1 | Luis Paulo Porto (@lp_porto) |
2 | Rahul Jindal (@DJRJ21) |
3 | Dynasty League Football / Betsperts -
Eric Dickens (@DLFootball) |
4 | Jake Kuykendall (@jdk4177) |
5 | Steve Hurley (@Festy_life) |
6 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Mike Laplant (@@FFLaPlant) |
7 | Troy Michalek (@megatroy87) |
8 | Giana Pacinelli (@Gianaaaa) |
9 | Andrew Overland (@_justunlucky) |
10 | Dynasty Deeds -
Mat Hatton (@FF_WelcomeMat) |
11 | Chris Valentino (@chrisvalentino1) |
12 | Dominic Senska (@Senska11) |
1 | Full Press Coverage plus tons of other sports -
Chris Wassel (@ChrisWasselDFS) |
2 | Blaine Hallor (@Blainemakeit) |
3 | Charles Kangas (@KANGASMAN_FS) |
4 | Andrew Bram (@Andrewjbram) |
5 | Melissa Laird (@Mdl86) |
6 | Kristopher Pittillo (@Toe7685) |
7 | George Austin (@Austin_chip) |
8 | Daniel Macias (@@danielmacias559) |
9 | Amanda Solis (@manda_ays) |
10 | Hannah Reed (@Hannahmartinnn) |
11 | Justin Hals (@jjhals) |
12 | Fantasy Football Today -
Thomas Shafer (@thomas_shaf3r) |
1 | Greg Dudek (@) |
2 | Josh Lee (@jlee3485) |
3 | Sports Gambling Podcast / In-Between Media -
Rodrigo Villagomez (@rjvillagomez ) |
4 | The Sports Affiliation -
Anthony Fishwick (@FFootballFish) |
5 | ERIC LEON (@melovader916) |
6 | Andrew Leehy (@DoOrDieNasty) |
7 | The Fantasy Girl -
Rosalie Michaels (@RosalieMichaels) |
8 | Tom Windedahl (@jrwindedahl ) |
9 | Paul Matthew (@fantasyscot) |
10 | Dakoda McDonell (@DakodaMcDonell) |
11 | Jake Anderson (@JakeAndersonPGA) |
12 | Mike Armstrong (@RV_X71) |
1 | 4for4 and FantasyPoints -
Pat James (@Patjamesdfs) |
2 | Telemundo Deportes -
Cesar Augusto Fuentes de Luna (@_cesar_fuentes) |
3 | Anthony Arlich (@CountMcSnatch) |
4 | Geoff Price (@discosis) |
5 | Max Ivler (@Mjivler) |
6 | Christopher Ricci (@Christo14586164) |
7 | The 33rd Team -
Ian Kenyon (@IanKenyonNFL) |
8 | Ben Junkin (@Bjunkin87) |
9 | Joey Brown (@12_brown) |
10 | Tom Callahan (@DeuceVentura) |
11 | Draft Buddy -
Lou Brunson (@brewpython27) |
12 | Chad Kozlowski (@ChardMinusThe_r) |
1 | Sleeper -
Lukas Culen (@SleeperHQ) |
2 | Matthew Fenedick (@Lovemycowboys13) |
3 | BrotoFantasy.com -
Michael Petropoulos (@BrotoFFMike ) |
4 | Mark Gionta (@MoneycatOG) |
5 | Spencer Collins (@_KyaKona) |
6 | The Undroppables -
Dan Bradley (@awlsabermetrics) |
7 | SFB Merch / SFB AviMakers -
Jordan Loupe (@CantALoupe_FF) |
8 | RPO Football -
Patrick Harrington (@tackleboxprops) |
9 | Matthew Armstrong (@MattArmstrong44 ) |
10 | Dynasty Rewind -
Chevin Noone (@ChevBoiRD ) |
11 | Benjamin Seigel (@FFRosterChurn) |
12 | FanDuel Research -
Skyler Carlin (@skyler_carlin) |
1 | Ryan Whalen (@Whalenryan) |
2 | Cody Sandy (@CodyJSandy) |
3 | Nathaniel Ledwith (@Samvimessboots) |
4 | Tim Mcintosh (@timmermac7) |
5 | DynastyBuffs.com -
Guy Rodriguez (@DynastyBuffs) |
6 | Stephanie McAtee (@stefernans) |
7 | Ethan Critchfield (@pirellipapi) |
8 | Min Kim (@Mkim521) |
9 | Nick Erwin (@Nick_Erwin_30) |
10 | Maria Vicenzi (@FYFmaria) |
11 | Corbin Runge (@) |
12 | The Dynasty Movement -
Samantha Yim (@skyimmy) |
1 | RosterWatch/TheDraftRankings -
Cody Carpentier (@CodyCarpentier) |
2 | RotoWire.com -
Alan Seslowsky (@alanseslowsky) |
3 | Scott McLean (@scottinthe503 ) |
4 | The Draft Rankings / Tigers Trade Show -
Tiger Coolidge (@NFLYoungestGM) |
5 | DFS Army -
Michael Dickinson (@mike_dickinson ) |
6 | PlayerProfiler -
Matthew Desrosiers (@MattyKiwoom) |
7 | Athletic -
Brandon Funston (@BrandonFunston) |
8 | Chris Wise (@FF_Wiseguy) |
9 | South Harmon -
Michael Chrystal (@Iowamichael ) |
10 | RosterWatch -
Alex Dunlap (@RosterWatch) |
11 | DynastyRankings.com -
Nate Liss (@Anoutragedjew) |
12 | Garrison Mindrup (@GarrisonMindrup) |
1 | Fantasy in Frames, Optimus Fantasy -
Richard Sickels (@RichSickelsGBM) |
2 | Zach Ernst (@FaceMan81) |
3 | Dylan Tyler (@dstyle02) |
4 | NICK SIPERLY (@FF_Pariah) |
5 | Dan Bickel (@danb_09) |
6 | Dynasty League Football -
John Hesterman (@John_hesterman) |
7 | Julian Ferreira (@redhotdrummer87) |
8 | FOX Sports Mexico -
Ricardo Vaquier (@ricardo_vgv) |
9 | Destination Devy -
Jordan Backes (@JordanBackes33) |
10 | brad levondosky (@Bradlevo) |
11 | Frank Carlesimo (@chicagodolphins) |
12 | Nicholas Zazzera (@) |
1 | Bulletproof Fantasy Football -
Drew Osinchuk (@Dfbeancounter) |
2 | Athlon Sports -
Sarah Lewis (@SarahLewis32) |
3 | Sujoy Banerjee (@Sujoybanerj) |
4 | GoingFor2 | Father Dynasty Podcast -
Chew Russell (@Fatherdynasty) |
5 | Josh Olmsted (@Michugana) |
6 | Tony Ferrese (@TonyFerrese) |
7 | Cole Bleskan (@) |
8 | Kelly Hall (@IndygirlinMA) |
9 | Dynasty Nerds/Campus2Canton -
Phillip Jacques (@mastapj) |
10 | The IDP Show -
Scott Soltis (@ProfessorIDP) |
11 | Zach Rein (@impressauve ) |
12 | Jason Fluke (@flukestar23 ) |
1 | Bobby Lawrence (@SuperFlexJunkie) |
2 | Mark Berdahl (@DakotaLTO) |
3 | Karen Craft (@bubbasbestbabeyahoo.com ) |
4 | Billy Mutch (@Bmutch) |
5 | Yahoo -
Scott Pianowski (@scott_pianowski) |
6 | IDP+ -
Richard Rodrigue (@rickyrod66) |
7 | Nikki Brosh (@) |
8 | DrRoto.com -
Dr. Roto (@DrRoto) |
9 | Brad Zollars (@Fantasyflyover ) |
10 | SleepersandBusts.com -
Mark Ringo (@@MarkRingo12) |
11 | Scott Iverson (@) |
12 | Ryan Santos (@FFLINX) |
1 | Colton Hower (@LocksAndLineups) |
2 | IDP+ (Offensive Points Podcast) -
Josh Hall (@JosHallSTL) |
3 | SiriusXM/ Fantasy Alarm -
Shannon Blunt (@shannonb_lunt) |
4 | ESPN -
Meghan Burgoon (@meghbird) |
5 | Fantasy Football Universe -
Jesse Moeller (@JMoeller05) |
6 | The Sports Affiliation -
Anthony Juras (@2fatguysff) |
7 | -
Mike Mills (@m_millsey) |
8 | James Insley (@FFWhiteClouds) |
9 | KC Land (@nadeauk7) |
10 | Sarah Payne-Poff (@@Sarah_BPP) |
11 | Marissa Aydelotte (@) |
12 | Jonathan Sale (@JonathanSale) |
1 | Joelle Breidenstein (@JoelleBstein) |
2 | John Knepfle (@Neffles) |
3 | Cary Spencer (@Cspen44) |
4 | Renee Golden (@mrsfantasydetes) |
5 | Christian Phillips (@CPhillips2020) |
6 | Matt Adam (@madattam) |
7 | Gerard Mullins (@75megager) |
8 | The 33rd Team -
Samantha Previte (@SamanthaNFL) |
9 | TrueNorthFFB.com Undroppables.com -
Jim Nastic (@GoldjacketQbs ) |
10 | Jennifer Smith (@TheOnlyJenSmith) |
11 | Spotlight Sports Group -
Ryan Hallam (@Fightingchance) |
12 | TERENCE HORENBURG (@mnfats127) |
1 | Troy Nelson (@pick6fantasy) |
2 | Craig Dadika (@CHD3113) |
3 | Gary Kruse (@GKruse70655) |
4 | Chris Smith (@crs0417) |
5 | Living the Fantasy - Youtube -
Matthew Moss (@LTFBallers) |
6 | ESPN -
Field Yates (@FieldYates) |
7 | Matthew Karow (@MattKarow) |
8 | FantasyPros -
Marco Enriquez (@Marco_NFL) |
9 | Dynasty Nerds, The Program(TM) -
Nathan Bourque (@Dynstydadstache) |
10 | PJ Tierno (@Mr_Arbitrage) |
11 | Matt Cooper (@MattCoop_13) |
12 | TheLeagueWinners -
Sheldon Hand (@DynastyHoser) |
1 | Jared Russell (@jaredr325) |
2 | Erika Charais (@Erikacharais ) |
3 | Corey Price (@TheeNolaCP) |
4 | Heather Joyce (@Heth2512) |
5 | Dynastynerds, goingfor2.com -
Michael Hicks (@dropthemikeFF) |
6 | Fantistics Insiderfootball.com -
Jeremy McGoldrick (@jmcgoldr) |
7 | Dynasty Trade Calculator -
Dan Brannen (@Brannen86) |
8 | kevin koontz (@mugwump4ever) |
9 | Andy Vuong (@Andyvuong) |
10 | Phil Brownmiller (@philbrownmiller) |
11 | Michael Hopkins (@Chalfonthoppi) |
12 | Andrew Draper (@DraperWiFCA) |
1 | Footballguys -
Corey Spala (@CoreySpala) |
2 | Marlon Maloney (@marlonmaloney) |
3 | Patrick Nolan (@Realsaintpat) |
4 | Ralph Pahlmeyer (@rpahlmeyer) |
5 | Patrick Tobin (@@pattycakes_9) |
6 | Andrew Stricklin (@AJ_Stricklin88) |
7 | Patrick Boudreau (@Plowking1985) |
8 | Fantasy Football Advice Nnetwork -
Brian Hartman (@@TooMuch_Brian) |
9 | Important Nonsense -
Michael Manning (@_Mike_Manning) |
10 | Afterglow Sports Analysis and Consultancy -
Dan Glozier (@CoachGlozier) |
11 | Dynasty Rewind (host) -
Michael Bower (@RewindCEO) |
12 | Adam Patterson (@Adamatthezoo) |
1 | FTN -
Russ Prentice (@russ1prentice) |
2 | Martin McGregor (@Martinrmcgregor ) |
3 | Mike Mooneyham (@TheMooneyham) |
4 | Diana Younan (@datff51) |
5 | DraftSharks.com -
Matt Schauf (@SchaufDS) |
6 | Yahoo Sports -
Dan Titus (@DanTitus) |
7 | RotoBaller -
Adam Koffler (@AdamKoffler) |
8 | Lauree Foster (@laureefoster) |
9 | Kevin Schwei (@kaschwei) |
10 | The Fantasy Footballers -
Kyle Borgognoni (@Kyle_borg) |
11 | Jess Katsouris (@katsourisff) |
12 | Bull Rush Podcast -
Ty Miller (@fauxacc0unt) |
1 | Sarah Bailey (@Armstrongbails) |
2 | Valerie Gonzalez (@ValerieElisse) |
3 | Ethan Ballard (@3Ballard) |
4 | Aaron Oster (@TheAOster) |
5 | Frank Spallone (@) |
6 | Fusion FFB -
Beryl Joffre (@FF_MedCabinet) |
7 | Rich George (@RichGeorge2) |
8 | Andy Bidinger (@5biddys) |
9 | Faceoff Sports Network -
Scott Crow (@CrowfootSports) |
10 | Sean Sims (@Sp_Sims) |
11 | Brandon Solemsaas (@Bsaas25) |
12 | FTN -
Dane Martinez (@SpittinSPEEDZ) |
1 | Taylor Firman (@tefirman51) |
2 | PlayerProfiler -
Ryan Cummings (@FFDizzle) |
3 | Dom Munoz (@DMunoz34) |
4 | Mike Harper (@Harper20) |
5 | Kim Dilisio (@thekimmydhawks) |
6 | Greg Eckert (@Gjeckert ) |
7 | Colin Wild (@@cwild85) |
8 | Danny Russell (@EVBetsNU) |
9 | Logan Devine (@Steelcrush7) |
10 | Andy Tripp (@TrippAndy) |
11 | Chris Carter (@Ccarter_bass) |
12 | Chris Lingen (@NoDakSota) |
1 | Andrew Kallio (@Afkallio) |
2 | Matthew Shirey (@Mshirey31) |
3 | Dwayne Brown (@DwayneB13) |
4 | UTHDynasty -
Katie Flower (@FF_Skyler399) |
5 | Brian Frye (@5FryeMoments) |
6 | DLF -
Ryan McDowell (@RyanMc23) |
7 | Footballguys -
Ben Cummins (@BenCumminsFF) |
8 | Bettor Sports Network / Fantasy Alarm -
Matt Deutsch (@bettornetwork) |
9 | Triple Play Fantasy/ Fantasy in Frames -
Mike Darling (@DirtyJobs21) |
10 | Jason Easler (@Michsportsjay ) |
11 | Brian Kelleher (@bakells) |
12 | Kris Thiel (@SpartanCards) |
1 | Fighting Chance Fantasy / Fantasy Football Hustle -
Brian Drake (@DrakeFantasy) |
2 | Kyle Sloup (@Sloup) |
3 | Bryan Murphy (@Bryan_j_murphy) |
4 | HarrisFootball -
Christopher Harris (@HarrisFootball) |
5 | David Strunk (@wolfman_DCS) |
6 | UTHDynasty -
Chad Parsons (@ChadParsonsNFL) |
7 | Daniel Schlissel (@Missile429) |
8 | Adam Lessel (@UpXiGuy) |
9 | Paul Theoret (@paultheoret) |
10 | #EFFC -
Peter Gent (@the_ff_german) |
11 | Jerry Culver (@Aggie94V3) |
12 | DLF -
Jeff Haverlack (@DLF_Jeff) |
1 | RotoWire -
Christopher Crawford (@Crawford_milb) |
2 | RotoWear -
Kenneth Cashman (@kenneth_cashman) |
3 | Steve Vair (@Iheartphysed) |
4 | Joe Shelko (@) |
5 | Scott Tabachnick (@Scotttabachnick) |
6 | Josh Jenkins (@josjenki) |
7 | Saturday2Sunday Football -
Matt Caraccio (@Matty_S2S) |
8 | IBT_Media/FantasyData/RotoBaller -
Scott Rinear (@MunderDifflinFF) |
9 | Justin Johnson (@justinimii) |
10 | Michael Chunn (@Michaelchunn12) |
11 | Anthony Toupin (@anthonytoupin) |
12 | Moderator, commissioner, and organizer for The Fantasy Football Guys + artisanal BBQ manufacturer -
Robert Brooks (@BuzzsBBQ) |
1 | Trade Addicts Podcast & Fantasy Cares -
Russ Fisher (@dynastyouthouse) |
2 | Tim Board (@Superfan99) |
3 | Gentan Schulteis (@GentanSchulteis) |
4 | Kyle Shumway (@Ffpadawan ) |
5 | Ryan Legvold (@DynastyLegZ) |
6 | Matthew Little (@stoopidwiseman) |
7 | Dan Grainger (@Unit_79) |
8 | Dave Biddiscombe (@Ff_monsters) |
9 | Gerard O'Callaghan (@gocall01) |
10 | John Pathe (@Truck1223) |
11 | Trade Addicts/Dynasty Junkies/Dynasty Game Night -
Rocky Petrella (@DynastyFFAddict) |
12 | Steven Treble (@Bingy_3) |
1 | Nick Petruzzi (@foozie21) |
2 | IDP Nation -
Dan Cook (@seahawksdan8) |
3 | Joseph Gross (@Jgross0729) |
4 | Francisco Garcia (@Pacogv) |
5 | Devy To Dynasty Football Podcast -
Brandon Lejeune (@devydeepdive) |
6 | IDP+ and ProFootballNetwork -
Justin Frye (@JFryeDP) |
7 | Footballguys -
Kyle Bellefeuil (@KBellf54) |
8 | david dunning (@vi079) |
9 | Angel Marquez (@angelmarqc) |
10 | IDP+ (Ride or Dynasty Podcast) -
Joseph Harlow (@JoeLow63) |
11 | Peter Christie (@Roguegravity) |
12 | Riley stevens (@ff_sleepy) |
1 | Dynasty Roast -
Ross Batko (@rossbatko) |
2 | Marian Quintana (@Niniachef) |
3 | Trevor Hertel (@TrevorHertel9) |
4 | Kapil Mohan (@kapmohan) |
5 | Rod Humphrey (@humphreycpa) |
6 | The ORANGE Report -
The Ghost (@TheFFGhost) |
7 | Jeff Vanevenhoven (@Trep_prof) |
8 | Rotogrinders -
Sammy Reid (@sammyreidfi) |
9 | Ben Kain (@bkain7) |
10 | David Kohlmeyer (@david_k1981) |
11 | IDP+ -
Shawn Teague (@shawn8386) |
12 | MARK CHARBONNEAU (@MCharbo99) |
1 | Jake Postal (@Jakepostal218) |
2 | Andrew Friedhoff (@AndrewFriedh0ff) |
3 | COLBY SPRINGER (@KiloAlphaQuick) |
4 | The Fantasy Footballers -
Matthew Betz (@TheFantasyPT) |
5 | Aaron Gilbraith (@aggno92) |
6 | Josh McDonough (@Josh_FF) |
7 | Kyle Kohles (@oldkingkohl_es) |
8 | GoingFor2 -
Nathan Janasik (@mellamomoron) |
9 | Joe Concha (@jlcon07) |
10 | Anthony Abridello (@Antab28 ) |
11 | Draft Sharks -
Luke Sawhook (@lukesawhook ) |
12 | @MrFoamerSimpson -
Foamer Simpson (@@MrFoamerSimpson ) |
1 | Eric Schneiderreit (@BigEPhilly4for4) |
2 | Michael Seely (@MikeSeely2) |
3 | Paul Kehoe (@Pkehoe82) |
4 | Fantasy Trading Room -
Stephen Bradshaw (@SteveBradshawFF) |
5 | Wells Engledow (@@wells_eng) |
6 | Samantha Price (@Sprice8907) |
7 | Marc Paretchan (@JabenP33) |
8 | DLF -
Justin Wright (@Justin_14P) |
9 | Smash Accept -
Adam Armour (@r_adamarmour) |
10 | Timothy Riley (@FF_Reez) |
11 | Scott Silverberg (@scottiedo10) |
12 | Dale Redman (@DTRedman) |
1 | Jewel Knight (@JewelKn99122602) |
2 | Jeremy Martin (@Jmartin1982) |
3 | Ryan Davidson (@) |
4 | Cassandra Dubiel (@cantdazzleme) |
5 | Diana Guzman (@@dee7582) |
6 | Donald Sargent (@DonnieSargent22) |
7 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Corey Pieper (@copieps) |
8 | Front Yard Fantasy -
Timothy Wright (@thewrighttim) |
9 | Anthony Funkhouser (@Tonyfunk13) |
10 | Adam Christensen (@Samsneadmygod) |
11 | Josh Scobey (@WYAK191) |
12 | RJ Murray (@rjmurray429) |
1 | Evan Zych (@Evans7777s) |
2 | Eli Rudall-Stulberg (@) |
3 | Kevin Love (@Cpchimps) |
4 | Fantasy in Frames/Fantasy Six Pack -
Keith Flemming (@keithflemming) |
5 | Andrew Bartlett (@mr_bartlebee) |
6 | -
Matt FFDynasty (@MattFFDynasty) |
7 | Derek Grubis (@DGrubes) |
8 | GoingFor2.com | NFL DFS + Draft Analyst -
Tim Strobel (@KetoDFS) |
9 | Fantasy Ballers France -
Marc Escoffier (@MajorMilouFB) |
10 | Fantasy BR -
Matheus Chaves (@FantasyBR_) |
11 | Drew Loutzenhiser (@drewloutz) |
12 | Rotounderworld/PlayerProfiler/former Veridian Global -
Marc Mathyk (@Masterjune70) |
