Team W L PF AVG - Alan Seslowsky (@alanseslowsky) 18 0 1748.68 194.30
DFS Army - Michael Dickinson (@mike_dickinson ) 15 3 1854.94 206.10
Chris Wise (@FF_Wiseguy) 14 4 1715.35 190.59
Athletic - Brandon Funston (@BrandonFunston) 12 6 1718.55 190.95
South Harmon - Michael Chrystal (@Iowamichael ) 9 9 1695.68 188.41
Scott McLean (@scottinthe503 ) 9 9 1514.33 168.26 - Nate Liss (@Anoutragedjew) 8 10 1652.43 183.60
RosterWatch/TheDraftRankings - Cody Carpentier (@CodyCarpentier) 7 11 1458.22 162.02
PlayerProfiler - Matthew Desrosiers (@MattyKiwoom) 6 12 1509.26 167.70
RosterWatch - Alex Dunlap (@RosterWatch) 4 14 1341.86 149.10
The Draft Rankings / Tigers Trade Show - Tiger Coolidge (@NFLYoungestGM) 3 15 1462.44 162.49
Garrison Mindrup (@GarrisonMindrup) 3 15 1380.84 153.43


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