necessary in the best interest of the league. Remember, this is a free charity based league.


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