1 | Goodguy.ai / Fantasy Proceeds -
Ronnie Evans (@ronnieaevans) |
2 | Jonathan Schramm (@Shraminator) |
3 | Area 51 Fantasy Football Podcast (BRAZIL) -
Giovani Camini (@area51ff) |
4 | Goingfor2, Fantasy Six Pack -
Jamie Perog (@JamiePerog) |
5 | Em Lefco (@Emilylefco) |
6 | Andrew Nashel (@andrewnashel) |
7 | Campus2Canton -
Austin Nace (@devydeets) |
8 | playerprofiler.com -
Al Scherer (@al_scherer) |
9 | David Moore (@Ethereyum1) |
10 | Daniel DeMuth (@Dandemuth) |
11 | Scott Thorburn (@scooterthorburn) |
12 | ADAM WALLACE (@Awallaceff) |
1 | Shawn McGranahan (@Therealmcg1) |
2 | 4for4/SiriusXM -
Brendan Darr (@BrendanDarr) |
3 | The Smoke Show/IBT Media -
Josh Nelson (@MrSmokeyHell) |
4 | RotoGrinders -
Joe Cistaro (@joecistaro) |
5 | Scott Keefe (@ScottKeefe) |
6 | Mike McKinnon (@Mikebmckinnon) |
7 | JWB Fantasy Football -
Tim Hedtcke (@Nnubbs) |
8 | Two Guys One Pod - Fantasy Football Podcast -
Rick Porter (@Rickyj2013) |
9 | Brandon Wild (@@FantasyReaperr) |
10 | Rhett Taylor (@RDT_MD) |
11 | Optimus NFL -
Brad Bolt (@BradBolt1) |
12 | Fantasy Life, Drinking & Talking Fantasy Football -
Jake Trowbridge (@JakeTrowbridge) |
1 | Fantasy Chairmen Podcast -
Ben Bradley (@ChairmenFantasy) |
2 | -
Sreevardhan Nasini (@TheNameIsSree) |
3 | Scott Ozebek (@@NextProScouts) |
4 | Steven Filler (@) |
5 | Lauren Draper-Wood (@Dc50lauren) |
6 | Underdog Fantasy employee -
Daniel McDermott (@dan_mcdermott12) |
7 | Andrew nelson (@0babyfacenelson) |
8 | Scott Frederick (@FredSDTW) |
9 | Tyler Bailey (@Txbeezy) |
10 | -
Andrew Doucette (@) |
11 | Tommy Moening (@dynastyffworld) |
12 | Cade Campbell (@CadeCampbell24) |
1 | PlayerProfiler -
Nick Lynch (@nicklynchFFL) |
2 | FFToday -
Mike Krueger (@FF_Today) |
3 | Michael Bird (@thatbirdguy) |
4 | theScore -
David Woods (@davidpwoods) |
5 | DLF -
Eric Flynn (@EricJohnFlynn) |
6 | Jeff Perry (@JeffPerryIsHere) |
7 | Justin Leonard (@_JustinLeonard) |
8 | Rob Knight (@DSnarker55816) |
9 | Tom Swanson (@tcswan) |
10 | Chris Gillman (@Chris_Gillman) |
11 | FantasyPros -
Pat Fitzmaurice (@Fitz_FF) |
12 | 4for4 -
Jennifer Eakins (@JenEakinsNFL) |
1 | Kevin OBrien (@kevinobrienbets) |
2 | Dynasty Underdog -
William Beaman (@WillieBeamanDFF ) |
3 | Deep End FF podcast, WGR Buffalo -
Mike Schopp (@schopptalk) |
4 | Matt Garcia (@Garsha3030) |
5 | Brent Feasel (@brentfeasel) |
6 | Mike Taylor (@Bohica24) |
7 | Jarrett Green (@jarrettgreen10) |
8 | Jeff Davison (@Je7f) |
9 | Scott Villa (@Srvtwin) |
10 | CBS -
Adam Aizer (@AdamAizer) |
11 | John McCaffrey (@) |
12 | RotoViz -
Blair Andrews (@AmItheRealBlair) |
1 | Dynasty Football Factory -
Christipher Bean (@Christipherbean) |
2 | rob keffer (@@keffer_rob) |
3 | Brandon Foster (@BrandonFoster11) |
4 | Fantasy Life -
dwain mcfarland (@dwainmcfarland) |
5 | Adam Rowan (@arowan_mn) |
6 | Duane Lombard (@Lombard799 ) |
7 | Kory Kettner (@KoryKettner) |
8 | Tom Sturdevant (@Tom_sturdevant) |
9 | Gridiron Experts -
Doug Burrell (@Dougwburrell) |
10 | TSN / Nielson Media & Entertainment -
Dustin Nielson (@nielsonTSN1260) |
11 | Shawn Talbot (@) |
12 | Spike Week -
Erik Beimfohr (@erikbeimfohr) |
1 | ATS.IO -
TJ Calkins (@Tjcalkins) |
2 | www.asylumfantasysports.com -
Rick Briggs (@Asylumfootball) |
3 | Footballguys -
Bob Henry (@BobHenry) |
4 | Sergio Garcia (@@powersurge24) |
5 | Establish the Run -
Pat Thorman (@Pat_Thorman) |
6 | FullTime Fantasy -
Jody Smith (@JodySmithNFL) |
7 | The Athletic -
Dennis Esser (@coachesser) |
8 | Gridiron Experts -
Jason Willan (@ConsultFantasy) |
9 | Jerry CAREY (@) |
10 | Viper Fantasy Network -
Matt Donnelly (@MattDonnellyFF) |
11 | SB Nation -
Mark Schofield (@MarkSchofield) |
12 | Dynasty Pros -
Bob Miller (@DynastyBobFF) |
1 | Jemo The Icon (@JemoTheIcon) |
2 | Andrew Salcito (@Sallyswags) |
3 | Danny Gato (@Dannygato14) |
4 | Nick Adams (@Catsby1000) |
5 | Martin Ozimek (@mozimek) |
6 | Nathan Carosello (@NathanCarosello) |
7 | Ross Verba (@) |
8 | Dave Falcone (@Davefalc1) |
9 | Mike Robinson (@Mr_Robinson15) |
10 | The League Winners -
Harry Prskalo (@FFMonarch) |
11 | GoingFor2.com https://goingfor2.com/ -
Jordan Arceneaux (@jarceneaux89) |
12 | Josh Bettencourt (@Bcourt23joshua) |
1 | Thye Schuyler (@DrThyeSleepGuy) |
2 | Pietro Baron (@@wetalkseahawks) |
3 | Greg Matley (@) |
4 | SumerSports -
Eric Iannaccone (@pprranks) |
5 | -
Nicholas Singer (@NickSingerNFL) |
6 | Fresh Fantasy -
Alex Caruso (@AlexCaruso) |
7 | Jim Caruso (@Jcarfootball) |
8 | Rotojoes -
Kaden Cody (@kadenbcody) |
9 | tina kampa (@vkngvxn) |
10 | Nick Smith (@Shizzbob ) |
11 | Gabriel Sanchez (@DaEquinoxFF) |
12 | Producer of the Pez & Pork Show, producer & co-host Around the OrkneyBowl -
Johnny Edwards (@BowlOrkney) |
1 | DLF -
Stephen Gill (@stephengill_ts) |
2 | Destination Devy -
Jordan Richards (@chaboyjrich) |
3 | Brad Walker (@Darby016) |
4 | Patrick Engel (@) |
5 | SiriusXM Mad Dog Sports -
Alexander HARDY (@A_Hahdee) |
6 | Brendan Boyle (@boylebcrazy) |
7 | NBC / Rotoworld -
Jay Croucher (@croucherJD) |
8 | Underdog Fantasy -
John Pauley (@jp_otc) |
9 | Scotty MIncer (@scottmincer) |
10 | Gerardo Cancino (@elnegrocancino) |
11 | 5 Yard Rush -
Chris Mitchell (@5yardrush) |
12 | Fantasy Football Advice Network -
Zac Bradley (@TheZacBradley) |
1 | DLF Read and React -
Adam Tzikas (@Adamtz) |
2 | Joshua Newton (@Shewton_) |
3 | Diwakar Punjani (@) |
4 | Thomas Dewson III (@Tdewson) |
5 | Dan Lee (@daniellee51) |
6 | Gregory Boyce (@Gboyce19) |
7 | Fantasy Football Astronauts -
JetPack Galileo (@JetPackGalileo) |
8 | The League Winners -
Randy Vuxta (@RandallVuxta) |
9 | Framing Hanley -
Kenneth Nixon (@fhnixon) |
10 | Blair Dickey (@Followdontlead) |
11 | Yam Haus -
Zach Beinlich (@) |
12 | Alex Ewart (@alexewart) |
1 | Scott Smoot (@TheyCallMeSmoot) |
2 | Jeff Russell (@jeffarussell) |
3 | Alec Gerson (@AlecGerson) |
4 | Rotoworld -
Matthew Berry (@MatthewBerryTMR) |
5 | Ryan Reck (@ryanqreck) |
6 | Bryan Oldham (@TheCheese1104) |
7 | Tim Barlow (@brewtus76) |
8 | Scott Wolinetz (@WolinetzLaw) |
9 | Jamie Luttrell-Houlihan (@houli75) |
10 | Brandon Beverly (@degenraptorz) |
11 | Kaelen Bradford (@BradfordKaelen) |
12 | Nick Walden (@Thicccolas_) |
1 | Saturday2Sunday -
Paul Perdichizzi (@paulie23ny) |
2 | Sean Ward (@MrGedot) |
3 | The Coach and Commish Podcast -
Chris Schoenrock (@CoachandCommish) |
4 | The IDP Show -
Jacob Kohlhagen (@LateRoundDB) |
5 | Ari Zytcer (@) |
6 | Ian Mason (@ianjm27) |
7 | Craig Evers (@craigevers) |
8 | Jimmy Ray (@@nfl_stats) |
9 | Eric Sirkin (@ericsirkin) |
10 | Dynasty League Football/SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio -
Timothy Riordan (@timmymr) |
11 | Bob Hoffman (@BobHoffman13) |
12 | Spike Week -
Silas Jackson (@Silasjackson15) |
1 | Kirkland Muller (@K_muller13) |
2 | Amy Edberg (@_Amy_Fly) |
3 | Brian O'Connell (@Bpofsu) |
4 | -
Vincent Pettofrezzo (@v_pizzle) |
5 | David Glidden (@fantasyforecstr) |
6 | Tricia Treml (@GBPFan01) |
7 | Devy Deep Dive,, Rookie On The Rise -
Britt Sanders (@TheFFSandman) |
8 | John Cegielski (@Ciggy02) |
9 | Anthony Skrip (@AnthonyFantasy2) |
10 | Hugh Geary (@Footballor_bust) |
11 | Matthew Berry’s Fantasy Life -
Colleen Fiorita (@Collfio) |
12 | FFSQC -
Doug Green (@Doogie448 ) |
1 | BRoto Fantasy -
Tim Petropoulos (@brotofftim) |
2 | Founder, 360 Fantasy Football Draft Boards -
Kyle Bombardier (@FFDraftBoard) |
3 | Bob Jensen (@greenmohawk12) |
4 | BenchwarmerBran -
Brandon Carney (@benchwarmerbran) |
5 | Andrew Stencavage (@PlurlRuralJuror) |
6 | Dynasty League Football -
Jeff Smith (@FFJeffSmith) |
7 | Kennedy Caldwell (@DynastyKC22) |
8 | TBQ Sports -
Craig Schmucker (@FF_Schmuck) |
9 | Michael Good (@) |
10 | Rob McCann (@@robmccann84) |
11 | Matthew Tanhauser (@mjtanhauser) |
12 | David Slatt (@torontoFF8) |
1 | Kyle Edwards (@DFSKyle) |
2 | Razzball.com -
Donkey Teeth (@donkeyteeth87) |
3 | Michael Steinberg (@YHNYDad) |
4 | Justin Edelstein (@J_edel10) |
5 | Dan Clipson (@DanClippo88) |
6 | Joshua Latshaw (@morpherios) |
7 | Darren Wolford (@DarrenWolford1) |
8 | Richard Barrios (@rb1330) |
9 | Manatee Fantasy -
Joey Berry (@ManateeJoey) |
10 | Rest of Season Rankings podcast -
Andrew Seifter (@andrew_seifter) |
11 | CBS Sports -
Joe Polito (@Joepo89) |
12 | Ryan Scerra (@Ryan33784086) |
1 | Perry Brauner (@Pman555) |
2 | Dynasty Degens -
Dane Madoche (@FF_DaMaddog) |
3 | Matt Jacobson (@mattjac) |
4 | Jim Heneghan (@jimjackcoke) |
5 | Fantasysixpack.net & Dynasty Nerds -
Jon Witt (@JPW2542) |
6 | Fantasy Six Pack, The Fantasy Six Pack Hour Podcast -
A. J. Applegarth (@@AppleGarthAlgar) |
7 | Steve Day (@Sday9) |
8 | www.thefantasyfootballauction.com -
Shane Beckett (@Unclebucketts) |
9 | sicscore.com director of analytics/chief assistant to @profootballdoc -
Taylor Bicht (@flyeronthewall1) |
10 | RotoBaller -
Andersen Pickard (@andersenpickard) |
11 | Daniel Stein (@Gofortheshow) |
12 | Vincent Mapstone (@VinceMapstone) |
1 | Fantasy Football Empire -
Jeff Boggis (@jeffboggis) |
2 | YACTICIAN Podcast IHeart Radio -
Kold Krush (@cashvillefinest/KOLDKRUSH) |
3 | Matthew Smith (@@thedocMS) |
4 | Jack Lynch (@lynchjack78) |
5 | www.fantasyjudgment.com -
Michael Stein (@FantasyJudgment) |
6 | Fisher David (@) |
7 | Tommy Davis (@) |
8 | David Reszkowski (@Dreszme) |
9 | IDP+ (formerly IDPGuys) -
Joe Wiggans (@OPJoee) |
10 | NFL Bulumenta (podcast from Serbia), Fantasy in Frames -
Petar Petrovic (@@c0pe4) |
11 | Matthew Crory (@Matthewcrory) |
12 | FantasyPros.com -
Andrew Swanson (@FFtoday_Andy) |
1 | BrFF | Brasil Fantasy Football -
Rui Mauricio (@rui_mos) |
2 | George Ansfield (@gansfield) |
3 | Scott Smith (@syrupduke) |
4 | Jonathan Swofford (@Jswofford007) |
5 | Hugh Carpenter (@HeelDaddy21) |
6 | Gretchen Dunoyer (@gretchenbakes ) |
7 | BrainyBallers.com -
Zach Rogers (@BrainyBallers) |
8 | Dynasty DNA Fantasy Football Podcast -
TJ BLAKE (@tjblakedna ) |
9 | Reducing Uncertainty -
Madison Parkhill (@MadisonParkhill) |
10 | Tyler Cary (@) |
11 | Stoned Lack Fantasy Football Podcast -
Veronika Perl (@phroneegee) |
12 | Dynasty Rewind -
Nate Christian (@NateNFL) |
1 | Jeff Schneider (@Sccivics) |
2 | Raymond Sowden (@Agbulit) |
3 | Gus Brand (@gbrd90) |
4 | Razzball -
Mike Alexander (@Roto_Wan) |
5 | FantasyMocks.com -
Andy Estridge (@andyestridge) |
6 | Jason Helwig (@Wigpoker2004) |
7 | BetMGM -
Dana Worby-Robinson (@Worbyrob) |
8 | Caitlin Rios (@Catlikessports) |
9 | Jared HINES (@Ship_Chaser) |
10 | Scott Meredith (@) |
11 | Tom Caputi (@N/A) |
12 | The Athletic -
Dominick Petrillo (@EnvisionFF) |
1 | Matt Wetzel (@themattwetzel) |
2 | Matthew Artz (@CptnDiabetes) |
3 | Jim Beaudoin (@MoreBellcowFF) |
4 | No One Cares About - Podcast -
Christina Paez (@NOCA_pod) |
5 | Smash Accept Podcast co-host -
John Hampton (@dynasty_trades) |
6 | Todd Werner (@TS_Werner) |
7 | WCCO Radio/Audacy Mpls. -
Chris Tubbs (@CMTubbs) |
8 | Jason Scott (@Jsun44) |
9 | RotoViz -
Curtis Patrick (@CPatrickNFL) |
10 | Pat Wright (@Patwrightqb) |
11 | Markus Schirrmeister (@mar.schirr) |
12 | Mike Cohee (@MikeCohee) |
1 | Brian Long (@B_long82) |
2 | Ryan Sayne (@Ryan_sayne) |
3 | Alex Lanctot (@alancts) |
4 | PPRFantasyTips -
Jared S (@PPRFantasyTips) |
5 | Cole Barnes (@colebarnes7) |
6 | Meghan Hall (@ItsMeghanLHall) |
7 | Brandon Schoeppner (@) |
8 | Fantasy Points -
Edwin Porras (@FBinjurydoc) |
9 | Kris Kummerer (@ChefKnut) |
10 | Tom Howland (@ikemacnorman) |
11 | TheUndroppables.com -
Joe Kuvetakis (@Dynasty_joeFF) |
12 | Josh Howard (@) |
1 | Around the Block Network -
Chris Spooner (@SpoonfulofSport) |
2 | Dynasty Nerds -
Peter Bartausky (@PeteBartausky) |
3 | Conor Lyons (@) |
4 | Fighting Chance Fantasy -
Matt Miles (@milestonesmotor) |
5 | Dynasty League Football -
Jaron Foster (@jlfoster08) |
6 | DynastyLeagueFootball.com -
Bruce Matson (@MetricScout) |
7 | Mike Hopkins (@chalfonthoppi) |
8 | Fantasy Points -
Dan Brown (@DanBrownNFL) |
9 | Jonathan Fortenbaugh (@Jfortenbaugh) |
10 | -
Andrew Bobb (@BobbybandsNFL) |
11 | Daniel Stukey (@) |
12 | @HonoluluBlues_ -
Nick Faber (@NickFaberNFL) |
1 | Brendan McNamara (@Bmac_fantasy) |
2 | Kurt Vogel (@@TheRetroVGers) |
3 | Corey Riley (@Coorzman) |
4 | Footballinsideredge.com -
Nikolai Lazar (@MrGuruNick) |
5 | Razzball -
Bobby LaMarco (@Bobbylamarco) |
6 | Fantrax and Dr Roto -
Ray Kuhn (@Ray_kuhn_28) |
7 | Richard Jenyk (@rjenyk) |
8 | DynastyPros & QBList -
Nick Beaudoin (@@dynastybode) |
9 | numberFire -
Sam Hauss (@real_hauss) |
10 | CD Harris (@Amuk31) |
11 | FTN -
Adam Pfeifer (@APfeifer24) |
12 | Tyler Alderman (@tyler_ald) |
1 | Nbatv -
Brendan Haywood (@Bwood_33) |
2 | Matheus Guidi (@Matheuzones) |
3 | Air McNair (@Vict000ry) |
4 | FTN Network -
Kevin Adams (@MagicSportsGuy) |
5 | Erik Revelli (@newopiate) |
6 | NFL on 365 Sports -
Steven May (@centxcommish) |
7 | Dynasty League Football -
Cal Shoemake (@calvinandhobby) |
8 | Brff -
9 | Guilherme Lima (@) |
10 | Ben Bauer (@WooBennyNMU) |
11 | Rumboyz Fantasy Network -
Rajveer Ashat (@FFBRaj) |
12 | Fabio Garcia (@fabiogarciatp) |
1 | Fan/analyst/celeb/idk? Grapes of Draft -
Tim Turner (@quantimturner) |
2 | https://www.dynastygenie.com/dynasty/rl1-depth-chart.php -
Derek Blaguski (@derekblaguski) |
3 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Dave Eddy (@CorporalEddy ) |
4 | @pintotailgate famous Buffalo Bills tailgate. -
Gregory Kowalczyk (@Gregobomb) |
5 | Ruskin Howard (@ruskinleehoward) |
6 | Alejandro Lulli (@ffuser1) |
7 | Christian Welch (@EvilEmpireFF) |
8 | Melissa Waybright (@@RorschachWay) |
9 | Garret Bergeleen (@Garret_Lane) |
10 | Darrick Tibyash (@) |
11 | Andrew Rooke (@A_Rooke27) |
12 | Chris Fennell (@Coach_Fennell) |
1 | Garrett Mills (@Garrettmills23) |
2 | Roshun Pai (@Roshunpai) |
3 | Friday Night Lights / Ginny & Georgia -
Scott Porter (@ScottPorter) |
4 | Ashley Swinney (@tenpiecenugget) |
5 | Kurtis Tamez (@CptnSwankyPants) |
6 | Jim Bukowski (@Dynastynotes) |
7 | The Undroppables -
Vivek Iyer (@FantasyandSport) |
8 | Footballguys -
Aaron Rudnicki (@a_rudnicki) |
9 | Jesus Angel Duarte (@@duarte_tellez) |
10 | Andrew Kingman (@@Justaskingman) |
11 | Michael Henry (@mjhpitt3) |
12 | Dante Daniels (@Paydirt_Profile) |
1 | Jarrod Gliddon (@FantasyFridge) |
2 | Footballguys.com -
Joseph Haggan (@JoeyTheToothIDP) |
3 | Larry Cirullo (@Ljc910) |
4 | Matt Hamby (@) |
5 | Daniel Anderson (@) |
6 | Spoiled Banana Society -
Richard Vagner (@Richvagner) |
