Team W L PF AVG - Edgar Fondevilla (@Adeiko_ff) 10 0 1055.46 211.09
Jose Manuel Moreno Portillo (@Pakkum_JM) 9 1 993.52 198.70
Luis Gallegos (@) 8 2 997.76 199.55
'La offseason' book. - Pablo Canibano (@pablogigante7) 6 4 865.76 173.15
Francisco Diaz (@Ogrobueno ) 5 5 883.00 176.60 - Javier Almendros (@almendros_NFL) 4 6 852.92 170.58
Guillermo Gonzalez (@) 4 6 796.33 159.27
Sergi Biamonti (@whodatspain) 4 6 786.79 157.36
Manel Lopez Sampietro (@txitxons_utd) 3 7 805.17 161.03
Las 1001 Fantasy - Gerardo Aller Escusa (@@gerardoaller) 3 7 778.96 155.79
The Fantasy Footballers / Fantastico Tocho - Javier Manzanera (@elmantis) 2 8 783.70 156.74
Las 1001 Fantasy - David Rey (@@Medicofantasy ) 2 8 675.25 135.05


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