7 | warsquared fantasy football podcast -
Tom Warhurst (@freightbrain) |
8 | RealTime Fantasy Sports -
Jeff Paur (@jeffpaur) |
9 | Randy Chaney (@WildcatRandy) |
10 | Toilets To Titles -
Nate Wallen (@nate_dirt19) |
11 | Dynasty Nerds -
Matthew Mitchell (@ReflipeWThenuz) |
12 | Adam Yonker (@YonkerAdam) |
1 | Footballguys.com -
Joe Bryant (@Football_Guys) |
2 | Fantasy football for winners -
Chris Heil (@thegrizzlybeard) |
3 | Dyno Construction (YouTube and Spotify!) -
Jon Bennett (@FFJPBennett) |
4 | Cocaine Bear -
Griffin VanMeter (@griffycakez) |
5 | Tracey Weber (@Twebb42 ) |
6 | Denise Naulin (@Gordinha651) |
7 | Dynasty Underdog -
Jake Kornblum (@@JakeJakeAbrams) |
8 | Kyle Prchal (@KPerks_Skol) |
9 | GameBlazers -
Rourke Struthers (@@__Rourke__) |
10 | Dynasty Nerds -
Noah Wright (@noahrwright) |
11 | Rooster McCallum (@) |
12 | NBC Sports -
Lawrence Jackson Jr. (@LordDontLose) |
1 | Dave Waller (@Theprevalent1) |
2 | Darick Jurgens (@Darickjurgens) |
3 | Jeff Trela (@jtrela20) |
4 | Joe Kelleher (@JWKelleher83) |
5 | Jeffrey Byrd (@Byrdman0914) |
6 | Stack Attack Fantasy Podcast -
Andrew McMahon (@Amac22nj) |
7 | Robert Patterson (@Rob_PattersonSC) |
8 | Wesley Quinio (@WesleyQuinio) |
9 | Matt Hainy (@matthainy) |
10 | Matty Werner (@) |
11 | Sean Peters (@) |
12 | Brad Duff (@BradDuff9) |
1 | Zach Appman (@) |
2 | The Game Day -
Frank Ammirante (@FAmmiranteTFJ) |
3 | Dynasty League Football -
Rhett Dickens (@) |
4 | Chris Rothrock (@Croth_17) |
5 | Gary Jackson (@fwfwhales) |
6 | Consultant -
Ed Malyon (@eaamalyon) |
7 | Michael Foss (@mtfoss) |
8 | Rotoballer -
Troy King (@tkingmode ) |
9 | PlayerProfiler -
Billy Muzio (@FFMuzio) |
10 | -
Josh Hermsmeyer (@friscojosh) |
11 | Winfield Grimm (@Grimmtakes) |
12 | Brian Robinson (@BrianRobinsonNR) |
1 | Paul Naylis (@naylisp42) |
2 | Ben Springston (@ThatBenFella) |
3 | Chase Hoffmann (@@Hoffshow1) |
4 | Fantasy Football HQ - 170k followers on TikTok -
Trent Anderson (@tiktok fantasyfootballhq) |
5 | Fantasy Gazette -
Josiah Ray (@FantasyGazette_) |
6 | Cooper Thornton (@CoopT6) |
7 | Logan Schaefer (@Gingerknight26) |
8 | Lisa Hippeard (@LHippeard) |
9 | Karen Combs (@WildOneRosie) |
10 | Malachi Hammerle (@Hammer_95) |
11 | Charting at FP -
Mario Cardona (@hesjustMario) |
12 | Rotowire -
Jerry Donabedian (@) |
1 | Jason Thomas (@) |
2 | Jakesffootball.com -
Jakob Woch (@JakesFFootball) |
3 | Footballguys -
Daniel Harms (@InHarmsWay19) |
4 | Claire Bouchard (@AZClaire) |
5 | Steven Munger (@) |
6 | Steven Perkins (@FlavorizeThis ) |
7 | Mark Dodd (@markcdodd) |
8 | Julia Alba (@jalba828) |
9 | Sean Enright (@senright27) |
10 | Camille Lagimodiere (@cam_lag) |
11 | Fantasy Football Advice Network -
Josh Bradley (@Bradleytwin01) |
12 | Cecily Riddell (@cecilyonx ) |
1 | Michael D'Ecclessis (@Pseudofootball) |
2 | RotoHeat.com -
Brad Menendez (@RotoHeatBrad) |
3 | James Ross (@rosswjim) |
4 | FTN -
Chris Meaney (@chrismeaney ) |
5 | Dynasty Nerds -
Jayson Snyder (@Spydes78) |
6 | Bob Mackintosh (@Rfmackintosh) |
7 | Justin Lattierre (@jlattierre) |
8 | #Coopliments -
Matthew Cooper (@The_Coop) |
9 | Daniel Huckel (@Dhuckman) |
10 | Pro Football Focus, USA Today Lions Wire, Reality Sports Online, Detroit Koolaid Cast -
Derek Okrie (@DerekOkrie) |
11 | Preston Blakeley (@Prestonthegrea1) |
12 | Fish Bowl Merch/SFB AviMakers -
Stephen Johnson (@Stephen_Roto) |
1 | WOFF/ClubFantasyFFL -
Rowan and Maisy Stewart (@TheSneakyFlex) |
2 | Logan Brown (@Loganbrown0805) |
3 | Patricia Aarons (@PatAarons) |
4 | Goingfor2, Fantasy In Frames -
courtney Burrows (@luvtractor3) |
5 | Michael Sewell (@rip1980) |
6 | Alex Drolet (@) |
7 | Nick Gordish (@gordish03) |
8 | Poppy Kimish (@poppygk) |
9 | Anne Dunn (@rowdy357) |
10 | Adam Jackson (@) |
11 | Eric Bretheim (@SkolBretheim) |
12 | Fantasy Wildcard / DLF -
Kev White (@TheDynastyMind) |
1 | Chris Charles (@Kavorka324) |
2 | Jason Terry (@dlbreaker) |
3 | The IDP Show -
Mike Woellert (@Mike_Woellert) |
4 | QB List -
Erik Smith (@ErikSmithQBL) |
5 | Matt Turner (@matt_turner10) |
6 | Kyle Low (@montylow14) |
7 | Matt Kulich (@Kuli831) |
8 | Catrina Royer (@cats___pajamas) |
9 | Kevin Moody (@KevinMoody_) |
10 | John Goodman (@@mohacabulives) |
11 | Stan Son (@Stan_Son) |
12 | DLF -
Ken Moody (@DLF_Kenm) |
1 | FantasyPros -
John Supowitz (@Imthatsupi) |
2 | Welcome2TheYard -
Brandon Walker (@TheYard_NFT) |
3 | Playerprofiler -
Joel Ybarra (@Metaffb ) |
4 | Marc Szymanski (@FFA_Marc) |
5 | Jason Neff (@JasonNeff) |
6 | Marc Sandler (@Msand84 ) |
7 | Tarik Foley (@TarikFoley) |
8 | Derek Duran (@DoubleD_Duran) |
9 | @5StarDynastyPod -
Zack Linton (@Ffunclepiff) |
10 | Will Hubbard (@MailliwDrabbuh) |
11 | Nathan Pilmer (@Nathan_Pilmer) |
12 | Kevin Sharkey (@) |
1 | Steve Monger (@smonger19) |
2 | BetQL -
Corey Parson (@TheFantasyExec) |
3 | John Boodey (@Jaboodey ) |
4 | RotoWire Senior Football Editor -
Jason Thornbury (@jdthornbury) |
5 | The Football Scientist, The Athletic -
KC Joyner (@KCJoynerTFS) |
6 | Drew Hippen (@drewhippen) |
7 | RotoWire -
Mike Doria (@) |
8 | Lisa Conforti (@ljconforti) |
9 | Clay Brunson (@) |
10 | Dynasty Warzone/ Player Profiler -
Gerald Sinclair (@JerrysinDWZ) |
11 | The Fantasy Football Auction -
Shane Bliss (@Mrblistr ) |
12 | Lance Groettum (@groettum2) |
1 | Fantasy Alarm -
JB Barry (@FantasycoachJB) |
2 | Touchdown en Familia -
Estefania Tamez (@) |
3 | Craig Noble (@Kartn43) |
4 | David Jacobs (@) |
5 | Razzball -
David Crews (@crewser128) |
6 | Dynasty League Football (GAAP) -
Cody Mortensen (@GAAP_FF) |
7 | Dynasty Rewind -
Jesse Ciardiello (@DynastyHumbleSR) |
8 | Vinny Matalavage (@TheDunesFFL) |
9 | Fantasy Coaches & For The Love Of Sundays -
John Battaglino (@Ftls_Jbatts ) |
10 | Fantasy Points -
Ryan Heath (@RyanJ_Heath) |
11 | Touchdown en Familia -
Jaime Tamez (@PacTamezTDF) |
12 | Jim Morrison (@Morrisonjames) |
1 | Fantasymojo.com -
Darren Armani (@Fantasymojo ) |
2 | Manatee Fantasy -
William Powell (@@ManateeRich) |
3 | SportsGrid -
Gregg Sussman (@GreggSussman) |
4 | Michael Salaita (@Mnsalaita) |
5 | DLF / RotoViz alum -
Brian McLeish (@BrianMcLeish2) |
6 | Nick Dagostaro (@nick3d) |
7 | Jp Singh (@Jps1029) |
8 | Adrian Encinas (@MoSizlack) |
9 | Jody Larson (@TennesseeLamb32) |
10 | PlayerProfiler -
Ahaan Rungta (@AhaanRungta) |
11 | Nick Pietrantonio (@Coldzero21) |
12 | Gherard Ojeda (@) |
1 | nicholas person (@JAGR_USMC) |
2 | Bobby Iadanza (@Robert_Iadanza) |
3 | Joe Delinski (@HomeLeagueJoe) |
4 | Jack Rosso (@jackwrosso) |
5 | Tracy Vass (@TraceMachine) |
6 | Dynasty Vipers -
Bradley Martz (@FrankMurphyIDP) |
7 | Miranda Wilhelm (@MirdaSheWrote) |
8 | Nishant Kaushik (@NishantK) |
9 | Mary Klaver (@Mek714 ) |
10 | Mark Olson (@mywitzn) |
11 | andrew Imber (@aimber27) |
12 | Jonathan Cloer (@Pike1212) |
1 | Fantasy Football Oasis -
Gary Davenport (@IDPSharks) |
2 | Jon Hearst (@jonhearst) |
3 | Ken Levinson (@heysheckie) |
4 | Dustin Morrison (@Caribooloo1) |
5 | Jim Kovac (@) |
6 | Sirius XM/DubClub -
Adam Ronis (@adamronis) |
7 | David Neil (@Harpers_Daddio) |
8 | Big Blue View/SBNation, The Pigskin Papers, The ATB Fantasy Show -
David Hartman (@PigskinPapers) |
9 | 4for4 -
Ryan Noonan (@RyNoonan) |
10 | Host of the Dynasty WarZone -
Randy Young (@DWZMemphis) |
11 | Wesley Booth (@ImtheRedHerring) |
12 | DynastyTradesHQ -
Michael Cipes (@FFBlitz) |
1 | Underdog Fantasy -
Steve Paulo (@StevePaulo) |
2 | Gilroy Lorenzo (@Gilgameshman) |
3 | Nick Hogan (@Hogannjon) |
4 | Luke McGarry (@IamNotLuke) |
5 | RotoViz.com -
Jeff Matson (@JeffMatsonRV) |
6 | -
Andy Molitor (@AndyMSFW) |
7 | FantasyHolics -
Patrick Jacques (@Mroviedo) |
8 | Jeremy Luce (@SideLoadShackle ) |
9 | Daniel Warren (@zombieGsus) |
10 | Aaron Knight (@aaronknight99) |
11 | Marvin Litzau (@marvinlitzau) |
12 | Beer Fueled Fantasy Football -
Dan Thury (@BeerFuelThury) |
1 | Silver Screen Playbook Podcast -
Andrew Jordan (@The_ATJ) |
2 | Rotoviz -
Neil Dutton (@Ndutton13) |
3 | Ben Zickel (@Bzickel) |
4 | Christopher St Martin (@) |
5 | Eric Belair (@ericbelair) |
6 | Scott Weiss (@) |
7 | Erich Miller (@DynastyDufranus) |
8 | Dynasty Nerds -
Matt OHara (@DynastyMatt) |
9 | GOAT District -
Andrew Schellenberg (@AMSchellenberg) |
10 | South Harmon Fantasy Football -
Eric Vanek (@EricVanekNFL) |
11 | Brendan McCaffrey (@Bmccaff52) |
12 | Ross Talbot (@ro22t) |
1 | The Devy Dose -
Erik Kortz (@Ekballer) |
2 | Dynasty Nerds -
Nick Piovano (@DynastyStump) |
3 | Ryan Miller (@RyGuyMills) |
4 | IDP+ -
Billy Mansell (@Hombrevender) |
5 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Jordan Schultz (@Dynonfl) |
6 | Rick Kemp (@Rick_k61) |
7 | Zander Levit (@) |
8 | Nick Simoncini (@_fearthefeather) |
9 | Stephen Cook (@) |
10 | Brian Muehling (@_BMule) |
11 | David Palcsak (@Fantasy_Munster) |
12 | FTN -
Benny Ricciardi (@BennyR11) |
1 | Austin Rizer (@) |
2 | Christopher Battaglia (@cvbattag) |
3 | Paul McCorkle (@channelfourband) |
4 | Beer Fueled Podcast -
Kristopher Hopper (@BeerFueledHopp) |
5 | Actor/Comedian/Author/Film writer -
Greg Fleet (@Thegregfleet) |
6 | Dynasty Happy Hour -
Tyler Guenthner (@DHH_Tyler ) |
7 | The Fantasy Football Universe -
Jeremy Shulman (@ff_rebel) |
8 | Anthony Pranno (@AJPfish) |
9 | Staff Writer at Dynasty Football Factory (@DFF_Dynasty) -
Darren Smith (@FFBirdGang) |
10 | IDP+, ClubFantasyFFL -
Michael Sicoli (@Michael__Sicoli) |
11 | Anthony Maggio (@MplsMaggio) |
12 | Charlie Levy (@CharlieLWHU) |
1 | Ethan Erdmann (@epep20) |
2 | FFPC Main Event Champ -
Dom Baranyi (@FF_GoBills) |
3 | Evan Fidler (@Fidwa634) |
4 | Cathal McCabe (@cathal41) |
5 | Alex Numann (@Guamdon) |
6 | Tony Haglund (@glenbrookguru) |
7 | Mike Ulland (@) |
8 | Conner Loes (@) |
9 | Hall of Fantasy League -
Melissa Jacobs (@thefootballgirl) |
10 | Nathan Davis (@NatoNFL) |
11 | Tim Forester (@@Bttj33) |
12 | Joshua Gamboa (@Onlydust0402) |
1 | NimblewNumbers.com -
Scott Simpson (@NimblewNumbers) |
2 | Zack Sanders (@Z_SAN33) |
3 | Jason Smith (@JTSmith1221) |
4 | rosrankings.com (and Rest of Season Rankings podcast) -
Bart Wheeler (@bartonwheeler) |
5 | August Burns Red -
JB Brubaker (@Jbbrubaker) |
6 | Carli Del Don (@littlewaxlion) |
7 | David Buckingham (@Buckdr3) |
8 | Fantasy Football Unlimited -
John Lansangan (@JLShowtime22) |
9 | Kyle Bernardo (@_itskjb) |
10 | Brandon Hillman (@Bhillman42) |
11 | Tony Fischer (@tfisch27 ) |
12 | ESPN -
Sebastian Martinez-Christensen (@Sebastianmcespn ) |
1 | Actor -
Josh Lucas (@) |
2 | Dr.Roto.com -
Lou Landers (@LandersTalks) |
3 | Establish the Run -
Adam Levitan (@adamlevitan) |
4 | Aaron Levin (@thefakeadiz) |
5 | Ryan Woolacott (@That_ukgatorguy) |
6 | Sherie Farstveet (@) |
7 | Carmelo Sala (@FinkelsteinsKid) |
8 | Anthony Jones (@Who_antjones) |
9 | Daniel Brinley (@) |
10 | Marc Cannon (@WestRyderP) |
11 | Jonathon Bates (@jonobates) |
12 | Wes Weishaar (@@Weishaar_88) |
1 | Ben Niemuth (@Beniemuth) |
Matthew De Lima (@mattkdelima) |
3 | Twitter.com -
Matthew Duncan (@CivilFoodFightz) |
4 | Anthony Stipanov (@vhatelse) |
5 | David Lynch (@DavidALynch) |
6 | Jeffrey Juelsgaard (@) |
7 | JEROME Roy (@JeromeRoy99) |
8 | Twitter -
Devin Lange (@DevinJFantasy) |
9 | IDP+ -
10 | Adam Stone (@Ajstone33) |
11 | Kevin Duff (@Kevin_Duff) |
12 | Chris Banes (@Chrisrbanes) |
1 | Tevander Henderson (@) |
2 | Elias Huerta Mojica (@1910leon) |
3 | Greg Grauman (@littleglenlake) |
4 | Cory Nagel (@TheAce18 ) |
5 | Balls In the Gutter Fantasy Football Podcast -
Joshua Murphy (@CrzyIrshPenguin) |
6 | Nate H (@ws_rasengan) |
7 | EDSFootball.com -
Kevin Hanson (@EDSFootball) |
8 | Anthony Donald (@TonySueno) |
9 | RotoWire -
Adam Zdroik (@RotoZdroik) |
10 | Jarred Pfeiffer (@Jarredpfeiffer) |
11 | NFL.com, Rotoballer -
Michael Florio (@MichaelFFlorio) |
12 | Jordan Wing (@jahnbeersly) |
1 | Downtown Rams -
Alexis Kraft (@TheAlexisKraft) |
2 | Sean Hogan (@shogan21) |
3 | Jude Gremillion (@SausageFestFFL) |
4 | Josh Pool (@Josh_pool1) |
5 | Benjamin DiGrazia (@) |
6 | David Cruz (@cruznj922 ) |
7 | David Iverson (@LohansRedCarpet ) |
8 | Brett Poliquin (@GMPGPod) |
9 | Clear the Chamber pirate radio ???? -
Frank Duffy (@) |
10 | Benjamin Oliphant (@the_bishop_83) |
11 | Mike Valentine (@Mnmikev84) |
12 | Chris De sousa (@DeWildcard21) |
1 | Courtney Cronis (@mama_quartzz) |
2 | FantasyPros -
Evan Tarracciano (@Roto_Wizard) |
3 | Commissioner of the GoatBar Fantasy Football League -
Shane Battier (@@shanebattier) |
4 | Neil Cohen (@Yeathisisneil) |
5 | The Spin Zone Podcast -
Lauren Joffe (@Thespinzone) |
6 | ESPN -
Daniel Dopp (@DanielDopp) |
7 | Reality Sports Online -
Ryan Krauchick (@WhatGibbsFF) |
8 | Michael Salwan (@mraladdin23 ) |
9 | Sean Scuderi (@STScuderi) |
10 | MELINDA KLIER-OGLE (@Melinda__K) |
11 | John Lyon (@TexAggie99) |
12 | Michael Bachi (@jajjeo4) |
1 | RotoViz -
Dave Caban (@davecabanff) |
2 | Dynasty Hot Sauce Podcast -
Justin Rogers (@RunDFF) |
3 | Dynasty Trade Calculator -
Izzy Elkaffas (@dtc_izzye) |
4 | Hammercast Network -
Jesse Schuster (@JAXcommish) |
5 | DynastyZoltan.com -
Michael Garai (@dynastyzoltanff) |
6 | Beau Jess (@Rambeauj) |
7 | Chad Scott (@Chad_Scott13) |
8 | Balls N The Gutter Podcast -
Lane McLaughlin (@BallsNTheGutter) |
9 | The Dynasty CPA -
Alex Fuller (@DynastyCPA) |
10 | Víctor Hugo Mondragón (@vicmondragon) |
11 | Emily Trbovich (@) |
12 | Josh Green (@Jgreen4012) |
1 | Fantasy six pack -
Davis Peng (@Pengspicks) |
2 | Dynasty Football Factory Yards Per Fantasy -
Stephen Chalmers (@FFChalmers) |
3 | Brian Dodson (@DopplerDot) |
4 | Andrew Johns (@motleydroo) |
5 | Fantasy Football Universe -
Aaron St Denis (@Ffmadscientist) |
6 | Pete Benavides (@PacingPete ) |
7 | Rumboyz/ Toilets 2 Titles/ TFFG -
Anthony Dion (@ADion802) |
8 | Peter Scherzer (@peterscherzer1) |
9 | The Devy Royale -
Christian Williams (@CWilliamsCFB) |
10 | Writer/Ranker | Guillotine Leagues -
Steven Toroni (@FFprofessorST3) |
11 | Gambling.com Group -
Nate Hamilton (@DomiNateFF) |
12 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Chris DeBacker (@DetroitBeastie) |
1 | Raymond Canete (@MattieC84) |
2 | Adam Banville (@35roper ) |
3 | Importantnonsense.com -
Tyler Reid (@Tylerstevenreid) |
4 | Brian Damato (@Brian_damato) |
5 | Shannon Perkins (@smperkins22) |
6 | Tyson Archer (@TJArcherMN) |
7 | QBList -
Mario Adamo (@marioadamojr) |
8 | Craig Linder (@Linder_lives) |
9 | James Powell (@Darkhorse_4) |
10 | DraftBuddy -
Zachary Lindgren (@Zacharylindgren) |
11 | Angi Deng (@Angikdeng) |
12 | FantasyPts -
Bonnie Robinson (@FantasyQueenB) |
1 | Establish The Run -
Drew Dinkmeyer (@DrewDinkmeyer) |
2 | Victor Thompson (@) |
3 | FantasyGuru -
Russell Clay (@RussellJClay) |
4 | Alex Holva (@Alexholva) |
5 | Kyle Brockman (@) |
6 | Razzball -
Derek Favret (@Derek_Favret) |
7 | Mollie Moon (@pwfishing) |
8 | Dynasty League Football -
Cooper Adams (@Cooper_DFF) |
9 | Rotoviz, The Hateful 8 -
Matt Spencer (@maatspencer) |
10 | Adrián Santana (@@YanySantana10) |
11 | Jonathon Goad (@Jonathongoad) |
12 | Jake Earl (@@thejakeearl ) |
1 | Destination Devy & Dynasty Trades In 5 -
Scott Connor (@CharlesChillFFB) |
2 | Chris Dales (@chrisdales11) |
3 | Footballguys.com -
James Brimacombe (@JamesBrimacombe) |
4 | Gregg Chabot (@GhostTesla) |
5 | Jennifer Burton (@NYM_NYR) |
6 | Awful Announcing -
Jesse Pantuosco (@JessePantuosco) |
7 | Christopher Escoto (@Cscoto) |
8 | Jayme Cernicka (@jcernicka) |
9 | Brian Oudman (@brianoudman) |
10 | Faceoff Sports Network -
Benjamin Ditlevson (@FFRabbitDad) |
11 | Todd Schoenfeld (@SuperNovaHank) |
12 | USA Today/TheHuddle -
Steve Gallo (@SteveGalloNFL) |
1 | Jacob Winters (@Jdubya1999) |
2 | Brian Beltrani (@Tweettrani) |
3 | Fantasy Points -
Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan) |
4 | Matthew Giraldi (@MGiraldi) |
5 | Good Morning America/ABC News -
Trevor Ault (@TrevorLAult) |
6 | None -
Peter Monahan (@Pistol_Pete026) |
7 | Cresson Sorby (@Twooohnine) |
8 | Patrick Pucci Fantasy Show -
Adam Jones (@BestballJonesy) |
9 | The Fantasy Sanctuary & FantasyPros -
Tom Strachan (@NFL_TStrack) |
10 | Alissa Postal (@Missalissas) |
11 | China Based Fantasy Podcast -
Christopher Barnett (@Cbvids) |
12 | Eric Gosselin (@EricGoss7) |
1 | Josh Katzer (@katzer_josh) |
2 | FTN Network -
Mike Randle (@RandleRant) |
3 | Chris Tjoumas (@ctjoumas) |
4 | Clock Dodgers -
Adam Cahill (@TheOtherFFGuy) |
5 | brffootball.com.br -
Caio Ribeiro (@CaioBr_FF) |
6 | Joe DeVito (@mrdevitojoe) |
7 | Lindsay Warren (@barleyliterati) |
8 | Gregory Kanter (@CrakRok ) |
9 | Anthony Zaragoza (@ZaragozaAnthony) |
10 | Bettor in Green -
Ben Bentley (@TheGMRep) |
11 | Fantasy Football Counselor -
Joseph Robert (@ffcounselor1) |
12 | Bethany Harlan (@@notachatty) |
1 | Nick Humphreys (@) |
2 | Gerard Creed (@gcreed83) |
3 | Anthony Volanti (@A_Volanti4390) |
4 | Nic Sulsky (@Nicsulsky ) |
5 | Sarah Mercer (@GirlFantasyFB) |
6 | Footballguys.com -
Zareh Kantzabedian (@ZKantzFF) |
7 | True North Fantasy Football -
Joe Simonetti (@FF_AuctionJoe) |
8 | Fantasy Impact Today -
Wes Easley (@loafinit) |
9 | American Football Community Belgium Podcast, YouTube Channel and Facebook page -
Dirk Van den Bergh (@dirkvandenbergh) |
10 | Brian Wallingford (@@brianbjw) |
11 | South Harmon Fantasy Football (southharmonff.com) -
Mark Carman (@dynastykoopa) |
12 | theundroppables.com -
Steve Houston (@fantasydukes) |
1 | Mark Leipold (@LeipoldNFL) |
2 | Eric DeMers (@BonfireNW) |
3 | Graeme Craig (@graemecraig12) |
4 | Jeff Hartle (@Mynamejeff_h) |
5 | Johnathan Lopp (@JohnathanLopp) |
6 | The Undroppables -
Marcus Galie (@mdgalie) |
7 | Ren Yonker (@) |
8 | Ben Osness (@) |
9 | Justin Hutzler (@HutZlivin) |
10 | CAMISA 12 NFL -
Rafael Martineli (@) |
11 | Derek Fisher (@dfish250) |
12 | Brad Lewis (@olebradlewis) |
1 | SB Nation -
Nicholas Falato (@nickfalato) |
2 | Daniel George (@UK8th) |
3 | Rumboyz Fantasy Network and Tyler the Fantasy Creator -
Patrick Asdell (@Stpatrickff ) |
4 | Evan Habeeb (@EvanHabeebPhoto) |
5 | Stephen Signore (@Ssignore25) |
6 | Max Herrmannsfeldt (@mamaxmax) |
7 | LaDarius Brown (@ladarius_brown) |
8 | Dynasty Dogs -
Michael Matarazzo (@Dynastydogmike) |
9 | The Fantasy Swan Newsletter -
Austin Thomas (@Fantasy_Swan) |
10 | Important Nonsense -
Steve Bonham (@Nonsense_Steve) |
11 | Freddie Barros (@jefementality) |
12 | Derek George (@DGeorge40) |
1 | Destination Devy -
Brandon Gonzalez-Cottrell (@BGdashC) |
2 | Richard Demkowitch (@demkojr1976) |
3 | Ali Alkhalifa (@Aliikhalid82) |
4 | Old-Fashioned Football -
Miranda Mark (@TheMirMark) |
5 | Dubie Dubendorfer (@ImagineDubie) |
6 | Dana Fisher (@AllThatGLMRs) |
7 | Raymond Droste (@Raymonddroste) |
8 | The Sports Affiliation -
Cubby Strickland (@cubbystrickland ) |
9 | Garrett Greenwell (@@GarrettGreenwel) |
10 | The Fantasy Authority -
Kevin Steele (@FantasyWrath13) |
11 | Cassie Doucet (@BounceThatCass) |
12 | Vincent Carpenter (@Lususnaturae0) |
1 | Stephanie Carriveau (@Arvadaangel) |
2 | Chad Sundberg (@Chadsundberg) |
3 | Joe Iwanski (@joey_i_sports) |
4 | The Undroppables -
Colt Snody (@colt_snody) |
5 | USA TODAY/Sports Weekly -
Steve Gardner (@SteveAGardner) |
6 | Kira West (@kirawest) |
7 | David Hill (@david_hill99) |
8 | SiriusXM/FantasyGuru.com -
Justin Fensterman (@FenstySports) |
9 | SiriusXM Fantasy -
Anirudh Sridhar (@anisri23) |
10 | Fantasy Life -
Nando DiFino (@nandodifino) |
11 | John Treetops (@Oonwobble) |
12 | RotoBaller -
Doug Shain (@Bankster17) |
1 | Bud Davies (@RaiderBud) |
2 | Robert Richard (@Niners_Robb) |
3 | 4for4 -
Connor Allen (@ConnorAllenNFL) |
4 | John Evans (@JohnF_Evans) |
5 | Casey Hallin (@Dr_casey) |
6 | SFB Avi Makers -
Andrew Campey (@AndrewCampey) |
7 | Rene Lutfi (@renelutfi) |
8 | Richard Allen (@Rich_O_Ween) |
9 | DLF -
Evan Zuvich (@EvanZuvich) |
10 | TWSN -
Elie Gaffen (@Elie_Gaffen) |
11 | Fangraphs -
Paul Sporer (@sporer) |
12 | Vitor Somma (@vsommah) |
1 | Chase Ricca (@FFSuperFlex) |
2 | Brandon Brown (@BrownNCSU) |
3 | Holt Will (@holtwill33) |
4 | FTN, The Athletic -
Jay Felicio (@GmenJay) |
5 | Dylan Gibson (@3rdDownDyl) |
6 | LeagueSafe -
Christian Peterson (@coolerheads29) |
7 | Underdog Fantasy -
Adam Weber (@aweber1) |
8 | Spike Week -
Billy Jones (@SportsVizBJ) |
9 | Fantasy Life -
Cooter Doodle (@cooterdoodle) |
10 | Karla Ross (@boxingedgar ) |
11 | The Undroppables, Player Profiler, Fantasy Football Advice Network,FF+ -
Grindberg (@FFCanuck99) |
12 | Fantasy Points -
Graham Barfield (@GrahamBarfield) |
1 | Jason Lee (@jlee_300) |
2 | PlayerProfiler -
Emerson Beery (@@Dynasty_Analyst) |
3 | Jason Miklian (@jmiklian) |
4 | Deron Brosh (@Deronium) |
5 | FTN -
Eric Young (@TheEricYoung) |
6 | PlayerProfiler -
Jonny Tooma (@fantasypicasso) |
7 | DynastyFreeks.com -
Justin Christopher (@LonghornJustin) |
8 | RotoBaller -
Dennis Clausen (@DennisMClausen) |
9 | Fantasy Couch -
Huseyin Aksu (@fantasycouch) |
10 | Collins cameron (@CoachCameron_) |
11 | Jeffrey Kelsey (@JKman08) |
12 | David Hill (@) |
1 | Fantasy Football Plus Network, Undroppables -
Zach Schultz (@Schu1tzy ) |
2 | Ringer -
Danny Kelly (@DannyBKelly) |
3 | Bleacher Report -
Lee Schechter (@leeschechter) |
4 | Hunter Van Beek (@HunterVanBeek) |
5 | Mason Nichols (@Thegoose5000) |
Steven Lawson (@Steve_Lawson93) |
7 | Matt Spalding (@spaldingnfl) |
8 | I write and am a coder that helps w different sites -
Brian Moore (@Fhbrian) |
9 | Christian Dix (@dwyrm) |
10 | Monte Swank (@) |
11 | Joe Cotton (@) |
12 | DynastyNerds -
Garret Price (@DynastyPrice) |
1 | Drew Hadaller (@drewhadaller) |
2 | ESPN -
Stephania Bell (@Stephania_ESPN) |
3 | Troy Olsen (@VoiceEnFuego) |
4 | Tim Glinski (@Timglinski) |
5 | Gina Federico (@ginasportsball) |
6 | Steve Toscano (@FFBMuugatron) |
7 | Eric Brazis (@EricBrazis) |
8 | Dynasty TradeCast / RotoViz -
Justin Peek (@JPeekFF) |
9 | Sara Vandenberg (@Sbvandenberg ) |
10 | Dog of KFAN personality Meatsauce -
Muppet Lambert (@dog_muppet) |
11 | Tyler Becker (@tyler_becker13) |
12 | FantasyGameday.App -
Ankit Vohra (@TheAnkitVohra) |
1 | Fantasy Black Book/FantasyPros/SportsGrid -
Joe Pisapia (@JoePisapia17) |
2 | Brycen Roy (@roy_brycen) |
3 | Trevor Doyle (@Tdoyle20) |
4 | Brad Griggs (@Guhn16) |
5 | Raul Trujillo (@rauluga) |
6 | Sharp Football Analysis -
Raymond Summerlin (@RMSummerlin) |
7 | Dynasty Theory Fantasy Football Show -
John Bauer (@TheBauerClub) |
8 | Ben Kudlacek (@Benpa) |
9 | Optimus Fantasy Football -
Daniel O'Connell (@Beard_82) |
10 | Gridiron Experts -
Zach Greubel (@ZachGreubel) |
11 | The Devy Royale -
Kevin Coleman (@Daboys_22) |
12 | Stephen Campbell (@GamingTeacher4) |
1 | Tyler Lansdown (@tylerlansdown) |
2 | 9ersne.com/East Coast Red & Gold Podcast -
Matt Boutwell (@mattyb4949) |
3 | Joshua Wilson (@jbwilson07) |
4 | David Hess (@Thedavehess) |
5 | Frank Diaz (@1st_and_49) |
6 | The Undroppables -
Derek Fuchs (@FF_Derekfuchs) |
7 | Another Fantasy Football Show -
Justin Rob Doyle (@justinrobdoyle) |
8 | Quinn Weddle (@qweddle) |
9 | joel rodriguez (@joelrod_ff8) |
10 | Trey Stiglets (@TStiglets) |
11 | First and Ten, Betfair, Colossus, SportingBase -
Dave Gray (@Djg23) |
12 | Craig Jones (@Craigycraigo84) |
1 | Amit Sharma (@) |
2 | Sam Bond (@Sbbond92) |
3 | Kevin Salazar (@theFFChef_) |
4 | Carlos Garcia (@) |
5 | FootballGuys -
Vignesh Doraiswamy (@DoctorVig) |
6 | Jonathan Moore (@Jonmoore192) |
7 | @BrFFootball -
Gabriel Mafra (@GabsMafra) |
8 | Roberto Pelcastre (@beto210989) |
9 | Brenden Armour (@b_armour70) |
10 | Tom Rodriguez (@TomRodriguezDC) |
11 | The Fantasy Footballers -
Marvin Elequin (@FF_MarvinE) |
12 | Underdog Fantasy -
Andrew Mackens (@AndrewMackens) |
1 | Michael Macaluso (@TequilaOperator) |
2 | Rotoballer.com -
Josh Hayes (@JoshHayesFS) |
3 | Dynasty Trades in 5 YouTube Show/Podcast -
Clay Moseley (@Tradesin5 ) |
4 | Evan Ashley (@Eashley95) |
5 | Razzball -
Rudy Gamble (@rudygamble) |
6 | Weston Swartz (@) |
7 | Luke Wiesner (@Squadscoach) |
8 | Caitlin Riemersma (@Sportsbar_belle) |
9 | ProFootballNetwork.com -
Mike Gambardella (@MikeGambardella) |
10 | Swilly Wilson (@Swillysports) |
11 | Dynasty League Football -
Rob Willette (@RobWillette24) |
12 | Jeffrey Horton (@BS_GOS_FURTHER) |
1 | Fanball -
Trevor Jones (@tjones5) |
2 | Jon Luna (@LunasLocks) |
3 | Campus2Canton -
Felix Sharpe (@sharpereview ) |
4 | Austin Stilger (@amstilger) |
5 | Ryan Burger (@BBBurger12) |
6 | Jacob Maksimovic (@jacobmaksimovic) |
7 | James Clegg (@Vikingpower72) |
8 | FlurrySports & Let’s Go Wisconsin -
Trevor Land (@TrevorLand2) |
9 | DraftKings Network -
Teddy Ricketson (@TeddyRicketson) |
10 | PlayerProfiler/FTN/Rotoballer -
Dan Fornek (@fornekdf) |
11 | CBS Sports -
Will Brinson (@WillBrinson) |
12 | Shane Wibel (@Burntorangewolf) |
1 | Jacob Blake (@Alias_Bouncer) |
2 | Scott Calka (@Scalka74 ) |
3 | R.D.T. Podcast/ TSA -
Gina Noble (@NobleG_FF) |
4 | Fantasy Coaches/Dynasty Nerds -
Steven Pintado (@Coachstevenp ) |
5 | Darin Hall (@hallway65) |
6 | Dr. Roto -
Chris Kennedy (@VineyardRemedy) |
7 | Bernard Li (@Bernli) |
8 | Oscar Barkis (@oscar_barkis) |
9 | Los Angeles Dodgers -
Evan Phillips (@EvanPhillips36) |
10 | Ernest Ceccon (@) |
11 | Fantasy Football RPG / Last Word on Sports -
Mike Kashuba (@FFMikeKash) |
12 | PFN -
Kyle Soppe (@KyleSoppePFN) |
1 | Footballguys -
Jason Wood (@fbgwood) |
2 | Adam Paar (@) |
3 | Pro Football Focus -
Roel Zavala (@bolander2) |
4 | Jared Griffin (@Fantasyhumble) |
5 | Brandon Bird (@Smalltownbirdie ) |
6 | DFF -
Jonathan Smith (@@DFF_sjonathan02) |
7 | Alex Hepworth (@) |
Courtney Harden (@courtney110979) |
9 | Justin Henry Show -
Justin Henry (@justinh3nry) |
10 | Earl Collyar (@SuperEarlII) |
11 | Football Absurdity -
Walker Kelly (@BigDaddyDrix) |
12 | Shane Foley (@foleoleo) |
1 | Nathan Ancrum (@Nathanplz) |
2 | South Harmon Fantasy Football -
adam mcferran (@ATM4DChess) |
3 | Samantha Sledd (@10sks) |
4 | Katie Babino (@katiebabs23) |
5 | Kelli ONeil (@kellioneil02) |
6 | Nathan Graham (@Nateshottakes ) |
7 | Jay Zawacki (@Jay_zawacki) |
8 | Ray English (@FantasyFlog) |
9 | Rotowire -
Jim Coventry (@JimcoventryNFL) |
10 | Susan Curran (@Skacurran) |
11 | Lenita Karhunen (@GlamorousScum) |
12 | James Thompson (@BigfootBrawlers) |
1 | Zack Graham (@) |
2 | Angelo Labriola (@angman3737) |
3 | Scott Steele (@FSnake8484) |
4 | Fantasy Football Astronauts -
Benjamin Steefel (@Bensgottweets) |
5 | Brody White (@-) |
6 | Timothy Kirkland (@Dynasty_Logic) |
7 | TurfShow Times/SB Nation -
Blaine Grisak (@bgrisakTST) |
8 | Marc Canas (@Spydrmn03) |
9 | Trust Your Board Podcast -
William Munro (@wmunro02) |
10 | Hope Golden (@[none]) |
11 | Kieran Hill (@Kieran_Hill3) |
12 | The Undroppables -
Regina Wright (@SheTalksFootbal) |
1 | ESPN -
Eric Moody (@EricNMoody) |
2 | YardsPer Fantasy -
Nate Dreslinski (@ffbigcat) |
3 | Ryan McCloy (@ryanmccl0y) |
4 | SI Diamondbacks Reporter -
Jake Oliver (@DarthDbacks) |
5 | Zachary Mays (@Zxm3) |
6 | Old-Fashioned Football -
Justin Mark (@JMARKFOOTBALL) |
7 | Jason Brown (@dajob2000) |
8 | Matthew Neidhart (@Matt_Neidhart) |
9 | Adam Holleran (@cinccycat) |
10 | Campus2Canton.com -
Colin Decker (@C2CDecker) |
11 | The Undroppables -
Kyle Larson (@KL_Fantasy) |
12 | Jim Harbourne (@HarbourneJim) |
1 | -
Tim Heaney (@TeamHeaney) |
2 | PlayerProfiler (Partnerships) -
Devin Sparks (@Devinsparks) |
3 | Tyler Hupp (@huppby2tds) |
4 | IDP+ and Player Profiler -
Brittney Foxworth (@Bfoxworth07) |
5 | Fantasy Footballers -
Fantasy Footballers (@TheFFBallers) |
6 | Nick Gliatas (@@nickgliatas ) |
7 | Nicholas Brunner (@Brundigity5) |
8 | Joshua Cho (@jbchoknows) |
9 | Biff Tannenhill (@Stash_Bradshaw) |
10 | Aaron Smith (@tweetlifeaero) |
11 | Nayan Bhana (@neezyontour) |
12 | Trey Huguley (@TreyStation360) |
1 | Samar Patel (@sjp31688) |
2 | Patrick Toal (@Mayor_p1) |
3 | John Lee (@John4to88) |
4 | David Theisen (@dave1tiger) |
5 | NBC Sports -
Damian Dabrowski (@D_bro1389) |
6 | ESPN -
Scott Clark (@all_biz) |
7 | Lawrence Fox (@Newzfox90) |
8 | Jeremy Nelson (@Jeremynelson77) |
9 | Scott Forbes (@Safety120 ) |
10 | Thefantasysphinest.com, fantasydata.com, ffleaguewinners.com -
William Spencer (@Hype_Phinest ) |
11 | Bernie Wolin (@WOLIN BERNIE ) |
12 | HonoluluBlues -
Adam Stark (@EverydayFFB ) |
1 | NFLGirlUK -
Liz Fox (@Nflgirluk) |
2 | Cheyanne Bailey (@Cheyannarach) |
3 | Fantasy Life -
Sarah Schmitz (@sarahkschmitz) |
4 | Kimberley Gould (@Kimberl14541526) |
5 | Kelly Gorbatenko (@) |
6 | Women of Fantasy Football/GALvanize -
Katie Caldwell (@katielauriss) |
7 | Georgia Bell (@Georgiabell___) |
8 | ESPN -
Kevin Pulsifer (@imPULSEivity) |
9 | Meghan OKane (@SSSmokane) |
10 | Chris Martin (@Chrisamartin1) |
11 | Megan Felicio (@Meganfelicio) |
12 | In-Between Media - @IBT_Media -
Ariel Mondlak (@trashsandwiches) |
1 | Craig GEYEN (@Coachgeyen) |
2 | Footballguys -
Victoria Geary (@ffb_victoria) |
3 | GoingFor2,, The Cookout, bgmWriteNow -
gladys-louise tyler (@gladysLtyler) |
4 | Bianca Ray (@biancarayy) |
5 | Justin Kueber (@Jkeebs) |
6 | Kenny Smith (@hashtagkenny) |
7 | Casey Symons (@Caseymsymons) |
8 | First Seed Sports -
Kyle Krajewski (@KyleKrajewski) |
9 | Kyle Smith (@dynastyffdad) |
10 | Sportsnaut -
Rachel Wold (@liveocgirl) |
11 | Beth Johnson (@bethjohnsonmn) |
12 | PrizePicks -
Chase Payne (@ChasePayne) |
1 | Underdog Fantasy -
Mike Beers (@beerswater) |
2 | Storm Sills (@MrSkyweather) |
3 | Will Smith (@@smittysrant) |
4 | Fantasy Points -
John Proctor (@johnnyp135DFS) |
5 | Matthew Geiger (@matthewgeiger) |
6 | FTN -
Scott Spratt (@Scott_Spratt) |
7 | David Pierce (@Dweeze) |
8 | Nolan Mente (@Nolanmente) |
9 | Jeff Sutrick (@@Kaitmeg1007) |
10 | Dynasty League Football -
Josh Brickner (@joshbrickner) |
11 | David Davis (@Criimedogdavis ) |
12 | Akim Smiley (@akim_smiley) |
1 | Fantasy Life Newsletter -
Linda Godfrey (@lindellions) |
2 | Morgan Flanders (@m_flanders213) |
3 | Fantasy Football Advice Network -
Daniel Mader (@DanMaderFF) |
4 | Fantasy Cares. Dynasty Trade Calculator -
John Bosch (@JohnBoschFF) |
5 | Janna Kay Holiday (@petitepinkmama) |
6 | Adam Rosenbaum (@jetsfanR) |
7 | Bill Mock (@) |
8 | Collin Sutrick (@CSutrickCFD) |
9 | Discord Community Manager & Platform Safety @ Underdog Fantasy -
Edward Beasley (@) |
10 | Dynastynerds.com -
Jon Glosser (@Glosser13) |
11 | Football Diehards -
Justin Lonero (@JustinLonero) |
12 | KFAN -
Brandon Mileski (@BMileskiKFAN) |
1 | FTN -
Lauren Carpenter (@Stepmomlauren) |
2 | Dynasty Nerds -
David Zach (@DavidZach16) |
3 | Larry Hill (@) |
4 | Reid Raukar (@) |
5 | Curt Beaudin (@OldBalls75) |
6 | PlayerProfiler.com -
Matt Kelley (@Fantasy_Mansion) |
7 | PlayerProfiler -
Trevor Tipton (@Ffculater) |
8 | Gene Gregory (@Genegregory68) |
9 | -
Matthew Freedman (@MattFtheOracle) |
10 | Dean Harris (@Dday526) |
11 | Training Camp: Dialed In -
David Berger (@carljunior) |
12 | Dustin Brown (@huskerdkb) |
1 | Ernesto Uchimura (@ketchupleather) |
2 | Harrison Jones (@nitrous_weasel) |
3 | FantasyLife -
Josh Hornsby (@Josh_ADHD) |
4 | -
T Whudey (@Whudey) |
5 | Fantasy Football Happy Hour producer at NBC Sports -
Peter Damilatis (@PeteDamilatis) |
6 | SuperFlex SuperShow, DynastyLeagueFootball.com -
John Hogue (@SuperFlexDude) |
7 | Shane Dupre (@ShaneDupre6) |
8 | NFL.com -
Marcas Grant (@MarcasG) |
9 | Alex Reuille (@amreuille) |
10 | Ron Brouillette (@lightning0012) |
11 | Nick Greenwood (@anynumberofrugs ) |
12 | @DynastyUnderdog -
Uriah Dawkins (@UriahDawkins) |
1 | numberFire -
Kenyatta Storin (@kenyattastorin) |
2 | Joe Melich (@Partycru5 ) |
3 | David Eschmann (@XChainBangerx) |
4 | Tamara Asakawa (@TJ_Asakawa) |
5 | RotoWire -
Erik Siegrist (@AntonSirius) |
6 | Trey Justice (@treyjustice) |
7 | Blake Butkiewicz (@Balakay) |
8 | Chris Evernden (@bropranolol) |
9 | David Bredemus (@davidbredemus) |
10 | Ron's Reactions -
Corey Branda (@Ronaldcavalier) |
11 | Richard Bilkey (@rich_bilkey) |
12 | Zachary Da Luz (@zachariahdaluz) |
1 | Alex Svetich (@Hansgruberhitit) |
2 | The Sports Betting Toolbox -
Austin Thompson (@MakerOfBets) |
3 | Oscar Rivera (@oski_wow_wow) |
4 | Mark Somerset (@) |
5 | Elliott Anderson (@DarthPiChi ) |
6 | MATTHEW ZOZULA (@TangoandCashFF) |
7 | Andrew DeLong (@SteveLong80) |
8 | James Moock (@Ffmoock) |
9 | Bryan Hurley (@brhurley) |
10 | Monte Neal (@) |
11 | Jason Reel (@Rrealpeople) |
12 | Mark Mitchell (@Markmitch) |
1 | 4for4 -
Pranav Rajaram (@_pranavrajaram) |
2 | Matthew Davis (@mattywood) |
3 | CJ Lang (@Clubber_Lang83) |
4 | Underdog Fantasy -
Ron Stewart (@RonStewart_) |
5 | Jake Ellenbogen (@JKBOGEN) |
6 | Oscar Duarte (@@Duarte5656) |
7 | Dynasty Rewind -
Noah Sanders (@swish_sanders) |
8 | David Williams (@@HuggyBerra22) |
9 | JWB Fantasy Football Devy University -
Andrew Starr (@AstarrFF) |
10 | Tchylo Vang (@TVang17) |
11 | Rotoballer -
Mike Riggall (@coachriggall) |
12 | YZR_Fantasy -
Akash Patel (@yzr_fantasy) |
1 | 30TwoBit -
Madi Kroll (@madikroll) |
2 | The Athletic -
Brandon Marianne Lee (@BrandonHerFFB) |
3 | Dave Chacke (@Dave_Chacke) |
4 | DJ Murray (@Laxativesmurray ) |
5 | RotoWire -
Daniel Marcus (@d_marcus) |
6 | Nicholas Matteo (@) |
7 | FFB BRAD (Instagram) -
Brad Rich (@ffb_brad) |
8 | Scott Andrychowski (@Scott33738975) |
9 | Underdog Fantasy -
Josh Arfin (@) |
10 | ExpandTheBoxscore.com -
Andy Singleton (@PeoplezPen) |
11 | Scott Munson (@ffnoob) |
12 | Jacob Rickrode (@Clutchfantasy ) |
1 | Fantasy Points -
Thomas Brolley (@TomBrolley) |
2 | Joe Trionfetti (@ATriBaldQuest) |
3 | sicscore.com -
David Chao (@ProFootballDoc) |
4 | Rotowire -
JEFFREY EDGERTON (@Jeff_Edgerton) |
5 | The Fantasy Tyrant, The Edge, Fantasy Nation -
Ty Peddicord (@Fantasy_Tyrant) |
6 | David Fried (@JD_wala) |
7 | Yahoo Fantasy from 2015 - 2021 -
Tank Williams (@TankWilliams13) |
8 | Semi pro athlete -
Addison Dovie (@@addisondovie3) |
9 | Rotobahn -
Jim Hackett (@JHHacksaw) |
10 | RotoWire; Framingham State University -
Alex Rikleen (@rikleen) |
11 | Jeremy Staring (@Jstar22265) |
12 | Brian Sellin (@garyleehagar9) |
1 | Jake Suggs (@m0veTheLines) |
2 | Stealing Lines -
Dalton Kates (@Dalton_Kates) |
3 | DraftCountdown.com -
Scott Wright (@DraftCountdown) |
4 | Collin Gustafson (@cgustafson__) |
5 | Player Profiler & Fantasy Football Weekly (Micros) -
Tyler Knaeble (@PPRTyler) |
6 | DLF -
Connor LaPlante (@cplant_) |
7 | Brian Griffin (@SanFranPsyc) |
8 | Chris Denly (@) |
9 | Cover 1 -
Jon Helmkamp (@jonhelmkamp) |
10 | NBC Sports / Fantasy Football Happy Hour -
Connor Rogers (@connorjrogers) |
11 | MB Fantasy Life -
Ian Hartitz (@Ihartitz) |
12 | Get Right Fantasy Network -
RJ Wilson (@Wilson27) |
1 | Merrick Elias (@Merrickelias) |
2 | Dynasty Nerds, The Program (TM) -
Tristan Cook (@THEtristancook) |
3 | Lewis Glover (@LewisGloverMMA) |
4 | Katie Zucker (@K_Tee15) |
5 | Travis Wantland (@Twantland ) |
6 | marty oravets (@) |
7 | Mark Bergman (@bergmanmd) |
8 | FFFaceoff.com -
Phillip Caldwell (@DumpsterDiveFF) |
9 | Anthony Klee (@theboyeee) |
10 | The Undroppables -
Zachary Garbarino (@ZachGarbarino) |
11 | Michael Corona (@Michael_corona) |
12 | Fields of fantasy podcast -
Nathan Dowie (@Nathandowie23) |
1 | Michael Tyne (@Michaeltyne13) |
2 | vikesinsider -
Maxwell Hill (@vikesinsider) |
3 | Rumboyz.com -
Jordan Love (@RumboyzJlove) |
4 | Nathan Cook (@nathan_s_cook) |
5 | Sean Swesey (@@swizzle2212) |
6 | Operation Domination -
Chase Thornton (@SttChaseFFB) |
7 | Keith Graham (@) |
8 | Fantrax -
Todd Hedberg (@TheToddMpls) |
9 | Yards Per Fantasy -
Kevin Richards (@FF_KRich) |
10 | The League Winners -
Hunter Greene (@Hgree56) |
11 | Patrick Pucci Fantasy Show -
James Seo (@James_seo03) |
12 | Russell Bigwood (@Bama74643) |
1 | The Sports Affiliation -
William Garlinge (@@WillFF_) |
2 | Soccer Player -
Juan José Calero (@JCalero21) |
3 | Matt Strauss (@Bigmatt8181) |
4 | Eric Valentine (@EValentine) |
5 | Greg Delisle (@Sockmonkey ) |
6 | LeighAnn Hartman (@leighannyall) |
7 | RotoUnderworld -
Anand Nanduri (@NanduriNFL) |
8 | Taylor Schultz (@TuViciouz) |
9 | Alexander Flynn (@kickerpointsFF) |
10 | 816podcasting.com -
Thomas Karlac (@Thomaskarlac) |
11 | Tilt is Real / DHH -
James Kreiss (@FF_Chef) |
12 | Andrew Berchtold (@BToldy23) |
1 | Bob Labar (@JawnRule) |
2 | Zeke Fine (@zekefine) |
3 | RotoWire -
Scott Jenstad (@ScottJenstad) |
4 | Andrew Stickley (@ASTICK99) |
5 | Adam Paralta (@EggsParalta82 ) |
6 | Kevin Stovall (@kstovall88) |
7 | tilteddfs.com -
Shaun Evans (@SEvansDFS) |
8 | Chau Luu (@) |
9 | Rob Ruglio (@RobRugs) |
10 | Co-host wildcard rewind -
Paul Picken (@paul_picken ) |
11 | Player Profiler -
Cody Wilhelm (@Cstyles15) |
12 | Fantasy Football Astronauts -
Nick Penticoff (@nickpenticoff ) |
1 | The Sports Affiliation -
Melissa Harris (@Mel91120024) |
2 | Fantasy Life -
George Zainoun (@3putts4par) |
3 | Ashley Carter (@ashleycarter127) |
4 | Claude Cassady (@Joecassady13) |
5 | 4for4 -
Anthony Staggs (@StaggsNFL) |
6 | Brittany Harkins (@lucyspotato ) |
7 | Kingsley Estrada (@) |
8 | Jeffrey Evanko (@) |
9 | Joshua Bendyk (@) |
10 | DynastyDNA fantasy football podcast -
Andy Blake (@FFAtrainDNA) |
11 | Alex Vogt (@Voteforevogt ) |
12 | Fantasy Life -
Stefano Vaccarino (@Bigmoneyplay) |
1 | Anthony Willm (@Willmerpolooza) |
2 | Destination Devy -
Marcus Myers (@marcusmyers) |
3 | Chad Camacho (@chad_macho) |
4 | Andy Campbell (@RoyalBearC) |
5 | Angel Hernandez (@pascoinspired) |
6 | Cannon Cook (@cannoncook_) |
7 | Jason Brixey (@JasonBrixey) |
8 | Dynasty Nerds -
Mychal Warno (@Dynastydadmike) |
9 | Will Seader (@WillSeader) |
10 | William Lindahl (@NotThatLindahl) |
11 | Melissa Salsano (@Toomuchcofffee) |
12 | Coty Betts (@Cotybetts74 ) |
1 | RotoHeat.com -
Craig Bullock (@RandomDubs54) |
2 | Jurgen Huck (@jurgenhuck) |
3 | Joshua Mueller (@) |
4 | Fantasy Life/ NFL Player -
Nicholas Petit-Frere (@NicholasPetit) |
5 | Dusty Harman (@Dusty_Harman) |
6 | Brett Kazatsky (@DynastyKaz) |
7 | Nicholas Fox (@CT_FOX) |
8 | Letstalksport -
Gary Thorpe (@Grrrroooooovvvy) |
9 | In-Between Media -
Joseph Griffin (@DynastyGriff_FF) |
10 | Raymond Kirk (@VIRAIDERSFF) |
11 | GoatedFantasy -
Nick Benoy (@FatBoyBenoy) |
12 | Ben Condeelis (@TheExtraPointFF) |
1 | Fantasy Football Funhouse -
Steven Marcuz (@SidSkeat) |
2 | The Fantasy 40 - @thefantasyforty -
Matt Walker (@Walk_FF) |
3 | Angle of Pursuit -
Kyle Robert (@notoriouskro) |
4 | David Shin (@big41whiskey) |
5 | Jason Tran (@JasonTran) |
6 | Benjamin Graham (@DocNeptunus) |
7 | Derek McCreath (@THeFFRx ) |
8 | AJ Foster (@Ajfoster) |
9 | Shaun Meyer (@Deadduck77 ) |
10 | Jesse Reeves (@JesseReevesFF) |
11 | gridiron ratings (the next man up podcast) -
Matthew Walters (@fantasyferret) |
12 | Mark Hill (@markhill321) |
1 | Chris Nowak (@chrisnowak87) |
2 | Cobie Clawson (@CSC66) |
3 | PlayerProfiler.com -
John Laub (@GridironSchol91) |
4 | FantasyPros -
Jimmy Tatarzycki (@) |
5 | Bryce Ciancio (@BC_CoachC) |
6 | Scott Timms (@@TimmsScott60727) |
7 | SFB Avimakers -
Matthew Pool (@5StarMatty) |
8 | Reyn Yamamoto (@AkamaiFantasy) |
9 | Mark Hollinger (@hollymark323) |
10 | Rex Richardson (@) |
11 | Jim Cox (@tuljhwk) |
12 | Kieran O Keeffe (@kie_kong_ok) |
1 | Jeff Herrlich (@Herrlibomber) |
2 | Issa Berjaoui (@IssaIgloo) |
3 | Asylum Fantasy Football -
Rick Fleeger (@asylumfootball) |
4 | ESPN -
Jeff Borzello (@jeffborzello) |
5 | Zack Burleson (@zburleson) |
6 | John Pilios (@misterplios) |
7 | Sean Robinson (@TheFFKoala) |
8 | Club Fantasy -
Kyra Wiaterowski (@PhantasyFFkyra) |
9 | @YardsPer - podcasting/writing -
Dennis Healy (@Madison_madman) |
10 | Jim Hartman (@j_hartman54) |
11 | Shawn Junior (@ShawnJunior78) |
12 | PlayerProfiler -
Theo Gremminger (@TheOGFantasy) |
1 | Jed Becker (@Mustachio17) |
2 | Bulldozer fantasy football podcast -
Matthew Bull (@Bulldozerff) |
3 | GoingFor2.com -
Jerry Wilke (@JerryWilkeFM) |
4 | Brent Gromaski (@BrentGromaski) |
5 | The Fantasy Footballers -
Nate Henry (@NateHenryFF) |
6 | FantasyPros, Dynasty Nerds -
Matt Gruber (@FF_Worm) |
7 | Christy Carosello (@christyyadams) |
8 | Colin Ake (@colinake) |
9 | KFAN 100.3FM/ Power Trip Morning Show -
Aj Mansour (@AjKFAN) |
10 | Kory Holst (@holst_kory) |
11 | Karingtyn Hobbs (@Khobbs23) |
12 | Spencer Croft (@FantasyZiip) |
1 | Jazzlynn Olivas (@Jazzlynn626) |
2 | Brian Mink (@Ndalum00) |
3 | Carla Sloan (@crankycarla) |
4 | Malia Barnett (@maliacbarnett) |
5 | Stephen Holton (@steve_holt_) |
6 | NumberFire -
Eli Weiner (@EWeinerFantasy) |
7 | The League Winners -
Pruthvish Patel (@ThePruPatel) |
8 | Kenneth Horn (@PrimeMinisterKH) |
9 | Averagefantasyfootballguy.com -
John McKinstry (@FantasyAverage) |
10 | Ali Abdalla (@) |
11 | Kirby Fox (@) |
12 | Jason Walker (@@TheMindOfJDubb) |
1 | Cole Trace (@cttrace) |
2 | JWB Fantasy Football -
Jacob Parry (@Parry_FF) |
3 | rotoheat.com - Director of Content Creation -
Rob Sullivan (@RotoHeatSully) |
4 | Jeremy West (@) |
5 | RotoWire -
Sasha Yodashkin (@SYodashkin ) |
6 | UKFFC & 5yard dynasty -
Daniel Hughes (@Danh_dynasty) |
7 | Joshua Lunde-Whitler (@Jlundewhitler) |
8 | Christian Pletta (@Cjspeedy05) |
9 | Alan Ware (@AlanWare) |
10 | Timothy Kelly (@tkelly27) |
11 | DAP Network - Fantasy Timeline Podcast -
Drew Prawel (@Dr_Pra) |
12 | Jonathan Taylor (@Jonnytiz) |
1 | Yates Fantasy Football -
Kyle Yates (@KyleYNFL) |
2 | Retired NFL player -
Kyle Clement (@kyle05256111) |
3 | Casey Saul (@dothesaulsa) |
4 | CBS Sports -
Dan Schneier (@DanSchneierNFL) |
5 | ESPN -
Tristan H. Cockcroft (@SultanofStat) |
6 | Peter Cline (@PeteCline) |
7 | Shawn Gudlin (@shawn_gudlin) |
8 | ICC1606143H5 -
Marlene Ponce (@Mar_PS23) |
9 | Brandon Shorey (@TFFDads) |
10 | Yards Per Fantasy -
Andrew Debbink (@AuctionAndrewFF) |
11 | Keyon Hedayati (@Chefkeyon ) |
12 | Ben Eby (@TheBenEby) |
1 | David Peagram (@) |
2 | Kayle Slattery (@kayleslaw) |
3 | Joshua Hagen (@Jchagen24) |
4 | Chip Miller (@FFStarr6) |
5 | Dynasty League Football -
Eric Hardter (@EDH_27) |
6 | Sally Kurjan (@Sally3510) |
7 | Fantasy In Frames -
Cassie Minick (@TheNFElle) |
8 | Ryan Turner (@Ryan_Turner_9) |
9 | Dynasty Degens -
Mike Lamoureux (@NerdBoiTakes) |
10 | Corey Deaton (@Not on Twitter anymore ) |
11 | Bryan Dodds (@B_doddsy) |
12 | The Fantasy Authority -
Andrew Chandar (@TFA_Andrew) |
1 | Club Fantasy -
Andrew Elmquist (@andrewelmquist1) |
2 | 4 For 4 Football / Jets Wire -
Billy Riccette (@Billy_Riccette) |
3 | Orry Engebretsen (@ONEngebretsen) |
4 | crystal ballin’ -
Crystal Scuor (@crystalscuor) |
5 | Scott Drugley (@) |
6 | George Manganaro (@LordKilros) |
7 | Matthew Akers (@MattAkers12) |
8 | Joey Kelly (@Joeykelly89 ) |
9 | 4for4 / Fantasy Football Chat -
Zachary Murdach (@SpaceGhostForce) |
10 | William Rael (@will_I_am505) |
11 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Dylan Clemons (@dclemons2222) |
12 | RotoViz -
Dan Sainio (@DanSainio) |
1 | Jason Keller (@JKell2007) |
2 | Draft Sharks -
Jared Smola (@SmolaDS) |
3 | Jason Fritz (@Jfritz20) |
4 | Stephen Demers (@Scdemers) |
5 | Kenneth Rogers (@AZROGERS) |
Brandon Lane (@CHUBZBURGER) |
7 | Dynasty Nerds -
Jake Estes (@Dynasty_Jake) |
8 | Underdog Fantasy -
Brandon Stakenborg (@Stakenborg) |
9 | Adam Koskie (@Dr_A_Koz) |
10 | The Undroppables -
Avi Goldstein (@Dfs_docket) |
11 | Steven Zavala (@SteveZavala) |
12 | Ian Lawler (@FunkyJankets) |
1 | Braydon Fleming (@FantasyN0W) |
2 | Matt Mandile (@TheDailyDile) |
3 | Eric Givens (@ffooball03) |
4 | Ryan Morse (@turdfergusonff) |
5 | Ben Kohl (@BennyKool) |
6 | Bill Copeland (@FlaminRehab) |
7 | Dynasty War Zone -
Neil Gray (@Nrg51628) |
8 | Yards Per Fantasy -
Matt Flowers (@MattFFBall) |
9 | Matthew Berry's Fantasy Life -
Chris Howard (@Chris_Howard17) |
10 | Chris Vincent (@cvincent323) |
11 | Fantasy Wildcard, Wildcard DFS -
Alastair Cook (@@FFDynastyGrill) |
12 | Wayne Lewis (@WeezyLivezy) |
1 | Evan Rudall (@) |
2 | Travis Kovalchuk (@The_gladass) |
3 | Rebecca Manning (@BasdRebecca) |
4 | Ryan Ralph (@Ryanralph1981) |
5 | Evan Bogart (@EKiddBogart) |
6 | Andrew Norton (@werdnanotron) |
7 | -
Ashley Griffin (@AshZeitz) |
8 | Gerry Gaudet (@Music_Man5) |
9 | Club Fantasy FFL -
Austin Amandolia (@Austin_FFL) |
10 | Raymond Mertz (@RMertz45) |
11 | Adam Estes (@Acestes424) |
12 | Christian Messick (@MessyMessick) |
1 | The Day Dreaming Degenerates FF Podcast -
Steven Sampson (@TheFFDegenerate) |
2 | Luuk Gerritsen (@Luukscocktails) |
3 | Yards Per Fantasy -
Alex Johnson (@a_johnsonFF) |
4 | Jason Hunt (@okstatefan33) |
5 | Michael Barraza (@JMichaelBarraza) |
6 | 4for4/ Optimus Fantasy -
Dave Stewart (@DaveFantasy) |
7 | Brian Schardt (@Schardt312) |
8 | Calder Hill (@hillcalder) |
9 | Nick Byerly (@Nickbyerly1380) |
10 | FTN -
Sam Choudhury (@SC_FFB) |
11 | Yards Per/DFF -
Ryan Odell (@FFDelly) |
12 | Joseph Schneider (@therealjoe920) |
1 | Austin Fuglestad (@Podguyfuges) |
2 | Greg Hodges (@MRYEAHSPORTS) |
3 | FantasyGuru.com -
Ryan Clifford (@RyanClifford) |
4 | Devy Marketplace -
Kane Fossell (@Devy_Kane) |
5 | Roto Street Journal -
Matt Duckworth (@iDuck14) |
6 | Fantasyinframes.com -
Nate Marcum (@@Natemarcum ) |
7 | FantasyUnleashd -
Rob Lowry (@SurplusOfCash) |
8 | Bryan Buckingham (@) |
9 | Phil Murphy (@Philmur10) |
10 | Chelsea Robinson (@Chexmix618) |
11 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Eric Sonnier (@eric07294) |
12 | Wahaj Mallick (@chefmykerowave) |
1 | Austin Morrison (@AustinETH10101) |
2 | Charles Harvey (@koolaid6one9) |
3 | Kenton Onofrychuk (@) |
4 | Michael Padro (@Sfcitylegends ) |
5 | Rocco Porco (@Rocco93Porco) |
6 | Fantasy Alarm -
Andrew Phelps (@DrewPhelps05) |
7 | aaron spires (@aaronspires) |
8 | anthony corapi (@@Anthc91) |
9 | Pietro Brezzo (@iggyfenton) |
10 | James Wood (@JamesiEWood) |
11 | Joseph Tucker (@JosephT16926500) |
12 | John Gowen (@jtgowen77) |
1 | RotoViz -
John Solis (@solisreport) |
2 | Zack Henkle (@zackhenkle) |
3 | RotoViz -
Devin McIntyre (@devinmci) |
4 | Jeremy Spolarich (@jeremyspolarich) |
5 | James Lewin (@lewinjim) |
6 | Brian Epperly (@bepps) |
7 | John McWilliams (@redjimmy) |
8 | Eliot Levin (@eliotprops ) |
9 | Matt Silva (@masilva152) |
10 | Ben Sullivan (@) |
11 | John Kelleher (@JKD_ff) |
12 | Mundo NFL -
Fernando Kallas (@FernandoKallas) |
1 | Mathew Bostrom (@@MatBostrom) |
2 | The Gaming Juice/Stadium -
Brad Evans (@NoisyHuevos) |
3 | FantasyPros -
Sam Hoppen (@SamHoppen) |
4 | terry austin (@@adamaustinffb) |
5 | Dynasty junkies Podcast, Fantasy Narrative Podcast -
Dustin Church (@Dynastyjunkieff) |
6 | Randall Rentfro (@Rentfroneous) |
7 | BigGuyFantasySports -
James Knight (@JKeasy) |
8 | RotoViz -
Colm Kelly (@overtimeireland) |
9 | Dylan Strauss (@dylznick) |
10 | Rob Schnabel (@) |
11 | Alastair Reid (@ally_reid84) |
12 | Matthew Snooks (@KingJerseyDuck) |
1 | angeloanalysis.com -
Brandon Angelo (@angelo_fantasy) |
2 | Jacob Lindstrom (@Lindstrom170) |
3 | Jeff Green (@slojeff) |
4 | Fantasy Football Advice Network -
Amber Phillips (@Amberalertff) |
5 | True North Fantasy -
Jesse Patterson (@df_patterson) |
6 | Trenton Taylor (@) |
7 | Blake Tunnard (@grumpies33 ) |
8 | Bill Schuler (@WilliamSchule20) |
9 | RotoWire -
Mario Puig (@ProSetFormation) |
10 | Business Development @ Sleeper -
Jordan Gropper (@JGropp731) |
11 | Warrior Bowl -
Greg Boyland (@Warriorbowl ) |
12 | IDPGUYS -
Will Weiss (@FF_skinnychef ) |
1 | The Hateful 8 Fantasy Football Podcast -
Jon Stone (@JonTheStone) |
2 | Ian Dupont (@Smkmonstarzpont ) |
3 | Grace Golden (@grace_detes) |
4 | Mike Phelps (@mphelps2) |
5 | Caroline Grady (@RoxyShepherd) |
6 | Josh Mitchell (@Joshuawesome6) |
7 | Underdog Fantasy -
Stacie Stern (@staciestern) |
8 | Maks Skuzinski (@SFantasyfb) |
9 | Lindsay Nahum (@Maxwelljmom) |
10 | Kylee Redman (@Kyleeredman) |
11 | Chelsie Hall (@Chelsiehall) |
12 | Draftsharks -
Alex Korff (@PeakedInHS_FF) |
1 | Aaron Ayers (@AAyers42) |
2 | Stephen Shannon (@srshanno) |
3 | Fantasy Endgame -
Pierre Camus (@endgamepierre) |
4 | Gary Atkinson (@GaryAkko17) |
5 | Cynthia Romero (@@cynthiaspears1) |
6 | CBS Sports -
Frank Stampfl (@Roto_Frank) |
7 | Fantasy Football Analyst on Instagram (100k) -
Joe Volpe (@the_ffanalyst) |
8 | Fantasy Data / Picks Calculator -
David Heaton (@Dheaton_47) |
9 | Dynasty Theory Podcast -
Dan LaMagna (@FFCOACHDAN) |
10 | Edgar Alejandro Mendoza Ramírez (@) |
11 | Jason Van Buren (@JasonWVanBuren) |
12 | Sierra Mink (@HopscotchDaisy) |
1 | Petr Vosvrda (@) |
2 | Thomas Sorrell (@TWSIceman) |
3 | Get Right Fantasy Network -
Anthony Aniasco (@Rast1farin) |
4 | David Sobutka (@Davidsobutka) |
5 | Dynasty Nerds and Campus2Canton -
Dwight Peebles (@ffpeebleschamp ) |
6 | Peyton Hathaway (@PeytonHathaway) |
7 | DrRoto.com -
Robert Pasky (@HeatOveride) |
8 | Samuel Kelly (@Sam_Wise730) |
9 | Joseph Hanberry (@colbyhanberry) |
10 | Jerod dunn (@@JerrodDunn3) |
11 | Ben Albert (@) |
12 | Dynasty Theory Podcast - DLF -
Mitch Sorenson (@DynoMC) |
1 | RotoHeat.com -
Shane Barrett (@ffShaneB ) |
2 | @LeagueSamba -
David Flannery (@wordonplays) |
3 | Semi-Pro Soccer Player, Student Athlete -
Amelia Dovie (@Ameliadovie) |
4 | Kevin Gill (@K_Gill11) |
5 | Jenny Schweigert (@Jenschweigert) |
6 | Josh Fahlsing (@DynastyDecode) |
7 | ESPN producer -
Tom DeCorte (@TPD3) |
8 | James Maloney (@FNTSYHCKYTRADES) |
9 | Jose Dantas Oliveira Filho (@jdantasfilho) |
10 | Kathy Oby (@Lkegirl1) |
11 | John Candelaria (@Scdoublej) |
12 | Thiago Salomão (@thiagosaloma0) |
1 | The Athletic -
Michael Salfino (@MichaelSalfino) |
2 | FootballGuys.com -
Justin Bonnema (@justinbonnema) |
3 | network television writer/Garrett Lerner -
David Foster (@davidfosterbigpartyjoe) |
4 | Erik Gunderson (@_BigEeezzy) |
5 | Brian Dold (@OakStreetFliers) |
6 | SFB Avi Makers -
Mark Orns (@Mark_in_MI) |
7 | DraftBuddy.com -
Chris Spencer (@Roto_Chris) |
8 | James Schmidt (@jamezray) |
9 | NBC Sports -
Patrick Daugherty (@RotoPat) |
10 | Jen Ryan (@FFdeJENerate) |
11 | Julie Bacher (@bacherjulie15) |
12 | Jay Towle (@ffbriefcase) |
1 | Reed Bartz (@reedbartz1) |
2 | Ryan Richard (@ryanrichard5453) |
3 | Bill Kim (@bill_kim_prime) |
4 | FantasyOnDraft.com -
Nate Murray (@nateffb) |
5 | Ryan Mcbride (@Ryanamcbride) |
6 | Shannon Sullivan (@sully4485) |
7 | The League Winners, ADP+, SFPL9 -
Tracy Norton (@GG_FFBOTS) |
8 | matthew raviv (@) |
9 | Michael Young (@Nova1395168) |
10 | Dakota Caparelliotis (@Fantasydjc) |
11 | Trystin chadwick (@Trystinchad2007) |
12 | Becoming a Best Ball Bro w/ JJ -
Rich Ryan (@RichTRyan) |
1 | theScore -
Justin Boone (@justinboone) |
2 | Kaleb Kerr (@KerrProfessor) |
3 | Spencer Muller (@SpencerMuller) |
4 | Ryan Snow (@Snowman7767) |
5 | DynastyLeagueFootball.com -
David Willsey (@willson8tor) |
6 | Tim Buchanan (@Timbuke) |
7 | Aaron MacKay (@AaronMacKay) |
8 | Emily Taylor (@emilyetaylor23) |
9 | PlayerProfiler -
Nick Coder (@nickcoder) |
10 | Devin Kann (@DevinKann) |
11 | Jim Meier (@pgjpm) |
12 | OJ Webber (@obi_wan_mahomie) |
1 | Thad Junco (@Thadjunco) |
2 | Mike Aldridge (@Mikealdridge14) |
3 | Pro Football Network -
Ryan Gosling (@ryangoslingPFN) |
4 | New York Post -
Jeremy Layton (@JeremyLayt0n) |
5 | Chris Palmer (@crispypalmer33) |
6 | Al-kareem Ferguson (@Kingshowtime44 ) |
7 | Adrian Palladino (@Abes4ever) |
8 | Jerry Janiga (@jerryj22) |
9 | 4for4 -
Rick Camp (@RickCCamp) |
10 | Wayne Cavadi (@WayneCavadi_D2) |
11 | Nolan Schmidt (@NolanS_) |
12 | Gridiron Ratings -
Jeff DiMatteo (@NFL_DiMatteo) |
1 | Cody Carter (@) |
2 | Kevin Ryan (@MrRobotLennon) |
3 | IDP Guys -
Ashlie Abrahams (@EMT_Ashlie) |
4 | The undroppables -
Jay Wood (@FFcoder) |
5 | Locked On Dynasty -
Marcus Mosher (@Marcus_Mosher) |
6 | Phil Hirsch (@) |
7 | Footballguys -
Phil Alexander (@PhilFBG) |
8 | Scott Vandermoon (@vmoon54) |
9 | Andreas Vogt (@) |
10 | Sarah Flynn (@SJFLYNN) |
11 | FantasySharks -
Lisa London (@Leedoglaw) |
12 | -
Gordon Baker-Bone (@BakerBone) |
1 | Marc Hava (@MegatronFF) |
2 | MICHAEL HENLEY (@KSUMonkeyBoy) |
3 | Alan Marks (@AlanInRaleigh) |
4 | Ryan Franks (@Rwfranks15) |
5 | Dynasty League Football/DLF Dynasty Podcast -
Dan Meylor (@dmeylor22) |
6 | Rico Stone (@RStonecold1980) |
7 | Jonathan Donath (@Jfd6812) |
8 | Anthony Knarr (@Bamzclaz) |
9 | Big Drafr Energy youtube channel -
Drew Younis (@@BigDraftersHQ ) |
10 | Alex Simko (@BigalTnF) |
11 | DynastyJacobian / DynastyXFactor -
Jacob Frank (@FF_McCarthian) |
12 | John Byrne (@Byronchenko) |
1 | Mitch Frerichs (@unipanther7) |
2 | Michael Bifulco (@mbifulco94) |
3 | Sean Gresham (@LUCKy_MANningFF) |
4 | Matt Kornberg (@mzkp54) |
5 | DLF -
Ryan Miller (@RyanMillerNFL) |
6 | The people call me BBE -
Tyler Samko (@BestBallEnjoyer) |
7 | Kevin Fischer (@Kfisch55) |
8 | Jack Nguyen (@CHURCHOFMESSI10) |
9 | Nflroughdraft.com, spots -
Ray Mencio (@RoughDraftRay) |
10 | Tyler Feeser (@TylerFeeser) |
11 | Michael Clark (@KappaAmerica) |
12 | Anto Dowsett (@antolytics) |
1 | Apex Fantasy Leagues -
Mike Braude (@braudem) |
2 | Dynasty League Football -
Eric Coleman (@UtahEC) |
3 | Fantasy Alarm -
Ivar Anderson (@johnwhorfin) |
4 | Justin Welch (@rjw615) |
5 | Jamie O’Dell (@) |
6 | John Krieg (@Jck158) |
7 | John Mikuluk (@eatseasonalocal) |
8 | Greg Vacek (@) |
9 | James Curnel (@TavernBbq) |
10 | Carla Wallace (@ Carwal ) |
11 | Tony Lopez (@five__thirty) |
12 | David Liddle (@SuaveisRico) |
1 | FFSQC -
DJ Jarvis (@Deej_Jarvis) |
2 | ryan kuhlman (@Ff_rook) |
3 | LUCAS Buccafusca (@drlubufu) |
4 | Chris Carda (@ChrisCarda) |
5 | @OccupyFantasy -
BRIAN JESTER (@BrianJesterFF) |
6 | Andrew King (@andrewking401) |
7 | Ashley Geniole (@packersgrl1) |
8 | Andre Munroe (@AndreMunroe16) |
9 | Jessica Knurek (@@snoil219) |
10 | donald young (@donnynutz) |
11 | Billy Kelly (@Wilkel39) |
12 | Jonathan Schechter (@Jschec427) |
1 | ESPN -
Eric Karabell (@karabelleric) |
2 | Michael Ryan (@PizzaMikeRyan) |
3 | Taylor Bourque (@Finleysmomm ) |
4 | Zealots -
Jason Wright (@jasonwright25) |
5 | Bryan Abadrabo (@yaba_drabo) |
6 | Pro Football Network -
Ben Rolfe (@BenRolfePFN) |
7 | Nflroughdraft.com -
Mike Luchene (@Nflroughdraft ) |
8 | Blair Thompson (@FFBatman23) |
9 | Michael Cobaugh (@Mikeycobaugh) |
10 | Kristin B (@Krisbelle11) |
11 | leslie miller (@leslielane27) |
12 | Dynasty League Football -
Tyler Justin Karp (@TylerFFCreator) |
1 | FTN -
Tyler Loechner (@LoechnerNFL) |
2 | Tim Morrison (@) |
3 | Run to Daylight Podcast/Sharp Football Analysis -
Tod Burros (@TodfromPa) |
4 | Cory Jeffries (@Pyrocory) |
5 | Yar Chaikovsky (@) |
6 | Colleen Thomas (@Colleenelizas) |
7 | 1 Winning Pod -
Alec Pulianas (@apulianas) |
8 | Adam Alderman (@copyrightabuser) |
9 | Brian Kellner (@bkellner) |
10 | Andrew Lund (@26ersaquon) |
11 | Fantasy Frontman Podcast -
Matthew Breaker (@FantasyFrontman) |
12 | DLF -
Peter Lawrence (@_PeteLaw) |
1 | Zig Zag Fantasy Podcast -
Ari Ingel (@FFesq) |
2 | Dynasty Pros Football, 4th and Dynasty Podcast -
Cody Folden (@CodyFolden) |
3 | DynastyTradeCalculator.com -
JP Hurley (@FFHurcules) |
4 | Michael Schilter (@@schiltbomb23) |
5 | Michael Duncan (@blacktumshie) |
6 | Dynasty League Football/Sky Sports -
James Simpson (@JS_Football) |
7 | Chris Szwedo (@Swaydeaux) |
8 | Jacob Harkins (@hakejarkins) |
9 | Underdog Fantasy -
Greg Walor (@) |
10 | Andy Price (@Planet_P) |
11 | Tom Vermiglio (@Twv13) |
12 | #FF7s, The Sports Affiliation -
Iggy Gilbert (@IDP_Iggy) |
1 | Ki-Hon Lin (@) |
2 | Footballguys, Sharp Football Analysis -
Adam Wilde (@APWilde) |
3 | Going For 2 / Full Press Coverage -
Kyle Senra (@SenraSays) |
4 | Will Faiella (@) |
5 | Kiersten Ruff (@unnecruffness) |
6 | John Vandygriff (@JohnVandygriff) |
7 | Jaime Mispilkin (@jmmispilkin) |
8 | Rotounderworld -
Craig Wambold (@Craigwambold) |
9 | Jamie Brown (@@crossfirebrown) |
10 | Footballguys, EstablishTheRun -
Anthony Amico (@amicsta) |
11 | Christopher Svoboda (@TheSvobodaFF) |
12 | CouchScouts | DynastyNerds | Devy Big Board -
Matt Cooper (@x.com/@CouchScoutsFF) |
1 | Loften Swint (@_teetz) |
2 | Matt Borkowski (@mborkows) |
3 | Mark Ciarrocchi (@Farquadfantasy) |
4 | Andrew Bellini (@abellinigi) |
5 | Nathan Marbaugh (@SwinganaMystery) |
6 | SFB8 CHAMP -
Sam Lane (@StompytheBear) |
7 | Campus2Canton -
Chris Moxley (@Chrismoxley19) |
8 | FootballGuys -
Scott Bischoff (@Bischoff_Scott) |
9 | Wylie Stevens (@Fun4willis) |
10 | Brenden Goebert (@B_Goebert) |
11 | David Jacobson (@GeronimoRambles ) |
12 | David Martin (@lookatme_tri) |
1 | Ian Byrd (@Sadmalander) |
2 | John Rounds (@CoachRounds) |
3 | NBC Sports / Rotoworld -
Aaron Solomon (@AaronS_EDGE) |
4 | Thedraftguy.com -
Garett Levenhagen (@Thedraftguy_com) |
5 | Javier Pulido Frausto (@JavierPF93) |
6 | Brian Dalton (@LagerSirIsRegal ) |
7 | Kurtis Tucker (@Ktucker84) |
8 | Underdog Sports -
Dean Yang (@) |
9 | Justin McCasland (@MaclandJ) |
10 | Andrew Scruggs (@FF_Scrub) |
11 | Esh InPennsyltucky (@LilPlastyCasuls) |
12 | DLF -
Addison Hayes (@amazehayes_) |
1 | Carter Semb (@Cmsemb) |
2 | Bryce Hamamoto (@Bkhamamoto) |
3 | David Burks (@Davidburks1) |
4 | The 4orum -
MacLean Hall (@emcee8t) |
5 | Kimberly Floyd (@Kfloyd108) |
6 | DrRoto.com -
Alisha Hunt (@huntinmillions) |
7 | Catherine Fotheringham (@disneyducky18) |
8 | Rookie Big Board -
Matt Hicks (@TheFF_Educator) |
9 | Abe Zawodni (@AbeZ_ffb) |
10 | Mitchel Jahnke (@mitchjj53) |
11 | The Open Bar -
Gabe Geering (@FFManBun) |
12 | Sean Lamonda (@@Seanramsfan) |
2 | FFFaceoff -
Nicholas Mimikos (@NMimi) |
3 | Drew Krawczyk (@polishprince75) |
4 | Adam Faucheux (@afaucheux70) |
5 | Dan Green (@Dan_Green_UK) |
6 | Tom Eline (@Tom_Eline) |
7 | Sara Hoggatt (@Football_Sara) |
8 | Vincent Tobiaz (@vinsizzletobiaz) |
9 | Jesse Marvin (@_rollinthunder_) |
10 | Stephen Sear (@stephen0128) |
11 | Fantasy Points -
Jeff Henderson (@statholesports) |
12 | Anthony Amato (@) |
1 | Heather Murray (@awkwardtastical) |
2 | Peter Kilfoil (@Pkilfoil) |
3 | SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio -
Rob Touzet (@y2zet) |
4 | Stefan Nowicki (@Stefannowicki) |
5 | Matt Braun (@Beermatterz) |
6 | Fantrax -
Clifton Williams (@CliffWilliams_) |
7 | Jared Brewington (@OMG_its_JBrew) |
8 | Emma Shandonay (@missemmasports) |
9 | Brian Wright (@UOfowllanguage) |
10 | Mike Caraher (@_TakeUrShot) |
11 | Tom Meuzelaar (@TomMeuzelaar) |
12 | Kevin Sesny (@KEVSEZ68) |
1 | Football 365 -
Brad Anders (@jbander1) |
2 | Chris So (@Ossirhc) |
3 | Ryan Koechig (@DrachenFire82) |
4 | Steve Cutright (@NumbrrKruncher) |
5 | Upper Hand Fantasy -
Faraz Siddiqi (@farazsiddiqi) |
6 | Greg Lee (@GregLee77) |
7 | Allen Gossage (@bluegoose13) |
8 | That Sports Podcast Network, Dynasty Hour, TSS Fantasy -
Andrew Leduc (@realMrMallard) |
9 | Chris Beck (@cgbeck5 ) |
10 | Andrew Neill (@ToxicDeath) |
11 | Daniel Ferris (@Jackalope8722) |
12 | Ryan Peters (@ryanp6688) |
1 | Tom Burroughs (@FF_TomB) |
2 | ffdynastyproject.com -
Damen Brookes (@DamenBrookes) |
3 | FTN -
Daniel Kelley (@danieltkelley) |
4 | ESPN -
Mike Clay (@MikeClayNFL) |
5 | Index OfSuspicion (@IndexOfSus) |
6 | Zach Freed (@Fantasyonefive) |
7 | DraftKings Network -
Michael Hoffman (@Huffstermania ) |
8 | Kent Holiday (@KentKCAgs) |
9 | Tyler Isham (@Tylerisham) |
10 | Jonathan Blodgett (@Phogforce5) |
11 | Sean Connors (@edtechjedi) |
12 | Nacion Fantasy -
Guga Gekko (@GugaGekko) |
1 | Kevin Dorman (@kwdorman) |
2 | RateMyLeague -
Andy Goldstein (@RateMyLeague) |
3 | Jeremy Gouldey (@arctichart) |
4 | George Kritikos (@) |
5 | Joe Geraci (@Joegeraci28) |
6 | Fantasy Wildcard -
Hannah Rowland (@hanrowland) |
7 | Football Guys -
Sigmund Bloom (@SigmundBloom) |
8 | Jeff Maldonado (@303jeffro) |
9 | Eric Wolfe (@dinkinflicker) |
10 | Andrew Dodson (@DrewDodsonNFL) |
11 | Craig Bernes (@GregBurns182) |
12 | Nikky Hill (@Hill_Nikky) |
1 | BettorFantasy -
Will Tighe (@WillTigheFF) |
2 | QBList/Fantasysixpack/PallazzoPodcast -
Chad Simpson (@caochadttv) |
3 | DraftWire -
Natalie Miller (@Nat_NFLDraft) |
4 | Meaghan D'Amico (@arkh4m_) |
5 | Chris Halt (@chrisnova10) |
6 | Carolyn Collins (@cjc_54) |
7 | NBC Sports Edge -
Kyle Dvorchak (@kyletweetshere) |
8 | Sherry Sawyer (@PCBum) |
9 | Rival Fantasy Sports / Clock Dodgers -
Neal Maligno (@ClockDodgers) |
10 | Cameron Iverson (@TheCammer8) |
11 | Ariel Hobbs (@itsaritime_) |
12 | Carlin Yoder (@Carlinyoder) |
1 | Steven Martin (@StevesSequel) |
2 | Anthony Perry (@FFplatypus) |
3 | Hayden Miller (@kyzyl0) |
4 | Christine Aschoff (@Christineee4646) |
5 | BDGE -
Scott Connors (@bdgescott) |
6 | Steve Weiss (@scweiss) |
7 | IDP Guys/Club Fantasy -
Matt Record (@mrecord21) |
8 | player profiler -
Chris Buonagura (@Valuedraftpicks) |
9 | Roto Street Journal, WBAL -
Kayla Morton (@oldbayqueen74) |
10 | The Fantasy Football Universe -
S C Romero (@Thepprshow) |
11 | GoingFor2 -
Rahul Natarajan (@nrahul11) |
12 | Christie Sesky (@Christies2019) |
1 | Jason McKnight (@Jaymcknight25) |
2 | Jason Greene (@CLEGreene) |
3 | Fantasy Sharks -
William Weiler (@wweiler) |
4 | SportsGrid -
Mike Blewitt (@Mikeblewitt) |
5 | Josh Rosenblum (@jrosenblum99) |
6 | Jason Money (@ThaReal_Jmoney) |
7 | Dynasty Nerds -
Evan Brown (@FFEvanlution) |
8 | Skyler Parkin (@) |
9 | Packers Without Borders -
Bruce Edmunds (@BruceEdmunds) |
10 | DLF -
Frank Gruber (@threedownhack) |
11 | Henry Reyes (@henman1) |
12 | FantasySP -
Nick Raducanu (@StickToPizza) |
1 | Camille Gregory (@Camithedestroyr) |
2 | -
Josh Fewster (@JoshFewster) |
3 | Fantasy In Frames -
Chris Burns (@Dynastydeviant) |
4 | Stokastic COO -
Daniel Haight (@danielhaight) |
5 | Philip Cosores (@philip_cosores) |
6 | Kirk Tuxhorn (@) |
7 | PFF & Rotoworld -
Nic Bodiford (@NicBodifordNFL) |
8 | The Undroppables / The UnDrafted podcast -
Jax Falcone (@Dynogametheory) |
9 | Rotoballer.com -
Chris Gregory (@The_PreSnapRead) |
10 | Joe Schwarz (@bordeauxjoe) |
11 | Ryan Graham (@FBFilm_IDP_FFF) |
12 | Scott Mahoney (@BellCowBack) |
1 | Unexpected Points -
Kevin Cole (@KevinCole___) |
2 | Kristie Timbo (@kristie_timbo) |
3 | The Undroppables -
Wailele Sallas (@WaiSallas) |
4 | Overtime Ireland / Fantasy Corner -
James Maguire (@JamesMaguire21) |
5 | Damien Donnelly-Cole (@ddcinpdx) |
6 | Bougie Sports with Yvette @yvettemlaboy -
Lysandra Fontanez (@LaVidaLysandra) |
7 | James O'Toole (@JamesOToole7) |
8 | TH Fantasy Football & Fields of Fantasy -
Ed Selvey (@mundoed) |
9 | Pallazzo Podcast -
Michael Govier (@mjgovier) |
10 | Mike LaVallee (@TheValley_FF) |
11 | Derek Romanek (@DerekRomanek) |
12 | Michael cavalli (@Cavcav123) |
1 | Rhett Zych (@RhettZych) |
2 | Jason Kuehne (@JKuehne) |
3 | Jean-Max Charles (@Crypto_mcflyy) |
4 | Fighting Chance Fantasy -
Michael Chasco (@@CHASCOFCF) |
5 | Sirius -
James Koh (@JamesDKoh) |
6 | @Rotolounge -
Brad Starks (@RotoLounge ) |
7 | The Fantasy Joes Podcast -
Ryan Livergood (@DadGoneStrong) |
8 | Jen Yuvan (@jenyuvan) |
9 | Sharp Football Analysis -
Ed Williams (@EdWilliams300) |
10 | Gary Russell (@Russell_with2Ls) |
James Kozack (@JamesKozack) |
12 | Jacob Gill (@Coach_Jake_Gill) |
1 | Sanju Daftari (@sdaftari) |
2 | Christopher Warner (@Bigwarndog) |
3 | Justin Broido (@Jbbsnacksnacts) |
4 | FantasyPros -
Mike Maher (@mikeMaher) |
5 | Nathan Harker (@n8_harker) |
6 | Drafts & Draughts Podcast -
Joe Latino (@@draftsdraughts) |
7 | Roxie Charchian (@roxiecharchian) |
8 | -
Nolan Short (@Smalls96) |
9 | Dynasty Vipers -
Darrel Wilson (@Spitsgame) |
10 | Daniel Gladulich (@FFeeling_glad) |
11 | Nick Martinez (@NickMartinezBR) |
12 | FTN, Colle Sports Wire -
Jeff Hicks (@otherjeffhicks) |
1 | Belly Up -
Ambrose Liu (@liuac) |
2 | The IDP Show -
David Kelly (@Djkelltown ) |
3 | Pat Hoff (@Sawyerkane) |
4 | Andrew Rosien (@Floorkillah) |
5 | Nathan Kolb (@nalexko) |
6 | Sportsnet -
Matt Marchese (@Mattymar89) |
7 | Banners Fly Forever -
Tim Martens (@timbmartens) |
8 | Phil Rogers (@philgrogers) |
9 | Footballguys -
Sean Sernasie (@) |
10 | Chris Paepke (@cpap_cstar17) |
11 | Roncel Maxwell Sr. (@roncelmaxwell) |
12 | PlayerProfiler -
Jason Allwine (@JFootballwine) |
1 | John Burton (@Jjhp121315 ) |
2 | Justin zuckerman (@justinzuckerma1) |
3 | Brian Williams (@LandmarkMKE) |
4 | Jim Steele (@instantcashhomes) |
5 | Get Right Fantasy Network -
FRANK Orozco (@@GetRightFantasy ) |
6 | Breathing Fantasy Football Literally (youtube channel for recreational bestball dfs players -
Emerson Bielen (@surfyourturf) |
7 | Susie Polasky (@) |
8 | Drew Cunningham (@DSCunningham24) |
9 | Francisco Casares (@Paco_casares) |
10 | Andrew Sieracki (@) |
11 | FF Faceoff -
Miguel Chapeton (@ProFootballPSI) |
12 | Toilets to Titles -
Mark Simon (@MTSimon) |
1 | Iain Fish (@) |
2 | Grace and Elin Frye (@) |
3 | Ryan Driscoll (@ryetookay) |
4 | Legit Footabll, Coffee Shop Sports -
Kevin Fox (@TheBuffaloTrill ) |
5 | Mosaic_M_C -
Jason Teasley (@ProtocolSon22) |
6 | Rotoballer/FantasyPros/Razzball/Fantasy Six Pack -
Ryan Kirksey (@CableBoxScore) |
7 | Fantasy Dads -
Trent Santos (@fantasy_dads) |
8 | Patrick Pucci Fantasy show -
Ron Karres (@@highdesertron) |
9 | Front Yard Fantasy + BDGE -
JL Garofalo (@JL_Garofalo) |
10 | Joshua Klug (@Joshuajax187) |
11 | Lianne Mink (@) |
1 | Jordan Winston (@Jordan82435761) |
2 | Playerprofiler -
Bradley Stalder (@ffstalder) |
3 | Jessie Dombrowski (@jdombrowski44) |
4 | raymond blor (@TheRayBlor) |
5 | FantasyPros -
Andrew Erickson (@Andrewerickson_) |
6 | The Fantasy Authority -
Robby Jeffries (@NFLRobby) |
7 | Fanball -
Sam Brimacomb (@Brima24) |
8 | Kaleb Rabe (@Kalebrabe) |
9 | Sir Football -
Mike Neugebauer (@PlaySirFootball) |
10 | Tony Thompson (@TonyThompson44) |
11 | Robert Wallach (@TheHairySnowman) |
12 | Jacob Boyce (@RollzRoyceBoyce) |
1 | Matt Gorman (@KillazFFB37) |
2 | Caitlin Blair (@Fangtastic101) |
3 | Andy Scarborough (@andylefthb) |
4 | Jeoff Brown (@DynastySnob) |
5 | Rotobahn Podcast -
Peter Davidson (@rotobahn) |
6 | David Reisner (@AFCRichmond1) |
7 | SiriusXM Fantasy -
Sandro Anello (@onlysandro) |
8 | RotoViz -
Shawn Siegele (@FF_Contrarian) |
9 | Steve Isaac (@Steve_isaac) |
10 | CBS Fantasy -
Jamey Eisenberg (@JameyEisenberg) |
11 | carl boullosa (@CarlBoullosa) |
12 | 4for4 -
Greg Smith (@gregsauce) |
1 | Ian Ott (@BuffaloIan) |
2 | Alyssa Miller (@alyssarmiller) |
3 | Kim Newman (@kjn333) |
4 | Daniel Kukla (@dankukla314) |
5 | JWB Fantasy Football -
Nathan Groot Nibbelink (@nathangn) |
6 | Aman D (@Gshosky) |
7 | Robert Hom (@Fantasyhom) |
8 | Ryan Ganzenmuller (@ganz_me) |
9 | Dimitar Stamatov (@dimitaaar) |
10 | Guillermo Ezquerra Domingo (@@GuilleEzquerra) |
11 | Kimberly Lawrence (@Klawrence19 ) |
12 | Jessie Link (@Mad_typist) |
1 | Superflex Supershow and Dynasty Junkies -
Tommy Blair (@Fftommyb) |
2 | RotoWire -
Eric Caturia (@etcat30) |
3 | SportsGrid -
George Kurtz (@georgekurtz) |
4 | Legendary Upside -
Patrick Kerrane (@PatKerrane) |
5 | Patscap -
Miguel Benzan (@Patscap) |
6 | DLF and The IDP Show -
Jase Abbey (@JaseAbbey) |
7 | Jeff Milliner (@geek_mill) |
8 | Nicole Bauer (@ll_nicoolj) |
9 | John Hammerschlag (@meuchelmorder51) |
10 | Scott Morgan (@Scottybehotty) |
11 | Leron Wood (@Doriginalldub) |
12 | Dynasty HotSauce Pod -
Larry Monkey (@FFLarryMonkey) |
1 | Riley Konsella (@_konsella) |
2 | robert hoog (@hoog_robert) |
3 | Eric Nelson (@Eric_Nelson__) |
4 | Scott Allison (@PIper_Bowman) |
5 | James Sisson (@Indyjammer) |
6 | Anthony Gargano (@Addictedtodd) |
7 | Jeff Fish (@CoachFish4) |
8 | Draft Buddy, DLF, 4for4 -
Mike MacGregor (@DraftBuddy) |
9 | Vegard Jensen (@@br3kken ) |
10 | Casey Symonds (@CommishCasey) |
11 | Chris Kirby (@@Ghost_ClownFF) |
12 | Luke Griffin (@LukeJukeEm) |
1 | DFPNetwork -
Joseph Petrosino (@FFTraderJoe) |
2 | Andrew Estes (@@ky_bourbon_guy) |
3 | Alex Harris (@ilforddelta) |
4 | Peter Harriott (@Phkhgator ) |
5 | Matthew Lopes (@Lopes_Matthew) |
6 | DraftHero.com -
Ted Kasten (@DraftHeroAI) |
7 | Ken Flott (@kenflott) |
8 | Tyler Schmidt (@Schmitty088) |
9 | Liam Humpage (@theFSAtweets) |
10 | Dan Hislop (@danidlaxref) |
11 | Andy Salmon (@Salmondrums) |
12 | Alex Swift (@AD_Swift) |
1 | Bernard Platt (@Tonguefungus) |
2 | Yahoo/Reception Perception -
Matt Harmon (@MattHarmon_BYB) |
3 | 4for4 -
Kevin Zatloukal (@kczat) |
4 | Brian Harr (@BrianHarrFF) |
5 | Andrew Saladzius (@andysalads) |
6 | David Lane (@surrealdavelane) |
7 | Layton Cox (@Laytoncox) |
8 | Going For 2 -
Daniel Turner (@DanTurnerFF) |
9 | Ben Storms (@StillStorming) |
10 | Underdog Fantasy -
Josh Norris (@JoshNorris) |
11 | RotoBaller -
Ellis Johnson (@YoitsEllis_FF) |
12 | 4for4 -
Luis Escalante (@LF) |
1 | SportsGrid -
Davis Mattek (@DavisMattek) |
2 | Paul Hassman (@@PaulHassman) |
3 | Todd Jones (@b_t_jones) |
4 | Nick Choplick (@nchoplick) |
5 | Reggie Collado (@kieferwarriors) |
6 | Rotoballer, FantasyPros -
Matt Terelle (@supermt) |
7 | Zach Bahner (@BahnerFFett) |
8 | Jeremy Whalen (@jnwhalen54) |
9 | Etan Mozia (@Thisistherunn) |
10 | Christopher Wells (@WYinWA) |
11 | 4for4.com -
Scott Smith (@@ScottSmithFF) |
12 | The Washington Post -
Des Bieler (@DesBieler) |
1 | DLF -
Matt Price (@MattPriceFF) |
2 | A to Z Sports -
Travis May (@FF_TravisM) |
3 | Next Fan Up -
Jay Soderberg (@therealpodvader) |
4 | Ryan Feaver (@rfeaver1 ) |
5 | Paul Winterhalter (@Pwindynasty) |
6 | Fulltime Fantasy -
Scott Atkins (@ScottFantasy) |
7 | RotoWire -
Peter Schoenke (@PeterSchoenke) |
8 | Chance Osborne (@ChanceOsborne) |
9 | Fantasy Alarm/SiriusXM -
Howard Bender (@Rotobuzzguy) |
10 | Walter Smith (@Wsfoot8) |
11 | Ian Hamilton (@DynastyHambino1) |
12 | Patrick McDermott (@BigPerm3313) |
1 | Jeffrey Markovich (@Markopackers) |
2 | SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio/FantasyGuru -
Ray Flowers (@TheRayFlowers) |
3 | Tige Stromire (@@codawg24) |
4 | Mark Silver (@MarkKSilveresq) |
5 | The Dynasty Underground Podcast -
Derek Womack (@DynoUnderground) |
6 | Jonathan Meyer (@2345jonte) |
7 | Ben Ciardullo (@) |
8 | Alex Johnson (@claimyourprize) |
9 | DraftKings -
Ricky Sanders (@RSandersDFS) |
10 | Troy Rondeau (@Troylr) |
11 | Matthew Kellogg (@kellogg_matt) |
12 | Dean Evenson (@Deanevenson ) |
1 | Nate Schlottman (@Fantasyturfnate) |
2 | Kevin Janzen (@Kevinjanzen ) |
3 | Austin Snyder (@spidey7_as) |
4 | The Wagner Wire | ESPN -Austin 102.7 FM -
Adam Wagner (@NotTheFakeWags) |
5 | Matthew Johnson (@hulksmash0502) |
6 | Ben Lauck (@real_Blauck) |
7 | Josh Kroll (@Jkroll77) |
8 | Elliot Hassey (@ehassey) |
9 | Paddy Smith (@@Woke09205319) |
10 | Niall Little (@nelittle) |
11 | Nate Rango (@Rango_) |
12 | James Wimmers (@yaj2112) |
1 | 515 Fantasy Football, ESPN Des Moines -
Andy Hall (@AndyHallRadio) |
2 | Elizabeth Panettieri (@SayonaraSammy) |
3 | Allan Hepworth (@FF_Hep) |
4 | Dynasty Nerds -
Greg Billing (@BeardZeus) |
5 | Nathan Hopfner (@nathanhopfner) |
6 | Richard Jenkins (@rjenkins_FF) |
7 | Evan Platt (@Evan_Platt) |
8 | Ryan Roberts (@_RyanRoberts33) |
9 | Wheel of Fortune & Who Wants To Be A Millionaire contestant -
Mike Reiners (@Tresio) |
10 | Fantasy Guru -
Armando Marsal (@Armando_Marsal) |
11 | Scott Stevens (@ffstockbroker) |
12 | Rookie Fever, SuperFlex City, Super Flexible, FF B -
Shane Swager (@SwagzillaZeroG) |
1 | Ashley Muller (@DoctorAunty ) |
2 | Bob McKee (@BestBallBob) |
3 | Javier Banuelos (@HowieB79) |
4 | Matt Schubring (@2Schu2) |
5 | Travis Bryant (@Mc_Travor) |
6 | Dynasty Junkies & DAP Network -
Scott Sidlo (@scott_sidlo) |
7 | Ramon Gonzalez (@Fantasyrayg) |
8 | Chad Schroeder (@Chadsch23) |
9 | Manager of Alice in Chains -
Mark Wakefield (@dukes_up) |
10 | Eric Sklar (@ericcoach8) |
11 | Damien Scott (@MadScientistFF) |
12 | nflverse, dynastyprocess -
Tan Ho (@_TanHo) |
1 | Liz Ballard (@lizballard09) |
2 | TSS Fantasy -
Justin Herrera (@Semtexmex93) |
3 | Travis Roach (@Roachdood) |
4 | Mydynasty diary Pod -
Declan Cassidy (@deccycas) |
5 | Malory Howard (@Malhow913) |
6 | Thom Hasenpflug (@thasmin13) |
7 | Paul Redmond (@PRedMD) |
8 | DrRoto.com, Green Screens Media -
Jay Heinrich (@DrWilliamCannon) |
9 | Jeffrey Laycock (@jeffwill316) |
10 | Draft Sharks -
Shane Hallam (@ShanePHallam) |
11 | Neil Young (@neil5young) |
12 | DraftSharks.com -
Kevin English (@KEnglishDS) |
1 | Kasper Dreyer (@Mika_DynastyFF) |
2 | RotoViz/Fantasy Points -
Matt Wispe (@WispeyTheKid) |
3 | David McGuire (@D_Mac_BOOM) |
4 | Footballguys -
Devin Knotts (@devinknottsfbg) |
5 | Greg DeTrolio (@) |
6 | Mike Zoltek (@MikeZoltek) |
7 | John Parrott (@Johnparrott725) |
8 | Garrett Rice (@Garrett_Rice) |
9 | Charlie Winslow (@TweetCarp) |
10 | NBC Sports Edge -
Denny Carter (@CDCarter13) |
11 | Steve Fresa (@sfresa15) |
12 | DLF -
Michael Moore (@DLF_Moore) |
1 | Luke Bisson (@Cutechubbyguy) |
2 | Jack Klemmer (@Jklemmer08) |
3 | Jordan DiGiovanni (@FFdynastyDG) |
4 | Michael Cobb (@FantasyBoosters) |
5 | King Fantasy Sports -
Paul Becerra (@Paul_Ryan15 ) |
6 | Joel Leland (@Joel_Leland_) |
7 | SGPN -
Bradley Stickler (@FFBourbonDude) |
8 | DAVID GRUP (@@bullrushfootbal) |
9 | Justin Evenson (@Jdawgeves) |
10 | Dynasty Rewind -
Sean Fournier (@Sean_4nier) |
11 | Adam Peirick (@) |
12 | numberFire -
Brandon Gdula (@gdula13) |
1 | Ryan Lubatti (@LubattiRyan) |
2 | The Big Doug and Carmi Show / Full Press Coverage Fantasy Podcast -
George Carmi (@Gcarmi21) |
3 | PlayerProfiler -
Edward DeLauter (@ff_litigator) |
4 | FFAstronauts.com -
J Moyer (@JMoyerFB) |
5 | DynastyNerds -
Andrew Scherber (@fakefootballs) |
6 | Kyle Bishop (@Kybish21) |
7 | Kyle Rubin (@Rylekubin) |
8 | Jamie Hinckley (@JamBearBruh) |
9 | NFL Fantasy -
Patrick Claybon (@PatrickClaybon) |
10 | Player Profiler -
Dustin Hogue (@Dookiehogue) |
11 | The Big Doug & Carmi Show -
Douglas McCray (@DougMcCrayNFL) |
12 | Locke Engel (@LockeEngel) |
1 | Coast 2 Coast Dynasty Podcast -
Ruben Almada (@superflexdegen) |
2 | Jeff Donovan (@The_GreenLab) |
3 | Mark Schoennagel (@MarkSchoennagel) |
4 | Ian Kinnear (@IanKinnear33) |
5 | Michael Aspinall (@Mikeaspy) |
6 | gtdsports.com jdsfantasyfootball.substack.com -
James Danielson (@snag1025) |
7 | Matthew Braidfoot (@MattBraidfoot) |
8 | Matthew Dion (@Dieseldorf31) |
9 | Chris Lynch (@itsCLYNCHed) |
10 | Andy Wingerson (@awing344) |
11 | Late-Round Fantasy Football -
JJ Zachariason (@LateRoundQB) |
12 | Kelli Frieler (@KelliFF92) |
1 | Campus 2 Canton -
Jerrick Backous (@JerrickBackous) |
2 | RotoGrinders -
Christopher Prince (@beermakersfan) |
3 | PAMELA DOMINGUEZ (@pamedp) |
4 | Area51 Podcast -
MARCIO BARBOSA (@area51Ff) |
5 | Ben Bonish (@Benbonish) |
6 | Nick Rockwell (@Nick_Rockwell21) |
7 | Dynasty League Football -
Levi Chappell (@levichappell) |
8 | Seth Bruner (@GTTERP) |
9 | Richard Ybarra (@richardybarraTX) |
10 | Jeremy Rice (@racecardriver23) |
11 | Pat Hofer (@PJHofer07) |
12 | RotoHeat.com -
Ricky Butts (@RotoHeatRick) |
1 | Fantasy Six Pack -
Michael Bonni (@ike2121) |
2 | Luis arturo Serrano franco (@luis_hanson) |
3 | Corey Hirt (@CoreyHirt827) |
4 | Twitter -
Mike Stoyanov (@mikestoyanov) |
5 | Underdog Fantasy -
Justin Weaver (@WeavesFF) |
6 | The Fantasy Football Joker -
Jack Lucenay (@JackLucenay) |
7 | Fantasy In Frames | ClubFFL -
Chris Battistel (@FFChrisB) |
8 | Fffaceoff.com -
Josh Reedy (@Joshreedy5) |
9 | Optimus Fantasy -
C.H. Herms (@CH_Herms) |
10 | Zach Haugen (@zhaugenfootball) |
11 | Daniel Velarde (@Daniel_EODPod) |
12 | Harrison Field (@FFBallGuru1) |
1 | Anthony Buccelli (@Antbuccelli) |
2 | Paul Edwards (@pauledwardsesq) |
3 | Will Lawrence (@WBLaw04) |
4 | James McCormick (@DynastyTeaParty ) |
5 | JC Roderiques (@CostaRoderiques) |
6 | @4for4 -
Amr Gabr (@Amrgaabr) |
7 | Ches Hutchinson (@Chestine21) |
8 | Jordan Thompson (@Jothomps016) |
9 | Desmond Dantzler (@LetsDantz) |
10 | The Devy Royale -
Jeremy Johnson (@JCJDynasty) |
11 | Fantasy Alarm -
Jim Bowden (@JimBowdenGM) |
12 | Joanne Lernowich (@Jlernowich) |
1 | Chris Lanksbury (@Lanks75) |
2 | Joseph Paeno (@paeno) |
3 | Zach Axelrod (@ZachAxelrod) |
4 | Paul Squires (@@MungryPablo) |
5 | Bob Voytko (@MrFantasyFF24_7) |
6 | Greg Siggins (@gsiggsnfl) |
7 | Franco Perrino (@Dynastyfrank) |
8 | The Barker (www.thebarkermedia.com) -
Chris Ferera (@ChrisFerera) |
9 | Robbie Jones (@Robbietjones) |
10 | Arash Foadi (@AZF81) |
11 | Charles Foster (@ChuckSteele_) |
12 | Vincent D'Elia (@vd516) |
1 | Ray Marzarella (@rayraymarz) |
2 | Best Ball Night School Podcast Destination Devy and Player Profiler News -
Jeremiah Retzlaff (@coachretzlaff1) |
3 | Matthew Goddin (@mattgoddin) |
4 | Rick Cameron (@rcameron64) |
5 | John Ryan (@jbr1962) |
6 | Dominic LaRocca (@@D_0_M_) |
7 | Undroppables / Sons of Dy -
Jake Besong (@Chef_Jbeezy) |
8 | Razzball -
Matthew Stiles (@stiles08) |
9 | Kansas City Chiefs coverage -
Peter Sweeney (@pgsween) |
10 | Jeff Herrell (@JRH95NFLMLB) |
11 | FantasyPros, RotoBaller -
Mike Fanelli (@Mike_NFL2) |
12 | Michael Silvestri (@mjsil84) |
1 | Michael Vorgic (@allinmike51) |
2 | Brendon ONeill (@OneillBrendon) |
3 | Chad Irby (@Irbs_indomita) |
4 | Ryan Baker (@HeavyWt_Fantasy) |
5 | YouBetterYouBet -
Nick Kostos (@Thekostos) |
6 | Benjamin Glaesemann (@bglaese) |
7 | Christian Pfeifer (@anderson99nhl) |
8 | Underdog Fantasy -
Nick Holt (@fillupriversDFS) |
9 | Steve Dray (@BeetsbyDray) |
10 | Michael Mink (@mikemink) |
11 | Danny Lorentz (@Danny_Lorentz) |
12 | Fantasy Life -
Peter Overzet (@peteroverzet) |
1 | SBSfantasy.com / @SBSfantasy -
Boris Vagner (@borisvagner ) |
2 | Jordan Fiegleman (@JordanFiegleman) |
3 | Madison Fenton (@Madi_Fenton) |
4 | Joshua Trotta (@Trotta23) |
5 | Eben Johnson (@WingmanLeft) |
6 | Desi Franklin (@DezDeuce ) |
7 | Michael Golden (@fantasydetes) |
8 | DLF, DestinationDevy -
Jeff Mueller (@jmthrivept) |
9 | Lance Taylor (@) |
10 | Shane Sullivan (@idkshane) |
11 | Benjamin Solak (@BenjaminSolak) |
12 | Christopher Wilson (@chillyw) |
1 | Brent Rode (@) |
2 | FantasyReceips -
Fantasy Receipts (@@fantasyreceipts) |
3 | fantasysixpack.net -
Richard Savill (@RRSSavill) |
4 | Spencer Oien (@Spoien) |
5 | Michael Benedicks (@Mbenedicks) |
6 | Joel Northrop (@northropjr) |
7 | Brian Smith (@smithbk) |
8 | Victor Smith (@beemer_cleaner) |
9 | PlayerProfiler -
Jon Adams (@TheFFPrez) |
10 | Alexander Henke (@Henke_YT) |
11 | Dave Radu (@Cdcarbon13) |
12 | Christopher Bettura (@Stugots1976) |
1 | Brian Harlan (@bharlanwine) |
2 | Vince Robinson (@VinceRobinson_) |
3 | Bob Starkweather (@) |
4 | CBS Fantasy -
Dave Richard (@daverichard) |
5 | Dynasty Rewind -
Josh Hoff (@Hoffspur) |
6 | Randy Charboneau (@randycharb) |
7 | Casey Bone (@C_bone17) |
8 | Rita Rice (@bonehed80) |
9 | ESPN Fantasy -
Al Zeidenfeld (@AlZeidenfeld) |
10 | Daniel Bowen (@ADanBugsLife) |
11 | Ben Fiorucci (@BenFiorucci) |
12 | John O’Brien (@OfficialJono) |
1 | Jarrett Behar (@eyeofthegator) |
2 | Kevin Uvas (@seagrapeff) |
3 | James Hart (@JamesMKE) |
4 | Advance Local Media -
Howard Kamen (@HowardKamen) |
5 | Will Thompson (@From_the_AH) |
6 | David Moore (@Moezilla24) |
7 | Ty Rueda (@TyRueda) |
8 | Footballguys -
Matt Carey (@crazycowboy45) |
9 | Brent Houlding (@Mimicgogo) |
10 | John Daniel (@JDGOATDiSTRiCT) |
11 | Scott Redeker (@@StRedeker7) |
12 | Julie Bissonnette (@JuliebReff4fun) |
1 | FantasyAlarm -
Al Williams (@fantasyalarm) |
2 | FTN -
Aaron Schatz (@ASchatzNFL) |
3 | John Lloyd (@JohnHLloydIII) |
4 | Jon Alberdi (@aticodenfl) |
5 | Martin Brown (@_martybrown) |
6 | Kevin Milford (@7secondslate) |
7 | Tanner Griffin (@Guffery) |
8 | Earl English (@eeenglish1) |
9 | Matt Krull (@) |
10 | Geronimo Colon (@Geemoney69) |
11 | Ken Brosowsky (@Archiebonker) |
12 | RotoViz, NBC Sports Edge -
Hasan Rahim (@hrr5010) |
1 | ed wnorowski (@ffsteadyeddie) |
2 | Mickey OConnell (@mickeyoconnell) |
3 | Only Sports Australia -
Phil Prior (@phil_prior) |
4 | Carly Manger (@Cincodemanger) |
5 | ESPN Asheville/ The Sportsocracy -
Tank Spencer (@@SportsTankESPN ) |
6 | Karen Sullivan (@) |
7 | Chinua Olushegun (@DjPaulHoward ) |
8 | Kevin Charles (@kchucc_ffb) |
9 | maka vasconcellos (@Cheeewhoooo) |
10 | Fantasy In Frames -
Tyler Heil (@FFTylerHeil) |
11 | Jeremy Pritchett (@FFJockP) |
12 | @thespanishbowl -
Raka Eagle (@wentzylraka) |
1 | Pranav Kulkarni (@PranCoolkarni) |
2 | Brandon McElwain (@BrandonMcElwain) |
3 | Fantasy In Frames and The Cocktail Playbook -
Zach Berger (@FFChalupaBatman) |
4 | 5 Yard Rush/FantasyPros -
Adam Murfet (@Murf_nfl) |
5 | Full Moon Sports -
Rick and Glenn Wolf & Colton (@RickWolf1) |
6 | DynastyPros -
Nicholas Young (@youngstudff) |
7 | The Devy Royale -
Jay Stein (@_JasonStein) |
8 | -
Tommy Garrett (@TommygarrettNFL) |
9 | Nick Josephson (@Nickjosephson) |
10 | DLF/Devy Devotional -
John Arrington (@DynastyCoachA) |
11 | Zach Harris (@MisterMayhem_86) |
12 | Major League Baseball -
Brad Ziegler (@BradZiegler) |
1 | Rob Bridges (@RobBridgesII) |
2 | Andy Brown (@Hutchsdad) |
3 | Andrew Holva (@AndrewHolva) |
4 | Katie Mest (@km_betweenFF) |
5 | RotoGrinders -
David Kitchen (@socrdave) |
6 | Gup's Corner -
Brandon Guptill (@Gup_GC) |
7 | Jordan Sullivan (@Jsullivansmd) |
8 | Yahoo/Rotowire -
Fred Zinkie (@FredZinkieMLB) |
9 | Robert Cummins (@AutopilotFF) |
10 | Doug Meyer (@Dmeyer312yahoo.com ) |
11 | Devin Olsen (@debo111089) |
12 | Footballguys -
Hutchinson Brown (@hutchinsonb_ff) |
1 | Destination Devy -
Ty Declare (@Tydeclare44 ) |
2 | Jason Howard (@Juno3127) |
3 | Josh Smillie (@2wicky) |
4 | CBSSports/SportsLine -
Jacob Gibbs (@Jagibbs_23) |
5 | Matt Mumme (@matthew_mumme) |
6 | Footballguys -
Jene Bramel (@JeneBramel) |
7 | Nathan DeRossett (@DeRoSports) |
8 | Greg Miller (@gmiller1206) |
9 | Toilets to Titles -
John Schepps (@CoachSchepps) |
10 | Eric Brandon (@) |
11 | Frank Roth (@8eekid) |
12 | Ryan Finley (@RyanCFinley) |
1 | Andrew McLemore (@A_McLemore) |
2 | Jeremy Hayes (@CoachHayes7) |
3 | Steve Segarra (@Pigskinpanic21) |
4 | Fantasy Six Pack, RPO Football -
Alex Michael (@Dynastygurunfl) |
5 | Establish the Run -
Justin Herzig (@Justinherzig) |
6 | Stephan Doud (@sa_doud) |
7 | Dennis Crowley (@seahawk_dc) |
8 | Jon Odell (@jonodell) |
9 | -
Stephen DeAugustino (@DeAugieDogie) |
10 | Fantasy Points -
Brett Whitefield (@BGWhitefield) |
11 | Jesse Unglaub (@Majorjpu) |
12 | idpguys.org (IDP+) Breast Cancer Class -
Gary VanDyke (@TheiDPTipster) |
1 | Ashley Castillo (@) |
2 | Kenneth Durand (@@KD2ndST) |
3 | Dynasty League Football -
Tom Kislingbury (@TomKislingbury) |
4 | Adam Randall (@) |
5 | IDP+ -
Richard Latham (@engineerchange) |
6 | FFPC/The High Stakes Fantasy Football Hour/Bettor Sports Network/RotoViz High-Stakes Lowdown -
Eric Balkman (@ericbalkman) |
7 | Nick Singer (@Cougsky) |
8 | Fantasy Life -
Eliot Crist (@Eliotcrist) |
9 | RotoGrinders -
Christopher Gimino (@chrisgimino) |
10 | Eric Gervais (@Gerv26) |
11 | Andy Kusler (@akusler) |
12 | Toilets to Titles Podcast Network -
Justin Stephens (@JustinFF_) |
1 | Keith Gentes (@keithgentes) |
2 | Krystal McHugh (@krystal_mchugh) |
3 | Kerry Marcum (@3boys1girlmom) |
4 | Daniel Combatti (@BilliamFF) |
5 | Ashley Wilhoit (@Ashley_DUBZ) |
6 | SiriusXM Fantasy Sports Radio & Fantasy Alarm -
Josh Wagner (@jwaggs10) |
7 | Sara Thornburg (@) |
8 | Webb Means (@WebbMeans) |
9 | Lilian Rouchy (@Lilorouchy) |
10 | Baller IQ fantasy football - Life of a Dynasty League Podcast (Spotify) -
Kaleb Ivanoff (@Ivyman_FF) |
11 | Josh Gaydosh (@Jmg_puck) |
12 | IDP+ -
Grant Gillilan (@Grant_gillilan) |
1 | Rhiannon Kuroda (@Rk23) |
2 | Grant Tower (@Granttower ) |
3 | Bryan O'Dowd (@bryanodowd) |
4 | Ty Jaynes (@TwoFingahs) |
5 | Dylan Torrey (@DribblinTorpedo) |
6 | Mike Milligan (@XMilliganX) |
7 | Dan Withers (@danwithers_) |
8 | Daniel Buck (@drbucknasty) |
9 | Christopher Kuroda (@chrisck5) |
10 | Carrie Radloff (@carrie_radloff) |
11 | Skinny McKinney (@PhantasiaPhun ) |
12 | Brian Radloff (@Radmantec108) |
1 | Taylor Canevari (@TACanevari) |
2 | Deborah Jackman (@doobiejsf) |
3 | Daniel Keys (@ZWKfootball) |
4 | Mackenzie Chitwood (@Chitty1352) |
5 | Raymond Crane (@TheSpoked_B) |
6 | Blair Jacobs (@) |
7 | Michael Bloedow (@MichaelBloedow) |
8 | Michael Mecredy (@Mmecredy) |
9 | Dynasty Noobs Fantasy Football -
Adam Riese (@riese_adam) |
10 | Jerry O'Shea (@JerrySheaFF) |
11 | Connie Weiss (@Chweiss) |
12 | FantasyGuru/Elite Sports -
Rich Maletto (@FantasyBosco) |
1 | Stealth Mode Project -
Michael Muller (@nameisfamiliar) |
2 | Fred Ekberg (@Fastfreddy_21 ) |
3 | mykel franklin (@sybils3rvant) |
4 | Leslie Page (@PageLS43) |
5 | Kevin Dressel (@CurchOfDressel) |
6 | Laura Cohen (@LowStakesLaura) |
7 | Morgan Haller (@MorganHaller) |
8 | Michael Gonzalez (@Johnnyescarole) |
9 | Aubrey Butchee IV (@Thelifeofbutche) |
10 | J. Hersh (@jhersh12) |
11 | Lauren Baker (@LaurenPanadero) |
12 | FantasyGuru/EliteSports -
Jeff Mans (@Jeff_Mans) |
1 | Jose Ronaldo Pereira Junior (@zehronaldo) |
2 | Jason Kramer (@Bigsweed99) |
3 | Austin Douglas (@Ajd0224) |
4 | Scott Pierce (@Scott_Pierce) |
5 | Sean Tenerelli (@phinphan54) |
6 | Luiz Almeida (@) |
7 | Ponto a Ponto -
Leonardo Lima (@Leogmlima) |
8 | Mauricio Alves (@mauriciolalves) |
9 | Dustin Keesy (@Dkeesy) |
10 | Mark Hogan (@hoganmark) |
11 | Kevin Sogeler (@NFLKBadger) |
12 | isaac siddiqui (@isaacsiddiqui) |
1 | Jim Chasse (@chaz322) |
2 | Steven Duke (@stevenWduke) |
3 | Jacob Haislip (@Acup313) |
4 | Lindsay Kennedy (@Lin6) |
5 | Avrom Hill (@avrom_hill) |
6 | Aaron Van Buskirk (@FFAaroneous) |
7 | Stealing Signals -
Ben Gretch (@YardsPerGretch) |
8 | josh siegel (@salesrecruiter_) |
9 | Brian Welsh (@briandwelsh34) |
10 | Lauren Ackein (@Lackein) |
11 | Ryan McKee (@ryanmckee) |
12 | ESPN -
Keith Lipscomb (@KeithLipscomb) |
1 | Randy Booth (@go2extrems) |
2 | Peter Phillips (@) |
3 | Maynard Kirpalani (@Mkirp) |
4 | FFPC -
David Gerczak (@davidgerczak) |
5 | Elizabeth Downes (@@67downes) |
6 | Carolina Panthers Radio Network -
John Halpin (@Jhalpin37) |
7 | Scott Sinclair (@scs1977) |
8 | CBS Sports -
Chris Trapasso (@ChrisTrapasso) |
9 | William Zogg (@Willam Zogg) |
10 | UTH Dynasty/FBG/Analytics -
Jordan McNamara (@mcnamaradynasty) |
11 | FTN Fantasy -
Nelson Sousa (@The_Franchise12) |
12 | FanDuel Research/numberFire -
Austan Kas (@AustanKas) |
1 | Chris Maw (@Partingtheredzn) |
2 | Ron Lernowich (@@Ralser4Ralser) |
3 | Fantasy Life & Fantrax -
Meng Song (@FFA_Meng) |
4 | Martin von Rötel (@M_VonRoe) |
5 | Bryan Koppana (@FF_pastrychef) |
6 | Ralph Martinez (@LobosFFDen) |
7 | Kyle Nash (@Kynashman) |
8 | Derek Smernes (@Derek9rx) |
9 | Mikel Erickson (@MErickson2512) |
10 | Ryan Garner (@garnther) |
11 | Casey Passer (@CaseySP) |
12 | James Glasper (@Real_PurpleHaze) |
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